There are plenty of things the world needs now like a way out of a Global pandemic, less Trump and Johnson, and more considerate and caring society. Less selfish social media hungry liars and self-centered oxygen thieves. We need a return to live shows and people being kind not so much a return to normal because it was the normal that got us into this shit show in the first place.
First-world problems like big businesses not forcing independent artists and labels to wait whilst the plants press up a bazillion more Fleetwood mac and Coldplay reissues. One thing we certainly need is another Sonny Vincent album and hey presto as if by magic those fine people at Svart have delivered ‘Snake Pit Therapy’ same title as his recent book release this is unbridled Sonny Vincent at his finest. Launched over fifteen tracks ‘Snake Pit Therapy enters the ether with the abrasive sweet and sour ‘Stick’ with its trademark scathing sawblade six-string attack but it’s a measured opening with melody and cool as rhythm section building up to an explosive solo al be it brief and to the point. In less than two minutes I’m sitting comfortably waiting for the avalanche of earworms courtesy of Vincent and he doesn’t disappoint.
‘Messed Up In Blue’ is a smokey North West San Fran melody stuck to an upbeat rhythm. Jangly acoustic guitars adding a sweet layer. ‘The End Of Light’ punches in like Bob Mould fronting an undiscovered RFTC tune. Another great song as Vincent lays it out there lyrically. By the time we’re only four songs deep into this voyage and there is a subtle difference here with some really cool melodies jostling front and center over the whiplash guitar work (which is still evident but not overbearing).
‘Can’t Absorb’ is laid back almost horizontal with a gentle strum on the electric guitar and pushing Vincents vocal to the fore and one compliments the other really well. Something I’ve always found when playing a Sonny Vincent album is the detail paid to the arrangement and this is all of that but there’s something else here maybe a maturity or the extended break has given Sonny the time to shake things up musically, whatever it is its clearly paying dividends because he’s produced a really great piece of work here.
‘Higher Than Charlie’ is a hip-shaking garage romp that’s bursting with energy a real tour de force and we’re only at the midpoint. The record takes a slight detour at this point with some really impressive Garage Rock and Roll pouring out of the speakers ‘Get Out’ is on a huge groove and exits on some awesome dueling guitar work. ‘Japan Mofo’ on the other hand is a slice of rapid Rock and Roll that a real beauty, fast and furious from a – z.
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Author: Dom Daley
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