Mark your calendars! October 22, 9 pm ET/6 PM PT, Spaghetty Town Records are having the live music streaming event of the year, and it’s FREE! Live performances from Criminal Kids, Pale Lips, Killer Hearts, Fast Eddy and Motosierra. Hosted by the only person that replies to their emails, Sleazegrinder!
some of RPM Online favourite current rock and roll bands are heading to Town and we’ve cleared our diary -Will You?
Motosierra (or Chainsaw for the English speakers in the house) may be a new proposition for many of us but these Uruguayan Death Punk Rock & Rollers have been kicking ass in South America for the last 20 years.
This seems to be the bands fourth album but my Spanish ain’t as great as it used to be so don’t count on it…..
Kicking off this twelve tracker is Buzo Nuevo, with its hard and heavy Motorhead vibe and a serious Deep Purple groove around the edges. Obviously I’ve no idea what they’re on about but the universal language of rock & Roll rings loud and clear. They are pissed right off !
The small amount of press blurb says “File Under: Dirty Rock & Roll” and they’re not wrong. La Marcos has another great Motorhead feel, while Magia Negra has a James Hetfield snarl, all be it with a Spanish/Portuguese accent.
Lobo Del Aire is a far faster and angry affair, kind of Svetlanas with a bloke singer. Sepuzombie gets a bit tribal, with a minute long drum intro running into a nice slice of hardcore, carrying on the flavour of the preceding tracks.
The halfway point is marked with A B-512, as with the other tracks on the album, there’s a strong undercurrent of Turbonegro peculating through. Not the denim and sailor Hank era, more the first couple of records but then maybe a bit of Sexual Harassment’s growl creeping in too.
Todo Va A Salir Mal (Everything will go wrong) is a stand out track, so much so I immediately played it again a couple of times. It simply screams along with a kind of Suicidal Tendencies aggression. If I knew what vocalist Marcos Motosierra was so pissed off about I’m sure I’d be forced to agree with him.
El Socio has a straighter punk rawk feel to it. Not a million miles away from The Dwarves I guess. Punk/metal crossovers El Socio and Fuera De Juego notch up the pace, only for O Pelukão fling you right into Zeke/ Peter Pan Speekrock world.
This comes to a close with another stand out track, Nosferatu. It’s Motorhead. It’s hardcore. It’s great !!!
The album will be available around the world, in the US on Spaghetty Town Records, Europe on Munster Records (Spain) , AlgoRecords (Chile), Laja Records(Brazil), Little Butterfly Records (Uruguay) and Rastrillo Records (Argentina).
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