Luke Smyth – Ulysses Interview Exclusive

Luke Smyth – Ulysses Interview Exclusive

New album - Glasto appearances - and now an interview with Ben at RPM it's all happening for Ulysses at the moment check out this... Details
Jonny Manak & The Depressives Interview

Jonny Manak & The Depressives Interview

First up what makes a bunch of guys who are old enough to know better pick up some guitars and play punk rock n roll?... Details
Black Devil Byrds- Interview with  Nev Brooks

Black Devil Byrds- Interview with Nev Brooks

You might not have picked up on the Black Devil Byrds yet, they might not yet have appeared on your radar, do yourself a favour... Details
Birchy – Black Bombers/The Godfathers/Gunfire Dance  interview exclusive

Birchy – Black Bombers/The Godfathers/Gunfire Dance interview exclusive

Should have been huge! How many times do we hear that said of a band?  We've all seen bands we think should have - could... Details
Brain Ape Interview – Camden Rocks ones to Watch

Brain Ape Interview – Camden Rocks ones to Watch

The band has been around since 2012. Tell us who you are and how you came together. Sol: Hi, my name’s Sol. We’re a London... Details
Ryan Hamilton interview

Ryan Hamilton interview

Ok Ok settle down for a minute and take it all in.  After signing a new record deal with Wicked Cool Records Ryan Hamilton &... Details
Mick ‘Two Fingers’ Simpson – Grindhouse interview

Mick ‘Two Fingers’ Simpson – Grindhouse interview

We got in touch with Mick from Grindhouse when we saw they were going to go on an overseas excursion and we wanted to get... Details
Mike Dudolevitch from The Nuclears talks Barrage Rock with RPM

Mike Dudolevitch from The Nuclears talks Barrage Rock with RPM

Now don't be too afraid with all that facial hair because even RPM has to occasionally make an exception and let a few in through... Details
Duncan Reid & The Big Heads – I Pledge Allegiance

Duncan Reid & The Big Heads – I Pledge Allegiance

Seeing the Pledge debate rage on social media recently I couldn't help but think of my friend Duncan Reid who had very recently announced a... Details
Jim Jones & The Righteous Mind Interview

Jim Jones & The Righteous Mind Interview

A man who should need no introduction if we lived in a world where people got their just deserts because if that were the case... Details