In a week when I hadn’t thought about New Bomb Turks in quite a while not one but two tribute albums drop and all of a sudden I’m transported back in time when a trip to TJ’s in Newport was an exciting time because one of the best-kept secrets in underground punk rock n roll was happening and along with bands like D4 and the Datsuns something was happening it seems like yesterday but it wasn’t and the old adage of time flies is certainly true and when I popped the CD in the player and I turned up the volume and peeled open the booklet and instantly recognised many of the bands taking part and was looking forward to some of the bands I’d never heard before taking on some great tunes and adding maybe a twist here and there.


First up is Berlins Hell Nation Army a band we’ve featured on RPM before so no surprise to hear them on this tribute with an impressive opener ‘Point A To Point Blank’.  There are eighteen tracks on offer here and as the booklet points out four are from Poland, not somewhere you instantly associate with dirty punk rock n roll but don’t let that put you off investigating because Poison Heart are right on the money here with a blistering take on ‘Snap Decision’.


This is an exceptionally well researched tribute and a great platform for many bands as the booklet tells the story of each tune with detail and a passion that shines through.  One of the best bands I’ve heard knocking out some sleazy punk n roll over the last few years has to be Doojiman & The Exploders who are at it again as they own ‘Automatic Teller’ which is a superb song anyway and done with much gusto here.


Warsaws Red Crap blast out the bass rumble as they annihilate ‘If I Only Could’ with no compromising on the attitude and quality another really great version from a band I’m off to investigate further. Randy Savages have a track on both the Turks tributes and why not I say because this version of ‘Leaving Town’ is exceptional it’s sleazy and greasy but with a melody to die for and they nail the harmonies making it one of the albums real highlights.


One of the best things about getting two tribute albums to the same band in the same week is there isn’t much overlapping at all (like magic that) and the fact they’ve recruited a couple of Australia’s finest in is another tip of the hat because no stane has been left unturned and no bar has been left untrawled as Howlin’ threads turn up the noise with a Rockin ‘Professional Againster’.

London dirty rockers Flash house are present and correct on the CD only track ‘I’m Weak’ which is set to rumble anything that’s not nailed down in yer house if the volumes right.  Sleazy and dark its another highlight to be fair.

Anyone for some Dog Toffee? ‘I’d Slip In’ is a belter full of attitude and slipping it next to those Satanic Overlords Of Rock And Roll is nice as they blast away ‘Tattooed Apathetic Boys’ like it was some long lost Ramones romp then to unleash the wah on the breakdown before setting the burners to blast off for the finish line.  Top tunes.  This album is bursting with great bands contributing some fantastic interpretations of someone else’s songs.


With bands from Texas to Italy there a world of talent out there as Smalltown Tigers throw their hat in the ring with a really impressive take on ‘Girl Can Help It’.  I’m sure they’ll be more widely known especially in the UK when they play support to The Original Damned when they do those shows next year.  you also get Puffball turning up the distortion on ‘Never Will’ even though these Swedes don’t strictly exist anymore they like to keep their hand in so to speak and this compilation is all the better for it.


Punk rockers Moron’s Morons turn up with a barroom blitzing ‘wine And Depression’ whilst Jack Saint twists the melon with a delta bluesy take on ‘Grounded Ex Patriot’ it’s like the Gun Club never happened with this tip of the hat take.   As we head into the final furlong the tasty Tongue Action have a sleazy Rockin’ take on ‘Telephone Numbrrrr’ but when you’ve paid your dues playing with Electric Frankenstein, Texas Terri Bomb and Killer Hearts was it ever in doubt that this was going to rule?  Course not.


It only leaves two more entries with the band who opened proceedings Hell Nation Army to knock out a brutal ‘I Want My Baby…Dead!’ so its a rough and ready trip to the land of the rising sun and Jet Boys sleazy ‘Killer’s Kiss’ which seems like a fitting full stop to proceedings and another exception tribute to New Bomb Turks who had plenty to say and said it so well and passed on the baton to so many who carry the torch into the unknown and hopefully back into the filthy corners of the world where Rock and Roll still matters.  Rock on kids and check out this tribute and the bands who’ve given their time and considerable talent for the good and the great.  Get it!



Buy ‘Defiled!’  Here

*Includes a CD copy of the record, as well as a two-sided color, insert with information about the contributing bands. Tracks 9, 17 and 18 are CD-only tracks.So nobody misses out!*

Author: Dom Daley

Fuck me sideways this has to be the rawest loudest punk rock n roll record recorded since the Damneds debut.  Moron’s Morons turn everything into the red and hit those guitars hard.  It’s fast it’s loud its uncompromising but above all its addictive.  Punk as Fuck as one of my learned friends would put it.  The drums are like St Angers biscuit tins if John Bonham was playing them until they turned to dust.


These Warsaw punks aren’t fucking about it’s full tilt from the first bass thump to the last howl of guitar on this their debut full length and boy what a rush. I’m not sure they’re looking for danger here because by the sounds of it they found it.  ‘Wonderlust’ is a minute and a half of a band windmilling its way to the finish line. It’s not all out of control hanging on by a thread adrenalin Rock n Roll because ‘sidewalk Service’ is a little slower – more measured. It’s bordering on heading the way of the others but the scuff on the guitar riff and the steady beat of the drums is cool and are those handclaps I hear? that’s it, I fuckin’ love this record right there. Top tune.

‘Rate Your Teacher’ is fuckin’ terrifying then ‘You Put Hot In Psychotic’ is a blast with its distorted huge riff really tearing it up with the used and abused Chuck Berry licks but dipped in speed and driven like a demolition derby right through the speakers – Wonderful stuff.

An appropriate title if ever there was one is ‘Noise Addiction’ comes on like Motorhead but way more out of control and punk rock.  There’s nothing new going on here it has been done a million times I guess, but every now and then you make a connection and man I’m glad ‘Looking For Danger’ found its way into my speakers. Like their fellow purveyors of filthy punk rock n roll The Cavemen Moron’s Morons don’t do half measures its all in or fuck off as they perfectly display on ‘Addicted To Homicide’ they’ve even got a rapid romp entitled ‘Suicide Motherfucker’ that’s relentless and tasteless but I guess that’s their MO anyway.

One that tickled my fancy is the wonderfully titled ‘Poor Man’s Riffs And Ten Years Too Late’ which got me thinking these cats should take The Hip Priests on tour of Poland and Eastern Europe that’ll be like a dream team of filthed up punk n roll right there.  There’s even a minute (literally) to chuck in a heartfelt ode to the listener entitled ‘Fuck You’ before this record melts the wax it’s pressed on.  Penultimately they go prog punk on us with a song clocking in at almost five minutes! Five fuckin’ minutes what are they thinking? Lucky for them it’s awesome. The break down is a slick of magic bass riffing and hail satan lyrics but I bet you weren’t thinking it was called ‘Driller Killer’ though were you?

To take this record home ‘The Man Who Drank Too Much’ is a lesson in boozing – it’s not straying from the tried and tested of the rest of this record but you do need to know its another bit of magic.  Yobish, juvenile, obnoxious and totally wonderful for all those reasons and more.  Moron’s Morons have knocked out one hell of a record and if you still have a beating heart and crave loud guitars played hard then what on Gawds earth are you waiting for go pick this up for fuck’s sake!


Buy ‘Looking For Danger’  Here

Author: Dom Daley