Dom Daley.

Hot on the heels of ‘Justice For The Risca One’ Deathtraps are on a frantic runaway train of garage punk and it’s steaming out of control towards a stereo near you and not wanting the green green grass of home growing under their feet this prolific bunch of reprobates is killing it on album number two.
Its uncompromising and at times brutal as it pounds your ear canal with its twelve tunes of acidic melodies – overdriven garage rock goodness and above all quality tunage.  I can’t shake the quote that the debut cd is the soundtrack you’ll find in the glovebox of a serial killers truck or words to that effect –  imagine Lemmy sharing a lyric book with some people who should know better but choose not to. Hidden inside is a social conscience and an astute eye on what’s going on (and wrong with this (often)  fucked up world we spin round on) VJ might not have the pipes of Aled Jones and have more in common with the dearly departed Mr. Kilmister but these boys have a shit load of melody and have borrowed a riff and a melody from some pretty awesome bands and put them to good use.
By the time you get balls deep (otherwise known as) the fifth track and its Dead Boys like intro as it heads feet first into what is another decent chorus that’ll have you toe-tapping at the very least its not subtle but I don’t spose it’s meant to be sometimes its best to let people know whats coming.  but let’s not get ahead of ourselves.  The titles might not be original but they will give you a feel for where these are boys are hitching their wagon.  ‘Automatic Thrill’ throws itself headfirst into the first slam dance of the day and the next few tunes follow suit (check you’re pulse and practice breathing steadily).
Turning up the speed ‘Track Marks And Lullabies’ thrashes about kicking and screaming whilst ‘Get Loose’ delves into some splendid punk rock waters whilst taking the foot off the gas.
‘Fucked Up’ might not see them nominated for the award for literary finesse and heartwarming lyrics and surely having veins of piss and whiskey can’t be healthy? Saying that ‘Bored Of You’ has a wonderful Fast Eddie like lick that hides behind VJ’s barkin’ dog riffage that goes well with the lyrical tone.  Deathtraps might not be reinventing the wheel but they’re playing garage punk rock n roll and doing it very well. ‘Teenage Knife Crime’ is terrifying and the title track is creepy crawly like that deranged killer who had a tit full and is going loco regardless of the consequences a real slasher of a song and the albums high point.
As we head into the home straight the blues and twos are flashing in the rear view mirror  and the tempo is reaching cardiac arrest levels hearing VJ growl into my ears is a weirdly beautiful thing even considering the subject matter ‘Know Your Rights’ is a grade A bonafide Belter and worthy of five pounds of anyone’s money. (Really only five ponds? I get it; it must be like the kiddie catcher they lure in with lollipops then bosh the cage falls and you’re theirs that’s what Deathtraps are doing)  Excellent tune.
But it’s never over until Deathtraps say so (or the police have managed to riddle this ride with bullet holes) you can’t hear them still breathing because ‘Fan Clubbing’ is also top notch and very well – special.  Sarcastic? Much? To take this bad boy home is the death of rock and roll – no, quite literally Deathtraps try their best to kick the beating heart of Rock ‘n’ Roll to death and almost manage it with this final shit kicker.
If you’ve been paying attention for the last 50 years then you will love this record like one of your own.  They’ve borrowed and stolen off the good and the great and used it to pleasure themselves first and foremost. If Deathtraps have gotta get some then so have you.  No brainer this – Buy It!
I’m now off to check the windows are shut, doors locked and the phone lines working because there are lunatics out there and they might be watching and listening (unless they have a gig somewhere and therefore I know where they are – as you were kids tonight its safe…..I hope)