The latest Motorhead album to get the deluxe 12″ book treatment along side ‘Iron Fist’ and ‘No Sleep’ albums as opposed to the superb box sets of ‘1977’ and ‘Ace Of Spades’ is 1983s ‘Another Perfect Day’ This brand new half speed master from the original tapes also includes a full live show of a recently unearthed concert recorded at Hull City Hall on June 22nd 1983. As well as the story of ‘Another Perfect Day’ told through previously unpublished and new interviews and never before seen photos and rare memorabilia. I’ll let Kenny explain the diamond in this most impressive set.

Motorhead – Live at Hull City Hall, 22nd June 1983

1983 was a strange year in the Motorhead camp. ‘Fast’ Eddie Clark had left the band after Lemmy’s dabbling’s with Wendy O Williams, (apparently, Eddie was less than pleased with their ill-fated cover of Tammy Wynette’s Stand By Your Man.) The man who replaced Eddie was ex Thin Lizzy axeman Brian ‘Robbo’ Robertson. On paper, a good choice you would think. In hindsight, this era was the most divisive in Motorhead’s long history. Robbo was reported to be a bit ‘difficult’ while being in the band, refusing to play standards such as Ace of Spades live and wearing questionable clothing on stage, shorts and ballet shoes?? (much to Lemmy’s annoyance.)

Drummer Phil ‘Philthy Animal’ Taylor was said to be a bit of a fanboy of Robbo and he couldn’t do any wrong in his eyes. Robbo’s tenure in the band was short lived but he left us a fine album with Another Perfect Day. The Motorheadbangers were unsure at the time, sales of the album reflected this, it only reached number 20 in the UK charts for example. Over time though, the album has gained critical acclaim, I think it’s a great album myself, Robbo brought some much-needed melody to the songs while it was still unquestionably Motorhead.

As part of the 40th anniversary release of the album we get a cracking snapshot of the Robbo era in a live setting with a full set recorded at Hull City Hall in June ’83. The band really are on fire here, tracks like Heart of Stone, Rock It, Dancing On Your Grave, and standardslike Shoot You In The Back & The Chase Is Better Than The Catch sound great. If there was any animosity between the band members at the time you certainly can’t pick that up here.

This is a wonderful addition to the original album that’s been remastered and repackaged beautifully on vinyl and CD formats. Go and give ‘Another Perfect Day’ a listen if you haven’t for a while. You’ll be pleasantly surprised….

Buy Here

Author: Kenny Kendrick

The clue is in the title. Johny gets a couple of chicks on board who wont answer him back, wont drink his rider, argue in the van steal his leather strides and get into fights with the local police,but, can knock out some dirty punk n roll fast n loud and look awesome in a wig.

Turn it up suckers this is no nonsense, loud n fast punk n roll. Its down n dirty and having learnt from the best it also includes a filthy rendition of ‘No Class’ which to be fai ris clearly the MO for this EP. Its back at the marquee on Wardour Street where McCoy n Thunders are hanging out by the cloakroom whist the Lords are tuning up. Clocking in at a thunderous one minute ‘Dancing With The Dead Girls’ is a call to arms and ast enough to get the heart racing and a longing for a time long gone but hell of alot of fun.

Don’t pause because the Lords dripping ‘Bad Intentions’ is a sliding solo to Hell and back as the tempo is like a hog guzzling petrol on the highway to hell with the FTW middle digit to the rest of the pack before buring out rather than fading away.

what a corker Johny hits paydirt with a sleazy slice of ‘No Class’ that Lemmy would certainly be proud of would tip his hat and rattle his jewelery at if he hears it. To be fair I’ve played it loud enough that he might just hear it with a fair wind into the next life. the energy on ‘The Buzz’ is fantasticand having the EP come out of covering ‘No Class’ is a gift from the Rock n Roll Gods and proof that music is plucked from the ether or gifted from the spirits who’ve passed on.

The energy keeps on going and the Dead Girls keep on giving as ‘Where The Action Is’ is a motoring cruise control riff a rama where it builds to the solo that’s on fire! then we’re back to that Lord’s inspired bass n drums breakdown that takes this sucker home.

Closing off the best piece of work mr Skullknuckles has done for a long time and if anyone has been paying attention that is an impressive catalogue behind him and this is the icing on the cake the cream of the crop if you like. ‘Dirty Fucking Rock n Roll’ is a slow-burning groove-infested rocker that does what it says on the tin. Now pop over to Bandcamp and fill yer boots. Stick it on the player and stick it in your ears its music for the soul and music for the connoisseur of Dirty Fuckin Rock n Roll. Now where can I get Silent Sonia’s phone number for my Mate Hotshot, he loves how she does her hair and paradiddles her snare and no doubt holds her liquor. Buy It

Buy Here

I find myself in the exquisite surroundings of one of London’s finest concert halls, The Roundhouse in Camden Town for what is the first time in ages. For I’m about to catch the last night of The Mission’s Deja Vu World Tour. Whilst it seemed like forever ago when I went to the second warm-up show on the tour in Cardiff but that was only Wednesday, April 12th, 2022. Fast forward a year and I then caught a pretty special show in Barcelona, then in the summer it was a support slot with the Cult before rounding off (Boom Boom) in the Roundhouse for the finale. To be fair they were pretty damn good out of the traps on that opening night warm up but hell, the Roundhouse smashed all my expectations.

Sure Barcelona was hot a sweaty fun and the band had already been on the road for twelve months and the new boy Alex was well and truly in the groove but The Roundhouse they were absolutely on fire. Anyway, later. Firstly thanks to the London crosstown traffic and utterly shite weather we managed to miss Ist Ist which was a shame, but, walking into the already full Roundhouse just as Kirk Brandon and the band took to the stage for what was a fantastic no nonsense set of nine Theatre Of Hate songs plus the Spear Of Destiny ‘Grapes Of Wrath’ and this was the first TOH set I’d seen in years having previously caught Spear Of Destiny sets and Brandon Solo, or as part of Dead Men Walking many moons ago. The Saxophone worked well and as part of a post-punk setup up it was different songs like ‘Conquistador’ that went down a treat and Brandon looked and sounded in great shape which was also great to see.

Not much banter from Brandon it was a case of letting the music do the talking and get on with the job at hand so, ‘Incinerator’, ‘Westworld’, and ‘Propaganda’ were fine ways to sign off that evenings warm up. Excellent song delivered well, and a fine way to catch up with a unique talent that is Kirk Brandon now for the headliners.

The Mission, Its no secret and its fair to say I love the band from the first time I heard them burst onto the scene back in the 80s. They’ve been a constant throughout my youth and into adulthood, seeing the band dozens of times from way back in the day at Cardiffs New Ocean Club back before the debut album hit the shelves right up to this point and the final night of a pretty impressive and mammoth world crusade.

Making the most of it or just trying to draw in every last second I hope it’s not their swans song and there is more to come from the band who to be fair have sounded amazing and this night in the big smoke was an absolute triumph. To be fair I know they rehearse so many songs for the tour and then rotate them I’ve seen a pretty varied list of songs played and with the exception of ‘Naked And Savage’ the Roundhouse set was unbelievably good from the opening excitement of The Dam Buster Theme and into the epic ‘Beyond The Pale’ it was all systems go and the band were on fire. tight and road ready the miles had certainly paid off and Alex sounded so comfortable as it was no time for nostalgia or messing about it was pure business as the phenomenal ‘Serpent’s Kiss’ ripped through the PA as fresh as the first time I ever heard it. My mind was racing trying to take it all in and memories came flooding back as the band went through some big hits early doors it was ‘Crystal Ocean then ‘Butterfly On A Wheel’ before one of the newer tunes got a look in and for me, I’ve not been able to get the chorus of ‘Met-amor-Phosis’ out of my head. Sure I love the classics and will never tire of hearing ‘Garden Of Delight’ and ‘Stay With Me’ but equally the newer songs like this and ‘Swan Song ‘ hold similar status in my memories.

Ending the main set with a blustering big mother of a song ‘Deliverance’ delivered. It was time for a drink and then Wayne returned on his own for a quick bit of Sister’s banter and an impeccable ‘Wake’ before the band resumed their positions onstage for an epic one-two of ‘Blood Brothers’ and ‘Wastelands’, I found myself getting a little emotional saying it was moving too fast and can it go on longer but a glance at the watch said time wasn’t our friend and there was only room for one more, but we’d almost been here for two hours It had simply flown by which only left Wayne and Simon on stage for a stumble through ‘You’ll Never Walk Alone’ before leaving the stage briefly before an absolute monster version of ‘Tower Of Strength’ and a heaving mass of people must have all been thinking the same thing as the band took a final bow and left the stage right. Howling triumphant applause saw the band off it was the least they deserved after such a draining set of songs that were the sound of a band right on the top of their game and a band that could go toe to toe with anyone on this form, simply superb.

I do hope this isn’t the end, but merely yet another chapter for one of the best bands for several decades. Go home, take some time off, and recharge the batteries. look back fondly on an amazing tour where the band got better and better because to go out at this point would be a travesty, especially with significant anniversaries on the horizon. Besides, I want to try a German date next time. This was certainly a taste of God’s Own Medicine and one I will never tire of taking, I treasure these moments that’s for sure. Play on Wayne, Craig, Simon, and Alex that was a special end to some special memories. Nice one.

Author: Dom Daley

Get in your time machine it’s time to rock! Entering The Earl Haig Club was like stepping back in time, Meat raffle and Sunday Strippers (only joking but that’s the style of this out-of-town workies club do) The place was pretty busy and the support band The Pearl Harts were on stage doing their distorted blues thang a la White Stripes but two females but you get the kinda vibe. They put in a whole hearted set but it didn’t help with the large room and seating around the three sides and the bar at the back but all in all the audience who did watch were suitably warmed up.

By the time Jim Jones All Stars were hitting the stage the place was pretty busy to be fair and for a school night things were looking promising as Jim and his masterful musical ensemble took to the stage with one thing on their mind and that was to cast a spell over this impressive turnout and spent the next ninety minutes well and truly kicking their backsides with a perfect blend of good-time garage rock n fuckin greasy roll.

The volume was suitably impressively loud and the no nonsense aproach from the All Stars is a thing of beauty when they’re in full flight and pumped up and tonight boys and girls they rose to the challenge and gave this up for it audience a seriously really good time.

With a seriously good new record in tow and a back catalogue that goes all the way back to Thee Hypnotics there is an overflowing well of top tunes to turn to should they need to turn the heat up or take it down a notch or two from the unbelievably good ‘Burning Your House Down’ through ‘It’s Your Voodoo Working’ it was horn-honking-tactic as the band hit their groove right from the off and just cruised through the gears with songs like ‘Cement Mixer’ turning into an even bigger snarling beast with the saxophones adding another dimension to the already exhilarating sound. As far as live bands go this is only my second time seeing the All-Stars and my umpteenth time seeing Jim Jones kick out the jams over the decades and hand on heart this is on another level. When he broke up the Revue to pursue other things I was gutted but every shuffle of the pack has been a twist and a shake-down that’s had me on my feet cheering for more. Man, ‘Rock n Roll Psychosis’, and ‘Princess And The Frog’ were immense endings with t eh horns but finishing on ‘Shakedown’ this is how thee Hypnotics were meant to sound and I went home yet again wondering how they could possibly top that.

Of the new songs the band were in their groove and properly gig worn in ‘Troglodyte’ was the cream of the crop whilst their cover of ‘Run Run Run’ was loose baby and was hypnotically casting a spell on the room. If you get the chance I urge you not to pass it up and take full advantage of seeing one of the finest live bands anywhere on the planet. ‘Gimme The Grease’ was an early set warmer upper with a phenominal groove.

Jim Jones All-Stars have the perfect name, to sum up, their evil powers called Rock n Roll. Boundless energy an explosive songs one after another dropping sonic bombs that are equal partsdevastatingg and joyful. Simply superb. Go get yourself shakendown. Amen Brothers and sisters, Afuckinmen! The sermon has been delivered and Cardiff was served. Bosh!

Author: Dom Daley

Like London busses Stevie is dorment for ages then several albums rock up in a short space of time. The title track breaks through the silence with its thick throbbing bass line and some overdriven hacking and slashing Rock n Rolling guitars and kicks over the stack before blowing up the speakers.

Its trashy and dripping in sleazy Rock n Roll Back in 2003, Steve had the chance to go back out and play with Faster Pussycat on a UK Tour and managed to pull together a band of musical acquaintances soon to run by the name The X-iDolls. Initially it was planned to do the tour and cut n run. Like a runaway train and musicians enjoying the trip quickly get down to writing and an album’s worth of material soon came together. After a host of other shows supporting Tuuli and The Quireboysit lived and breathed for a while longer than anticipated.

An EP was recorded early on with the album put together in late Summer 2003 but sadly the band was never destined to last and disintegrated before the end of that year, with the album never to see the light of day until now. ‘Some Things Never Fall’ is a Lords bassline borrowed and kicked around the seedy soho backstreets and clothed in some punky attitude its an enjoyable stomp. I like the energy Stevie puts into his music and its clear he believes in what he does and that energy is none more evident than ‘Smashed’ comple with nice gob iron blasts to add texture to the Rock n Roll.

‘For You’ has groove whilst ‘Cherry Bomb’ has a tonne of energy and would be great to hear live as Stevie kicks out his jams. ‘Cry’ is one of those hard soft(er) songs from the picked intro and harmonica wheeze and the shimmering first verse before building through its near six minutes. I like it and it has plenty of charm theres an honesty and lived in feel happening and Stevie does it really well.

This album isn’t polished and has a live energy and authenticity about it thats traceable throughout the seventies and eighties and has that very honest DNA coursing through its songs. The band motors through the latter part of the album from the sing a long of ‘Sixty Six Sick Chicks’ through the party anthem that is ‘Looking At You’ if the party consisted of twenty lucky strikes no filter and a watneys party seven and a bottle of blue and red thunderbird (the true drink of champions) a bevvy of beautiful women and your best mates all having the time of your lives and this pumping on your stereo. ‘Out With A Bang’ is what it says on the tin. A collection of really good tunes from The X-iDolls who do this sleazy punk n roll as good as anyone out there and have better shoes whilst doing it as well #Fact.

Buy Here

Author: Dom Daley

First up this cold and wet UK morning is Autogramm, a synth-driven power-pop band from Seattle, Chicago and Vancouver. They have just announced their latest LP ‘Music That Humans Can Play’ with an advance single and video for the track “Plastic Punx”.

Their first album in over two years will be released on vinyl and digital formats world-wide on November 17th via Stomp Records and Beluga Records EU.

Autogramme – Bandcamp

New York City guitarist, singer-songwriter Steve Conte has released the music video for his latest single “Girl With No Name.”

The clip was shot on the streets of NYC & in studio by Natborn Productions’ Peter Perenyi & son Orion Perenyi, with motion graphics, lyrics & final touches by David Provan at 12 Inch Media.

The song follows the summer release of his single “Fourth Of July” (co-written with Andy Partridge of XTC).

Conte says, “This is a song of regret…about missed opportunity and lack of skills in meeting someone you’re attracted to.

When putting my new album together, I was looking for songs that would fit nicely alongside the songs that Andy Partridge and I had written for it and I kept thinking of this one. I wrote it back in 1984 and never forgot it – which was a good sign.

Because it came to me so long ago I can’t exactly remember my process for writing it, except that since I was young & single at that time I was probably experiencing these kinds of situations & feelings on a daily basis!

Musically, I can hear what was influencing me back then; mid 60s Beatles, mid 80s XTC, and that beloved Motown groove from a certain Diana Ross & The Supremes song…”

A follow-up LP to Conte’s acclaimed 2021 solo album Bronx Cheer, is expected in Spring 2024 via Steven Van Zandt’s Wicked Cool Records.

Phil Campbell has seemingly come full circle since leaving both The Temperance Movement and The Byson Family, by continuing on the singer/songwriter solo journey he started before joining one of the UK’s new breed of bluesy classic rock artists back in 2011.

While it’s a shame The Temperance Movement never reached the dizzy heights their early material and magical live gigs promised, the singer seems comfortable and content with his current status, and the release of his first solo album under the name Philip Seth Campbell.

Playing more intimate venues than he has been used to for many years, Philip is promoting ‘City Lights’ with a series of low-key dates, just the man and his guitar, with just a bassist and a keyboard player backing him.

Taking to the stage of the smaller community room at The Brudenell Social club, on this the second date of a UK tour, you would be forgiven for thinking the Glaswegian singer had come straight from a do. Wearing an open dress shirt, trousers and trainers Philip Seth Campbell looks like the dishevelled, cool uncle at a family wedding. He and his band then proceed to run through a selection of choice cuts from the new album, older solo material and a couple of tracks each from his former bands.

Opener ‘Magical West’ was the euphoric first single released, and it loses none of its power in this stripped back format. The ever-animated Campbell may be restricted in his movements with a guitar strapped on, but his voice is on point, full of vigour and soul as he rasps his way through each high energy chorus. By the time the trio hit the gospel-tinged third track ‘Revelation’ his voice and the sound mix has certainly hit the sweet spot.

Yet there’s a sense that the singer must work for it tonight, he is certainly not going through the motions. Starting fresh, playing new songs to an audience who may be unfamiliar with the material can be a trial by fire, and while the meagre and polite audience need some well-spirited goading from the singer into breaking the unnerving silence between songs, the whole thing seems to go swimmingly well. He certainly has the stagecraft, the songs and the voice to carry them. But it is nice to see a performer who is nervous and doesn’t know what to expect, deliver in spades.

The anthemic Springsteen vibes of ‘Hasta Luego’ shine strong in a live environment, and the slower soulful moments such as the autobiographical ‘Sober Boy’ sound great. The new songs all fit well with the older material whether that be The Temperance Movement, The Byson Family or older solo stuff such as the sweet ‘Wrecking Ball Nights’, a song he introduces while strumming the opening chords

“Sometimes there’s nothing else for it but to get fucked up!” he declares. He may be a sober and happier boy these days, but he reminds us that things can easily change.

It was a bit of a surprise to hear him break into ‘Chinese Lanterns’. To be fair, I wasn’t really expecting that. It’s always been a favourite TM track since those early shows where Philip would sing it acapella, off-mic to a stunned crowd. Tonight, with an acoustic guitar as accompaniment it is just as special. Another TM classic ‘Lovers & Fighters’ closes a sweet set that satisfies fans both old and new.

I saw The Temperance Movement in this very same venue 10 years ago on their way up, and now it seems quite fitting to see their ex-singer continue his musical journey in fine form. A mesmerising and rewarding set from one of the best singer/songwriters we have to offer and one of the best gigs of the year for me. This could be the start of something special.

Author: Ben Hughes

‘All Quiet On The Eastern Esplanade’ (8th March)

NEW SINGLERun, Run, Run (Out Now)

Plus intimate shows in Margate (9th/10th December)  

If you want the night to lastThe Libertines are excited to announce the release of their fourth studio album entitled, All Quiet On The Eastern Esplanade out 8th March 2024. The release marks the band’s first new album in nine years and opens with the infectious new single, Run Run Run out today Listen Here.

All Quiet On The Eastern Esplanade’ is available to preorder from:
Anyone who preorders the album will be offered the chance to purchase tickets for “All Quiet On The Eastern Esplanade’ two days of special acoustic & electric live shows by The Libertines, at the 500 capacity Lido in Margate on Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th December. Also available both nights are VIP after party tickets at the Albion Rooms and Justine’s nightclub, which will include full band DJ sets.

Opening All Quiet On The Eastern Esplanade is the firstsingle Run, Run, Run, a huge singalong punk rock anthem, Carl says, “It’s about being trapped, and trying to escape your dismal life, a bit like the man in Bukowski’s ‘Post Office’. The worst thing for The Libertines would be to get stuck in a ‘Run-run-run’ rut, constantly trying to relive our past.”

On All Quiet On The Eastern Esplanade, the quartet of unlikely lads have gathered from their new-found homes in France, Denmark, Margate and London to solder a strongest-ever internal bond, and scale new creative heights resulting in the best music of their extraordinary career so far.
Featuring eleven new sparkling Libertines songs with songwriting credits shared among the four band members, the album was produced by Grammy-nominated producer Dimitri Tikovoï (The Horrors/Charli XCX/Becky Hill) and recorded at The Albion Rooms in Margate. Recorded in just four weeks earlier this year during February and March and finished over seven days at La Ferme de Gestein Studios in Normandy, with additional production and mixed by Dan Grech-Marguerat (Lana Del Rey/Liam Gallagher/Paul McCartney).

The story of the making of All Quiet On The EasternEsplanade goes like this – in September ’22 Libs glimmer twins Doherty and Barât decamped to Geejam in Port Antonio, Jamaica. Away from any distraction the chemistry between the infamous songwriting partnership began to bubble in earnest.
Fast forward to February ’23 and Peter and Carl regrouped with rock solid knaves to the rhythm, John and Gary, at The Albion Rooms, and, says Doherty“we really came together as a band. It was a moment of rare peace and unity, with all the members contributing.”For Carl, the whole Libertines journey has been leading to this moment. “Our first record was born out of panic, and disbelief that we were actually allowed to be in a studio; the second was born of total strife and misery; the third was born of complexity; this one feels like we were all actually in the same place, at the same speed, and we really connected.”
Peter proclaims: “We’re over the moon, and the ball is in the back of the net… and I’m chuffed for the lads!” He adds, more seriously, “I feel like we’ve completed a cycle of some kind as a band, and finally now we can add these songs to the set list, because we’ve got some bangers in there. Now we’ve opened the hotel and used the studio ourselves and it’s all worked out – more Libertines records? I should hope so!”
The album – named All Quiet On The Eastern Esplanade as a nod to their hotel’s street address and their enduring love of Erich Maria Remarque’s landmark anti-war novel – is an unequivocal triumph.
All Quiet On The Eastern Esplanade will be available on CD, deluxe CD, 12” vinyl in limited edition coloured variants, deluxe double vinyl cassette and digital download.

Pic courtesy of Ed Cook

Listen to ‘Oblivion’ Here

Edinburgh, ScotlandOctober 06, 2023 – Following up the announcement of BILLY LIAR’s new album “Oblivion,” he has just dropped his first single “Oblivion” on all streaming platforms! CLICK HERE to listen to the song. Additionally, his album “Crisis Actor” is available for pre-order on the Pirates Press Records website.

“Billy Liar is one of my favorite songwriters. Powerful and honest.” – Tim Armstrong (Rancid)

That’s one hell of a statement coming from Armstrong, a guy who knows his way around a tune as one of the most beloved songwriters in punk rock history.

A single listen to Billy Liar’s new album “Crisis Actor” will have any listener agree with Armstrong. With this album, Billy Liar showcases his outstanding talent for storytelling and his ability to capture raw, unfiltered emotions that resonate with listeners on a deeply personal level. These songs are bold, brash, and destined to be played loud in any size venue Billy steps into, from a solo show at a DIY space to a full-band set on a giant festival stage and everywhere in between…all with fans screaming back every word!

From the outset of “Crisis Actor,” Billy Liar commands the listener’s attention. From the opening track “Oblivion,” he pulls no punches when he sings “The only way I win is by not giving in to oblivion.”

Throughout the album, Billy intricately weaves anecdotes, scathing social commentary, and self-realization to craft a record that will please old and new punks alike. Drawing the inevitable comparison to the legendary punk troubadour Billy, Mr. Liar shares Mr. Bragg’s ability to address society, politics, and the world at large through the lens of lived experience and deeply personal, confessional emotion.

And just to put “Crisis Actor” over the top, a friend turns up to lend his familiar voice to one of the record’s highlights: the one and only Frank Turner joins Billy on “Negroni,” adding his trademark powerhouse grit to Liar’s boundless, exuberant energy.

With “Crisis Actor,” Billy Liar is poised to step up as a central voice in a new wave of singer-songwriters ready to tell their tales to listeners across the world. Clocking in at just 28 minutes, this album is a proverbial uppercut to the jaw. It hits you hard and fast, but it is intricate enough to reward close repeat listens. This is fortunate, because you’ll find yourself dropping the needle on this one again and again!

Whether armed only with his guitar or backed by a full band, Billy Liar will be traveling the globe, commanding stages of pubs, clubs, and arenas alike with this new set of tunes ready to catapult him into the hearts – and record collections – of punks worldwide!

For more information on Billy Liar:

John J. Presley announces UK headline tour dates for February 2024

Tickets available HERE:

New album ‘Chaos and Calypso’ due October 20th via God Unknown Records

Album launch show confirmed for October 18th at Third Man Records, Blue Basement in Soho, London. Tickets HERE:

Pre-order the album

Listen to new single ‘Silhouettes’ HERE:

“This is so good, a brooding, bluesy work out which would sound quite good in a Peaky Blinders-esque epic, perhaps we should also pass that on to that nice Cillian Murphy fellow…” Steve Lamacq, BBC6 Music

“What a return, sounding so good…superb stuff.” John Kennedy, Radio X

“Beauty in the songwriting, with John J. Presley displaying Nick Cave-esque levels of vocal intensity.” CLASH

“A ferocious, belly-deep sound, but somehow tender with it.” The Guardian (Laura Barton)

Brighton based multi-instrumentalist John J. Presley returns with a new album ‘Chaos and Calypso’, due October 20th via God Unknown Records. Following a period of activity in May of this year, John broke a three-year hiatus with the brooding, hypnotic single ‘Sinnerman’ (a collaboration with friend Laura-Marty Carter from Blood Red Shoes), and live shows with Radiohead’s Philip Selway and Gaz Coombes (Supergrass).

‘Chaos and Calypso’ features the first new music from Presley since his debut album ‘As The Night Draws In’ in 2019 and the vinyl only lockdown release ‘Albany Sessions’, which were both released to great acclaim. Presley’s music is hard to categorize but that is its strength – from folk blues noir moments to tasteful post rock walls of sound, – classic songwriting to improvised, experimental moments, Presley is constantly creating a tapestry that will engage, challenge, and inspire.

A diary piece that echoes a period of ill health, of spiralling vertigo and misdiagnoses, ‘Chaos and Calypso’ shows Presley’s trademark guitar tone in full effect with enough space in the mix to weave in a new palette of textures from drum machines and synths throughout. Presley plays guitar, bass and pedal steel on the new record and is an in-demand player too – Nadine Shah, Duke Garwood, Laura-Mary Carter, Juanita Stein and Smoke Fairies have all had him join their line ups.

Finally free of the confines of the studio, Presley is ready to bring ‘Chaos and Calypso’ to life in venues across the UK and following a special album launch show at Third Man in London on October 18th, will undertake a headline UK tour in February 2024.

Tickets are available HERE:

Full dates below:

18th October Third Man, London (special album launch show)

31st October The Prince Albert, Brighton


1st February Edge of the Wedge, Portsmouth

4th February Strings Bar and Venue, Isle of Wight

9th February Ramsgate Music Hall, Ramsgate

22nd February Adelphi, Hull

23rd February The Golden Lion, Todmorden

24th February Le Pub, Newport

25th February Hare and Hounds, Birmingham

‘Chaos and Calypso’ album launch show confirmed for October 18th at Third Man Records, Blue Basement in Soho, London. Tickets HERE:

Pre-order ‘Chaos and Calypso’ HERE:

Follow John J. Presley online: