Think Hellacopters, think Märvel, think hard rockin’ scandi style with loads of dueling guitars set for maximum lean back and diddle. one-finger piano tonking and shout-it-out-loud vocals. Hell, it’s on The Sign Records what were you expecting? oh and turn those Orange amps up to 11.

‘”Break Free’ is the sophomore studio album by Finland’s Rokets. Following the release of their 2020 debut full-length ‘Fast Time’, the Helsinki-based 5 piece returns with 9 new tunes of high octane rockin’ and rollin. Distorted twelve bar with wailing vocals from the off its got melody and that Street hard rock that’s well worn from this neck of the woods. ‘Burn Down The Wall’ is the Rokets showing their hand right from the off and a decent stab it is too. The solo is mighty fine and I am a sucker for that over-the-top piano bashing but it doesn’t get enough limelight here – it does threaten but I think it’s too restrained and should be unleashed, but that’s only a personal impression.

‘Break Free’ is melodic, catchy rock, and the cliches and hallmarks are authentic and the closeness to the Hellacopters on the second track ‘Destroyer’ is like two rizlas in a pack of papers. It’s rapid and thumping and boundlessly energetic and the solo is on point and exactly what the song needed but it could have gone on longer and more in your face but maybe H&S wouldn’t legally permit it.

These cats have been at this for over five years so aren’t newcomers and I’m sure live this would be a cool night out and your ears would be ringing for days which is probably exactly what they want to achieve. If they rule the Finnish underground then now is the time to spread their wings and get out there post-pandemic and rise above that underground – they’ve got the attitude and the chops to pull it off, I’m sure of it.

With nine songs on offer, they don’t stray from their MO and the album Rocks hard from the title track to the bass-thumping ‘Best Kept Secret’ through the old-school riff-a-rama of ‘Straight From The Source’ right to the blast off of ‘Cherry Kiss’. The record might lack some variety and they only really pause for the semi-ballad to close the record, ‘Roots’ is a good un to sign off on and the louder you play this the bigger the rewards. Good effort gentlemen and if you make it to the UK I will be down the front windmilling. Until then Break Free brother break free.


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Author: Dom Daley

While it seems like every week or two, we learn of some new musical genre, there are still bands who recognize some fundamental elements that make the overwhelming power of rock ‘n’ roll so irresistible.   Rokets hail from Helsinki and have channeled the Hellacopters (around the ‘Payin the Dues’ days), Motorhead, and other action rock forefathers so convincingly that this EP needs to be heard. While they are not reinventing the wheel, they are taking the template that comes with a fistful of rock ‘n’ roll and giving us 5 reasons to celebrate the power of rock ’n’ roll. I think it is impossible to not be smiling when this EP ends, which is also why you hit the play button again so you can hear it all over again.

‘Speed & Sound’ revs up the engine and then storms out of the gate with some excellent guitar riffs by Sakke Vanttinen as Jaani Kaukonen lays down the rhythm guitar. Sami Mustonen possesses an awesome vocal tone that fits this style perfectly. There is an edge to it but also an ability to create some really good vocal hooks. Not to be outdone, the rhythm section of Georgios Aspetakis (drums) and Heikki Nyman (bass) gets plenty of room in the mix and will get your body moving. It is no secret that I am a huge Electric Frankenstein fan, and this EP constantly gives me the same kind of rush their EP’s and albums do. ‘Burn to Death’ may initially feel like a little bit more of the same approach as the tempo feels like being shot out of the cannon, but the verses give the vocals a little more space, and there is more meat on the bone of the chorus here. The magical moment for me though follows the second chorus where there is a breakdown to a quieter interlude, and Vanttinen lays down an awesome solo that finds me in air guitar heaven each and every time I play it.

‘Rest in Beast’ lays down some thick rhythm guitar while the riffs fall a little bit lower in the mix. While this would seem to be counterproductive, it works extremely well as it gives the lead guitar even more authority when it gets turned up in the mix around the guitar solo. If there is a fault in the song, it is that the two minutes fly by too fast. My possible favorite from the EP follows in ‘Loose Cannon’ which initially with the bass and drums reminds me a bit of an AC/DC beginning before the guitar riffs let loose and take us from 0-70 mph in an instant. The riffs recall the likes of the Hurriganes or Chuck Berry if he had been exposed to the joy of action rock. The hooks are huge here, and my whole body is compelled to move every time it plays. Final track ‘Lost Control’ slows the tempo down a notch with a great staggered beat giving the band a different feel, and I love the section where Nyman gets to really let the focus be on the bass before some more great riffage by Vanttinen gets an extended solo section in this three minute epic. One final chorus bashes in our heads and leaves us craving more.

While the Rokets do not do anything new here, they have clearly identified their sound since forming back in 2017 and do it extraordinarily well. If you enjoy a fistful of powerful rock ‘n’ roll, the Rokets should hit the sweet spot just like they did for me. You might want to make sure anything that’s breakable is out of the room though because these songs will get your body moving. The EP even has a really friendly digital price so get this one in your rotation now, and let’s play the crap out of it.

‘Speed & Sound’ is available now.



Author: Gerald Stansbury