Exploring oppressive elements of modern society from morals-free corporatism to toxic masculinity, cults of personality, and a dash of Lovecraftian horror. All through the medium of noisy hardcore. What’s not to like eh?
Formed in 2018 over a mutual appreciation for ugly rock music, MUSCLE VEST has been making waves across the London alt-rock scene with their brand of abrasive sardonic noise rock. Made up of veterans of London’s music scene (Massacres, Lull, Thunder On The Left, Bourgeois & Maurice, etc.) and taking influence from bands such as Pissed Jeans, Melvins, Mclusky, The Jesus Lizard and Whores, MUSCLE VEST aim to reflect the struggle of the average person against an exploitative system within a crumbling state. Righto, A follow-up to 2020’s debut EP ‘Human Resources’ the collective has gone for another lockdown EP. Kicking off with the energetic hardcore banger that is ‘Creepy Crawlie’ built on a whirling repetitive riff and full force rhythm section it’s capped off with some strained vocals. Perfect alt hardcore UK style. Set to raise some summer lockdown temperatures the song is a soaring beast of an opener from start to finish and a very decent opener.
A decent opener is only lifted by the second track ‘Stray’ being better with a more brutal riff and a fierce rhythm section elevated higher by a proper shouty vocal not a million miles from Idles in its delivery and off the wall lyrics. Top tune.
‘A Slow Death’ is more of the same thanks and why the fuck not! Crash, Bang, Wallop boys and girls. Quite exhausting and intense. To sign off they turn the burners up a tad and let fucking fly with a one-minute and forty-five-second blast of sonic hardcore that would be a fantastic scene of limbs in a sweaty heaving pit. You don’t need any more than four tracks when they are as intense as this and quality counts and the old adage is served well here. Leave them wanting more. Until next time put on your shit kickers and kick some shit – Muscle Vest is in da house and they’re not taking any prisoners – top turn playing top tunes. HArdcore as fuck! ave it!
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Author: Dom Daley
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