I loved their debut album ‘Let’s Go’ when I heard it through No Front Teeth being of the glamorous rabid punk rockers variety These Baltimore Glam Punks were exactly what I like to hear and coming on like a Joan Jett with a velvet glove hiding a knuckle duster riding a Ramones Rocket To Russia. BBQT takes the simple yet effective approach to punk rock – write a pop song play it hard and fast and always do it with a melody and a hefty dose of attitude. Mix in some classic Glam from the likes of Debbie Harry the Dolls because That’s BBQT that is. It’s snotty pop songs played hard and fast with distorted guitars and a heap of swing.
You’ll be all in before you get to the end of the second track ‘Crashin’ with its bluster and bombastic thuggish vocals it’ll draw you in then hack n Slash you like a cat fighting with all claws on view with some sharp solos and rampant riffage just to ware you down. If that didn’t convince you then title track will, its rapid but a lot of fun and bristling with energy (much like the rest of this record) to be fair.
How good is ‘king of scum’ or ‘stranded’? Man, these cats have the attitude to back up the energy they put into the songs. One thing you won’t do is ‘Nod Out’, what a thumping slab of punk rock that is. Like the Dead Boys with dabbling with Texas Terri leading the charge through a whole-hearted set of tunes. Taking no prisoners and doing what the fuck they like, on their terms, just how punk rock n roll should sound – Dangerous Dames indeed.
Ten songs in twenty minutes – Bosh, Adios Amigos and thanks for the good time see you later, were done live fast and all that. I fuckin love it. Saving the fastest most snarling til the last Bbqt has produced an absolute cracker. Fill yer stilleto boots ye dirty punks. I can’t believe its taken me all Summer and Fall to get round to fully appreciating this album but its fashionably late and better late than never and it fully deserves to be exposed for the quality punk n roll it is. Quite simply buy it! Stream it or however you play your rock n roll music, just dont ignore it.
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Author: Dom Daley
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