Eureka Machines drop new video

Eureka Machines drop new video The new video from Eureka Machines is here. It's called Revolution. Please share it about, you are the PR machine! Go see them play it live,... Details


This one is a beauty! Celebrating 41 years of Billy Childish, a double CD or triple gatefold LP. It's out on May 24th and is... Details
BBC Wales – The Horizons project

BBC Wales – The Horizons project

BBC Wales and the Arts Council of Wales have today announced that applications are open for 12 new artists/bands for the 2019 Horizons/Gorwelion project. The... Details
Matty James Cassidy releases new video – ‘Anodyne’

Matty James Cassidy releases new video – ‘Anodyne’

Following on from ‘Rosary’, the brooding folk rock stomper released at the end of last year, this latest offering from the Northern Irish singer-songwriter is... Details
Camden Rock Festival adds another sixty bands to 2019 list

Camden Rock Festival adds another sixty bands to 2019 list

Camden Rock Festival is proud to announce a further sixty bands for the 2019 edition, including The Pigeon Detectives, scheduled to perform on Saturday. Hailing... Details
Ryan Hamilton & The Harlequin Ghosts reveal new album title and pre orders

Ryan Hamilton & The Harlequin Ghosts reveal new album title and pre orders

Brand new Ryan Hamilton & The Harlequin Ghosts album details are released. 'This Is The Sound' can be preordered Here Vinyl - CD and Digital. It'll... Details
Quireboys release new video

Quireboys release new video

On their essential new album, THE QUIREBOYS amazed themselves. “The new music has surpassed all of expectations” admitted long-term guitarist Guy Griffin. “It’s the most diverse album we’ve... Details
PLANET AXE Tour collective announce 2nd US tour

PLANET AXE Tour collective announce 2nd US tour

The PLANET AXE Tour collective featuring Alice Cooper guitarist Ryan Roxie plus Brandon Gibbs (Devil City Angels), and Joel Kosche (ex-Collective Soul). Other members include Robby Miller (Bass) and Kenny Bailey (Drums,) will embark on their 2nd US tour during the... Details
Bernie Tormé Rest In Peace 18.03.52-17.03.19 

Bernie Tormé Rest In Peace 18.03.52-17.03.19 

Bernie Tormé Rest In Peace 18.03.52-17.03.19 Details
Suzi Quatro UK dates and album details

Suzi Quatro UK dates and album details

Suzi Quatro, who more than lives up to her name as the “Queen Of Rock N' Roll”, has signed with SPV / Steamhammer Records to release her... Details