That Was The Week That Was
Seven days in Rock and Roll can be a long time or if you like us then it'll fly by. With some exclusive interviews and...

That Was The Week That Was
In a week when RPM brought you interviews Live Reviews and album Reviews from far and wide, we scoured the globe to bring you bands...

Rainy Days And Mondays
Yup its wet as outside and most people are heading out the door to earn a crust to buy more records and go to more...

Rainy Day & Mondays
As the nights draw in and we speed towards Christmas and the mornings get darker and colder what better way to soundtrack the trip to...

That Was The Week That Was
If you're new here welcome. If you missed a thing or two then welcome back and if you're a regular then what harm does a...

Primal Scream- Give out but don’t give up (The Memphis Recordings)
Here at RPM we’ve been bouncing ideas around about getting our audience/writers all involved when the reissue of a classic LP comes through, then in...

Rainy Days And Mondays
Well hello and thanks for checking in. Your Monday just got a whole lot better as Stiv Bator hits the screen. Seeing as it would...

That Was The Week That Was
We kicked off this past week by being the first to review the brand new record released from Tyla's Dogs D'amour 'In Vino Veritas' I...

Rainy Days And Mondays
It's that time of the week again most of you will be sniffin' the armpits of that shirt you threw on the bedroom floor Friday after...