Back for more this impressive trio from the North West who really impressed me with their ‘Wait’ album and they start this follow up with a hugely impressive ‘Undertow’ with its classic period Buffalo Tom flavours and pandemic punchy lyrics. they’ve got a great sound and really know how to bring it out to the benefit of the songs as ‘Still Need Singing’. A sprightly tempo thrashing around the speakers and as the refrain of “This Voice Is All We Have” through a fractured strain is powerful and really engaging.
The melodic punk punch of ‘What Doesn’t Kill Me’ is blisteringly good. But one thing for sure Pardon Us aren’t hanging around as one track clashes into the next and they leer from one with a strong riff to one with a strong melodic chorus, theirs is a great turn of phrase to a great gang vocal sing-along chorus but its not all bluster and bravado some of the guitar solos are restrained and thoughtful ‘To, Two, Too’.
There’s a jour de Vivre about a lot of this record – a confidence in what it is they’re doing. I think it’s fair to say Pardon Us knows how good they are. ‘Safety Net’ is a powerful bass chug that is layered with a sprightly off-kilter beat towards the chorus when the chords jar to what is a great song. Not a million miles from the honest wholesome Billy Liar songwriting school.
‘In The Loop’ has a video to accompany it and it seems an obvious choice for a single but then you could pick anything off this album its all pretty accessible. If these were Americans they’d be a big noise on the punk alternative scene with the likes of Bad Religion – I kid you not.
I guess hashtagging themselves as melodic punk is a bit of a disservice they’re more than that and this album signs off with a thoughtful ‘The Last Word’ a perfect way to sign off another hugely impressive outing from Pardon Us – do yourself a favour and don’t pass them by, stop have a listen – check em out and thank me later. Buy it!
Buy Seamless Here
Author: Dom Daley
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