Hooray some good things happen in the face of adversity like we have incompetent Governments like the Tory party and their cabinet of chaos and the states have Trump and his fucked up and incestuous administration and they both have some things in common like fucking up dealing with a pandemic but out of such adversities we’ve had some great music and Stateside has seen Portland dish up some good old public civil disobedience against the corrupt man and they’ve also given us Guerrilla Teens and over on the East Coast whilst NYC has been swamped we eventually get this blinding collection of in your face fuck you covers from the inimitable and uncompromising Chesty Malone & The Slice EM Ups.
Right let’s get this out there from the top Chesty Malone & The Slice Em Ups are busting a gut to try and blow my speakers with this awesome rip-snorting fucked off and fucked up six-track digital release. Fuckin Hell if Discharge and 4 Skins covers don’t get you in the mood check this shit out! – Venom and Slayer are taken to task in the slice em ups style but wait they even dismantle a Madonna cover and kick the living shit out of it, to be honest and it never sounded so good.
Let’s start from the top and their opener, Discharge and ‘State Violence / State Control’ oh, of course, they do a nigh-on perfect rendition of this banger they could cover the likes of Discharge in their sleep. It’s got power passion and clarity that this is done from a place of love and respect. Same for ‘Evil’ by the 4 Skins – no brainer job done. but then the fun begins. Who saw a Madonna cover being part of Chestys repertoire? well, believe it boys and girls it happened and owned it they did. Whether it sounds like the original I haven’t a single clue nor do I give a flying fuck this version is killer!
Void and ‘Time To Die’ is the noise that a serial killer must hear when they’re off it which only leaves two tracks the penultimate is a blistering take on ‘In League With Satan’ from the mighty Venom the chorus is slung out as if they know something we don’t. In league with Satan, I’ve no doubt they are. Which only leaves me with the final song and what a belter this one is. ‘South OF Heaven’ by Slayer is owned, dethroned, and tossed out like Beelzebub himself has channeled his thoughts through the medium of a well oiled, well-drilled bunch of Noo Yawk reprobates turning punk into metal and metal into punk and doing it well. I bow down to Chesty Malone & The Slice Em Ups you have created a small slice of magic and in a just non-pandemic globe this would be the marker of how to cover a song or songs. Brilliant!
Buy it Here
Author: Dom Daley
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