Full steam ahead they said as the good ship RPM Online Podcast sails into treasure-filled waters. This Episode is positively overflowing with new tracks as well as an exclusive Live cover from Ravagers that will never be on streaming services or CD and is limited to 100 copies of White Vinyl. Spaghetty Town Records have kindly let us play the Ravager’s cover of ‘Goin Downtown’ by the Lords Of The New Church. That’s only one of the reasons why you should check the Podcast out.
Sweden’s First Boy On The Moon Kick off this Episode with the opening track of their new album ‘Dreamer’. Hot on the heels comes a new track off the Final Cock Sparrer Album ‘Hand On Heart’ out on April 5th. ‘I Belong To You’ is classic Sparrer and an album that sees the band get better and better.
Now co-host Hotshot likes nothing more than fantasising about Sex Pistol and Radio broadcasting inspiration and role model Steve Jones so we’ve dug deep for a sparkling live rendition of his classic ‘Silly Thing’.
Gareth ‘Hotshot’ Hooper
Hotshot wanted to change the mood by introducing a track from Garbage who penciled in a re-release of the album ‘Bleed Like Me’ with his favourite track off the album. How about Japan’s finest glam punks Angel Face with a brand new track off their Slovenly Records self-titled album. A new track from Bullets And Octane, and Buzzard Buzzard Buzzard before Hotshot plays Suede with a track off their latest album ‘Autofiction’.
Ravagers are a glam punk n roll band outta The USA and they have a brand new LP released through Spaghetty Town Records as pointed out in the intro above. 100 copies pressed no streaming and no downloading. This will be a must-own record and rare as rocking horse shit. We’ve got an exclusive don’t miss it.
Desperate Measures have been playing support to Cheetah Chromes Dead Boys around the UK and currently in Europe and getting great reviews so having heard the new Desperate Measures album it’s only fair we play ‘Sublime Destruction’ the title track of their soon-to-be-released Cadiz records album. Staying with Cheetahs how about a new track off The Streetwalkin Cheetahs and a wonderful track ‘Call The Dogs’ being released on Poland’s awesome Heavy Medication Records. While we’re playing the label’s newest releases we also have one from Jonesy the potty-mouthed Canadians 10″ release on HMR but not before Californians Crymwav pop by with ‘Mars Fever’ and Mala Vista get aired with a single off their soon to be released album coming out on Spaghetty Town and Beluga Records in Europe.
Marc Valentine is set to release his second album on Wicked Cool Records in the next few months, so, no time like the present to play a track off it, and having had the privilege to hear the album I can tell you it was tough which one to play seeing as the whole record is fantastic power popping Rock n Roll. Gareth drops in one of his favourite songs from Powerkeg before a fine track from The Mysterines who we reviewed recently when they played support on the Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes tour of the UK.
If you’re still with us then stick around for a banger from The Empty Page who announced this week that they have a new album coming out on their own label if this is anything to go by it promises to be excellent and the first Empty Page track we’ll be playing. With just a couple of tracks to play Sweet Tooth blast away any fatigue with their banger ‘So Gone’ from their epic Lövely Records release ‘Split Image’. This leaves River City Rebels to wipe the floor with us as they blow the fuckin doors off the show with ‘Unless Your White’ out on Screaming Crow Records.
That boys and girls is one hell of a playlist from top to bottom we doubt you’ll hear a running order with as much quality as that. Keep it RPM Online Podcast – It’s A Revolution!
In the Fall of 2019, First Boy On The Moon set out on a journey to create catchy songs and perform live shows around Malmö, Sweden. Fronted by singer-songwriter David Pedroza, this quartet is inspired by 80s alternative music and continues to explore the different sides of Rock with cerebral lyrics, kick-in-the-guts guitars, bass, and drums and I thoroughly enjoyed their first offering when David got in touch to say that ‘Cybergirl’ was in the bag I was looking forward to hearing what the band would come up with next.
The moment the needle dropped on ‘Dreamer’ I felt a smile crawling over my face and as my head nodded to the rhythm my foot was compelled to join in this wave of happiness as the uptempo modern alternative rock was pounding through my speakers. The production is unfussy and lets the music breathe, be it through headphones or speakers. This is excellent. Like a fusion of the Manics meeting the guts of early Suade as a starting point but to be fair there’s a healthy Bolan swagger going on and more of that 70s glam is infused into the DNA of Pedroza’s songwriting with small parts or just the attitude and delivery it’s all in here.
‘Hot Fun In The City’ is more of a groove and a more relaxed pace but it’s a wonderful slice of guitar-driven pop again the feeling that this is unfussy and that punchy Bassline can have room to be heard is something loads of bands miss. ‘Room Full Of Junk’ stalks in the shadows ushering some new wave tones to proceedings a louder guitar-based Teardrop Explodes with that post-punk feel.
When Iggy did ‘Bla Bla Bla’ he still had guts but wanted a more accessible style and ‘High On The Beast’ comes from the same place. The first side ends on the more dreamy ‘Afterlife’ with acoustic guitars and drum toms and the use of an Ebow for added atmosphere. Influenced no doubt by 80s Bowie, Pop, and Reid which is a fine place to draw inspiration from as anywhere as well as touching on the style of the Furs or Bunnymen it’s in that guitar-based ballpark.
Side two begins with the upbeat ‘Taste The Rainbow’ followed by the gritty title track. ‘I’m Alive’ and ‘Eyes On You’ are more proof that First Boy On The Moon are onto something. The album closes with the handclapping atmospheric ‘Generation Suicide’.
This record sounds fantastic, the songs are really good and a varied but a very enjoyable listen it is too and I still can’t help but feel good listening to these songs. In these uncertain times, it’s always good to have some sunshine and First Boy On The Moon delivers that in spades. Something steeped in the good old days but feeling brand new. Hit ’em up on Bandcamp or Facebook and crank it up.
Malmös First Boy On The Moon was formed back in 2019 it seems like another age ago now and the band’s spaceman logo seems apt Singer-songwriter Dave Pedroza who is a Huntington Beach California kid who uprooted and ended up in Sweden but stayed true to his alternative punk rock roots sure there’s a very early new wave edge to proceedings with bands like U2 when they started out but the influences reach far and wide. ‘Drown It Out’ eases the listener in gently with a good pop tune that’s well produced but rooted in new wave and alternative stylings.
‘Straight Up With You’ is a sprightly number with a melodic edge and straightforward guitars, bass, and drum set up it’s unfussy and the band lets the song do their talking which is refreshing. Some Placebo in the delivery with the punch of the bass piercing through the walking guitar riff. There’s enough suss in the songwriting to have a massive appeal in the melody of ‘The Truth’ and the album’s title track. Sure there is some U2 DNA in there on the melodies but its more than just that and at times they spread their wings and rough the sound up and it makes for a more vibrant less polished sound and that alright with me.
Side one is wrapped up nicely with ‘All Right Already’ as the band strays into some Ryan Hamilton territory and the synth playing the lead is a change that adds texture to proceedings. The album has nine songs which is a change from bands cramming as many tunes on a record as possible it’s nice to get an old-school record with less than ten songs. ‘Grim Reaper’ rolls around a throbbing bassline and the guitar sitting behind in the mix is reminding me of something Gary Numan likes to use at times which is never a bad thing.
Initially, this record was due last year but held back for obvious reasons and it’s been worth the wait from the single we first heard in the RPM singles club certainly whetted the appetite for the album. All you Bunnymen, cure, and early U2 fans should check this out.
Bringing you the finest new releases from across the genres of Rock, Punk, power pop and Alternative RPM Singles Club opens its door for September and the wind blew these fine tunes in
The White Ribbons – ‘Leftovers’ (STP Records) When you take 4 musicians enjoying nothing more than a jam session in mid 2017, and that jam session then develops into a band that was formed to support the amazing work done by www.whiteribbon.org.uk which is part of the global White Ribbon movement to end male violence against women by engaging with men and boys, raising awareness, and influencing change and providing resources to make change happen, ladies and gentlemen what you get is The White Ribbons band.
‘Leftovers’ is exactly how I imagined they’d sound. There’s a vibe about the band that says Joy Division and the sparse intro until the distorted guitars crash in its got a subtle hook but never pours over into a frenzy. ITs a cold feeling of a post-punk mid-80s however the real gem is ‘S.O.P.H.I.E’ and a powerful subject matter is tackled really well and all wrapped up in a fine tune I especially like that bass sound on the breakdown. There are hidden gems here after the song fades away with ‘Social Work’ sounding like they’ve been jammin’ with the Levellers with that powerful lyrics and acoustic-driven alternative music with added Clash thrown in as a reference what’s not to like? Strummer would have approved no doubt about it.
Guerrilla Teens – ‘Upside Down’ (Self Release) COVID lockdown has been nicely punctured by the one and only Scott Drake Deluxe and his wonderful Guerrilla Teens and their regular Bandcamp drop of a pair of bangers that are shaping up nicely to what would easily make one of the best albums this miserable year.
This weeks drop is an altogether darker more menacing tune in the shape of ‘Upside Down’ with the ringing lead guitar and Drakes vocals softer and more restrained its another drop of pure class from the Teens. Then the second tune is an altogether more bruising number thats the sound of a band windmilling the opponents with a super cool laid back chorus ‘Fight Or Flight’ is a top tune. Deaf Jeff and Saul Teen are on fire here kicking up a shit storm with those buzz saw guitars. You’d be a dummy if you pass by on these tunes and the previous offerings. Top of the pops this edition? You bet!
Rock N Roll Manifesto Split ‘7″ Series Vol. 1’ (Self Release) We love a split single round here and when it has some of our favourite artists on that we’ve reviewed many times before it is always a pleasure so when this one dropped from down under and JJ & The Real Jerks popped up we knew we were in a good spot. Pressed on three different coloured slabs of wax this is a bargain we knew we had to tell you about.
Tiger Touch is first out of the traps with a right banger. ‘Problems’ is all up in your face poking and jabbing with that nasty guitar hook and a vocal that’s not pausing for breath until it’s finished whatever the fuck it wants to say. What a great tune to kick this split off. Oh if you’re not convinced how about Fret Rattles and their ‘Thanks For Nothing’ with its super snotty garage, frantic dash to the solo punk rock. Hip Priests fans will have to check these bad boys out because they might have a new champion stateside. Then halfway through our old pal JJ & The Real Jerks are back in town with a right high octane blast of energy in the shape of ‘Split Decision’ complete with JJ blowing that mean Saxophone solo to raise the bar a little bit more. Excellent stuff and to take this sucker home how about the punk fueled Missile Studs wrap this awesome EP up like a wrecking ball. We featured their split a few weeks back they did with Thee Evil Twin. They’re Straight outta shitville USA and are on fire, this is the fourth awesome track on an EP that is unrelenting and reeking with quality. If you love loud fired up Rock and Roll you’re gonna want this in your collection no doubt about it. Pick It Up Here
Dead Low – ‘Listen Up!’ (AUDIO EPIDEMIC RECORDS!) Buy Here / Digital Copies
From out of Massachusetts this powerful tri love to kick up a thunderous noise from the punchy bass to the street fighting vocals it’s am impressive four tracks on offer here. It’s getting a physical release later this month and takes no prisoners. ‘Bloodlines’ has a very nice thumping bass line that is quite Goth in lords of the new church sort of way whilst the melody and vocal delivery is very much hardcore with some Oi! thrown in for good measure. Quite the melting pot of influences right there.
First Boy On The Moon – ‘Sofia’ (Manic Records) Relocated Californian David Pedroza is now set up in Sweden and his band ply their post-punk trade drawing influences such as The Cure and Early U2 on this wonderfully vivid pink coloured vinyl 7″. The lead track is an uptempo throwback if you like to that mid-80s guitar-driven sound and with a good hook on the chorus it’s not a bad introduction to the band at all. The flipside is a heavily effected bass throbbing builder. Not a million miles from the more chart orientated American Indie of early Killers. Me, I prefer the first track much more I like the later years Bowie influence going on which is never a bad thing. Facebook
Minatore – ‘Boys Tell Lies’ (Self Release) Nottingham based two-piece sound like a whole band and some on this ‘Boys Tell Lies’. A dark tale dealing with Rape Culture this walk on the dark side is surprisingly uplifting and whilst its steeped in grunge meets punk along the lines of early Nirvana and Dinosaur Jr it sounds huge. Aggressive and measured it’s a fine introduction to a band. The second track is more of the same but a little less fury and more in keeping with the band influences of Smashing Pumpkins with all the time changes. Pick it up here
In The Whale – ‘Drugdealer’ (Riot Records/ golden Robot Records) Just so you don’t think we’ve gone soft, coming on like Helmet when ‘Betty’ was a thing this has a huge groove that crosses over into prime Downset territory. Heavier than two anvils In The Whale are in da house kids!
IN THE WHALE have been turning heads and accumulating a mass of die-hard fans and followers thanks to a relentless tour schedule and an explosive live performance. Artists and festival promoters have taken notice, with the band playing Riot Fest, Lollapalooza, Austin City Limits, and Afro Punk, as well as shows with Jane’s Addiction, The Descendents, The Offspring, Gogol Bordello and many more
HOOKERS & BLOW ‘Trampled Underfoot’ (Golden Robot Records) Moving into the 21st century Dizzy Reid & Alex Grossi Releasethis from their soon to be released covers album. They tackle Bowie, the Stones and Eddy Money, as well as this, Led Zep classic with all parts recorded in quarantine during the pandemic. Of course they turn in a near-perfect rendition if classic Rock is your thang then you’re going to love this.
Hookers & Blow would like to dedicate the release of ‘Trampled Underfoot’ to their good friend and colleague, the late Frankie Banali, who passed away recently after a battle with cancer. A portion of proceeds from this single will be donated to https://www.pancan.org/
The Nude Party – ‘Lonely Heather’ (New West Records) Second album set for release next month but first this very listenable jig that’s equal parts VU and The Stones (early ’70s) comes with a catchy animated video. Besides when can a song have too much cowbell?
The Jimmy Tarbuck Experience – ‘Under Class’ (self-release) Now Heres a top tune. Catchy with a bit of a punch. The band got in touch to say the EP they were going to put out has been held back due to the obvious but did release this one track and accompanying video featuring some of their punk pals; Kevin Nixon from Anit Pasti, Glynn Barber from Chron Gen, Paul Rooney from Vice Squad and Pete R Jones from PiL / Department S and every other band in London (so it says here) but we certainly love the tune and the more we play it to more it gets stuck in your noggin’ just what a singles supposed to do right?. Tidy!
Kurt Baker – ‘Over You’ (Wicked Cool Records) Don’t take my word for it just click the link and decide for yourself but just in case you need convincing. Kurt Baker is one hell of a talent regardless of what guise it is be it solo, with his combo or with the Leftovers the guy has no visible faults or weaknesses. He pens infectious upbeat Rock and Roll power pop and probably does it better than almost anyone you could name. Here he is with the lead track off his new album that released next month. Pre-save/Pre-add ‘After Party’ Here / Stream the single “Over You” on all digital platforms:Here
Frankie And The Studs – ‘(Not Your) Victim’ (Golden Robot Records) What a great tune. Sure its fairly generic style-wise but I love that backbeat and the chorus is quite memorable. Hollywood rockers Frankie and the Studs just signed with Australian Punktured Media and this is their first single since signing. It’s about women being empowered and the inherent strength they possess and not to forget it. Sure it’s inspired by Quatro and Jett but what’s wrong with that? If you’re going to seek inspiration then go to the top and it shows in this single and the more plays to more it stands out. A decent earworm for sure. Preorder/Save: Here
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