A few years ago Sonny Vincent’s family were the victims of a terrible life-changing accident. Sonny at the time was living in Europe and plying his trade playing Rock and Roll for a living.  The former Testors frontman dropped everything to be by his family’s side and care for his loved ones.

The American health system is what it is meant that Sonny has had to graft and fight for every single bandage and rubber glove since that fateful night.  Unable to do what he does Sonny has been by his family’s side since and through the kindness of others has kept his head above water and there was a compilation album released where the proceeds went to Sonny and his family’s medical costs and now after taking pre-orders it was a no brainer to part with a small donation and get a double CD in return of 32 covers of Testors songs from all over the globe.  Many will be unknown to most some will be known to many so without further delay lets dig in.

Now out of the 32 tracks on offer the only gripe I have which is a minor gripe but did half a dozen bands have to record ‘Bad Attitude’ and another few recorded ‘Zooed Out’ or ‘Together’.  Picky I know but maybe it might have been better for them to toss in an original song influenced by Testors I dunno, oh stop moaning I know I know.

First up on disc one is The Enders ripping through ‘Madras Prison’ and it sort of sets the tone for what’s to come and that’s a full force compilation album of dedicated punk rock and rollas doing what they do best and helping a brother when he needs a hand. Take a deep breath because this is a rocket-fuelled ride – hold on to your undercrackers because Baby Shitters own ‘Tracy McPrichtease’ and the solo rips and I’m sure when Sonny heard this he raised an eyebrow at least.

I actually own the Black Cat Rebellion album so I’m aware of these guys and their contribution is quality and sleazy. Another I’m up to speed with is Zodiac Panthers and their take is caustic and fired up and ‘Primitive’.  I ain’t ever heard of the Electric Tool City Boys but they blast through ‘Bad Attitude’ and give it some of their own attitude as they take it, strip it back and kick it around for a while before  doing it all again faster and harder this is turning out to be one hell of a compilation album with bands I’ve never heard of really impressing me.  I’ll be honest there isn’t a bad track on offer here and the bands chosen deserve so much credit as does whoever put this together because I bow down to their superior knowledge of underground punk n roll n trash rock n roll because there are so many awesome bands on this CD its insane.

It’s not really until the tenth track when Frank Makak kicks back and plays ‘Rainy Night’ at less than full tilt and I needed the breather and when it’s as good as this I just smile. things do pick up again mind as you’d expect.  the first disc is brought to a close with Les Lullies knocking out a rampant ‘Bad Attitude’ aaaaand breath, hell, go for a lie-down CD two is coming up.

Not a name I was expecting to see on this punk tribute was that of Scandinavian Black Metal legends Darkthrone but fuck me sideways ‘Bad Attitude’ is apt and theirs is a punk as fuck version even if its not that much of a stretch from Black Metal to punk  its great to hear them pay their dues and do it so well.  you also have Simon Chainsaw rockin’ up with his offering of ‘You Don’t Break My Heart’. After Flesh Rag tip up with the third interpretation of ‘Bad Attitude’ as well as it’s delivered maybe there should have been a limit to what you could record.

A band several of us rave over is Londons Los Pepes who offer up ‘Together’ in their own style and with their harmonies its the obvious choice and exceptionally delivered. Clockwork Boys from Lisboa deliver ‘Morte’ (Its Only Death) and jolly good it is too (as you’d expect).

You do get four versions back to back of ‘Together’ with the Psychotic Turnbuckles delivering a live version that sounds like an old school bootleg played in a bucket of water but hey it’s punk rock yeah? Hell yeah! and to be fair it’s a world away from Lester Greenowski’s take on the same track all smokey and late-night an excellent take on a classic. But wait Billy The Kidd has done the last version and its a sparse piano ballad, not something I saw coming thats for sure so lumping these same songs together is fine as the interpretations are magnificent making this one hell of a tribute album leaing just Cheap Damage to play ‘Scary’ with strings n all making it very seductive indeed. Closing off the whole shebang is The DC Spectres with ‘Sonny Vincent Knows’ and what a splendid way to end this CD.  Some garage punk played by people who give a shit and care about their brothers and sisters on the other side of the pond.

Big Hearted bands help because they care about Sonny and his family now dig deep people and share the love and in return, you’ll get your hands on a mighty fine compilation CD with some great playing of some great Testors tunes.  Now don’t hang about get on it! Now!!!


Author: Dom Daley

Order now!!- TESTORS ‘COVERS’ Double CD Benefit ALBUM !!
$15 USA
$22 Europe
includes shipping!

or go to directly to Sonnys PayPal address and send as gift for family/friend.
His PayPal is-

(Include your mailing address in the PayPal note!)

You can also contact him on facebook about sending a check and other ways to order this Album!!

With a bunch of great live shows charging around the UK and the never-ending list of great albums being released RPM has a top 20 for you pop pickers and this list includes Michael Monroe and his ‘One Man Gang’ and one off the brand new More Kicks album the awesome ‘Blame It On The Satellite’. Giuda guitarist Lorenzo has an album ready to go entitled Zac and we have ‘Count On Me’.

There are some old-timers still kicking up a shitstorm like Necromantix who have a new DVD / CD out and Sonny Vincent has a Testors tribute album that’s available with all proceeds going to a great cause that we fully support and will be reviewing this coming month so we have a Testors original in our playlist.

Rocker Pete Way hits the road this month for some live shows and has a vinyl issue of his ‘Amphetamine’ album. After finishing another round of superb dates with The Wildhearts Ginger gets back on the saddle and begins an acoustic band run of shows entitled Ginger and The Sinners. Also on tour is Wayne Hussy whos doing the rounds with his guitar and passages from his autobiography.

Recently released was the awesome and intriguing 40th-anniversary demos and sessions of Tubeway Army’s ‘Replicas’ so we’ve added the classic ‘Down In The Park’ to our list. Recently Rebellion Festivals announced some cracking additions to 2020’s line up and that included some RPM favourites so how could we not include the likes of The Hip Priests who also have some shows this month so have an earful of ‘I Hate The City’ ponder the lyrics and remember it when you go to vote UK peeps.

A new album and some live dates on the way see a welcome return to the awesome Urban Voodoo Machine with their brilliant ‘Johnny Foreigner’.  Announcing tour dates for 2020 Redd Kross are a shoo-in for our playlist. Finally, with an official release and stock, The Brothers Steve make our playlist with ‘Angeline’ from the fantastic ‘#1’ CD.

This month also sees the New Model Army play every corner of the United Kingdom with a proper tour to back up their excellent new album so ‘Where I Am’ makes our playlist.

To finish off this November playlist and to highlight our diversity we have a hattrick of rock from South Wales to show the hills are indeed alive with the sound of music as Buck and Evans ‘Sunrise’ is up and there is the return of Forever Vendetta with ‘Come Alive’ and to close off the November RPM playlist we include Deathtraps who are busy putting the finishing touches to their new album so we’ve included ‘Get Loose’ so take their advice and ours and get loose and we’ll see you in December when we’ll have a splash of new tunes to rock the year out!

One of the best debut albums I’ve heard in quite some time happens to be ‘Out Of My Head’ it’s jam-packed with influences ranging from the good to the greats and the passion and energy poured into every groove of the LP is evident to the listener.  I tapped Matt up for an interview with RPM and he was happy to oblige.  If you’re lucky enough to have the band roll into a town near you I suggest you cancel whatever it is you’re doing and get down to the Rock and Roll show.  But hey check em out then support them and Dead Beat Records because we need more bands like this making music on labels like that.  So lets cut the crap and get down to the chatter that mattered  Ladies and Gents boys and girls  Matt from Poison Boys…
When did the band form and let us know a little about where you grew up and what inspired you guys to pick up an instrument and play Rock and Roll?
I grew up right outside of Chicago in Northwest Indiana, about 1 minute from the border of Illinois. Been obsessed with rock n roll since I was a kid. Me and my friend Mike Lippman had been playing in punk bands together since we were young teenagers and finally decided we wanted to start a rock n roll band. I played drums throughout those years but wanted to play guitar if it was a rnr band so started figuring out Ramones songs and went from there.
Can you remember what the first songs you wrote as a band was?  
Mike and I collaborated on nearly all of the early songs, he’d write riffs or I would, and I’d write vocals and he’d help me with the lines sometimes. First ones we wrote were Been Here All Night, Out of My Head, Cut Right Out, Bad Mouth, Without You and a couple of others. Unfortunately, Mike passed away before we could complete a lot of other songs which I ended up finishing later like Headed for Disaster, Got to Tease, and Up to the Sky among others. We always wanted it to be a well rounded rock n roll group, not just one specific sound the whole record or anything. But not to stray too far outside of the rock n roll spectrum.
You’ve released a couple of singles before the album came along with the first two being on the excellent UK label no front teeth.  How did that come about?  How did a label out of London pick up some guys in Chicago?  Is the line up stable now? your almost in Spinal Tap territory for past members already 
I found out about No Front Teeth from reading a PORK magazine and either seeing an NFT ad or a record review with NFT as the label it was released on. Just emailed Marco and he was super down to help us get our first (and second) 7″ out. Really I could not find any snotty punk labels in the states at all. Even now I only know of like 2 or 3 and that’s it. And if they aren’t interested or are too busy or whatever you turn to labels elsewhere that’s all.
As for the lineup… When people don’t wanna play rock n roll anymore or move out of state what do you do? The band hasn’t been around long enough to make much of an impression with anyone lineup, hasn’t had an LP or anything out prior to now so it didn’t matter to me. Granted I don’t exactly enjoy having members flake out or whatever but it is what it is. We’ve had a pretty solid lineup for about a year and a half or so with Matt “Chainz/the Chainblaster” Chaney on drums and Steve  “Stevsie/Stevie Poison” Elfinger on bass at home/guitar on the road, and touring members Nico Bones on bass and Julius Lange on guitar. It’s been pretty killer getting to know and hang with all of them.
The first single was back in 2016 then ’17 then you got White Zoo to release the last one last year.  Had you already signed up to dead beat to do the album by then?  How come you switched for the album? 
Dead Beat came about through me asking them earlier this year if they’d be interested in releasing the LP. They were very stoked especially after hearing the record, so we just had to finish up art and final mastering for it and it was a go. The 7″s were released on the other side of the pond, we were just looking for somewhere closer to get the records released by and knew Dead Beat had put out records by some of our favorite newer rock n roll bands.
Is there a chance of a European release for the record?  What about touring Europe and the UK?
We’d love for it to be released by a European label! Haven’t heard anything about that yet but time will tell I suppose. We plan to set up a European tour for hopefully next year.
As far as the album goes I was really pleased to hear plenty of influences in there and some choice covers.  Obviously, I have to ask why those covers? (apart from them being great songs) 
Well, I was listening to a Beatles singles comp called ‘Past Masters’ and heard a banging rocker called ‘Slow Down’. Knew it had to be a cover and found out Larry Williams was the original and sounded killer!! I figured we could pull it off and should give it a go. It delivers well live so we figured it’d be a good way to help open up the album and add more bitchin’ piano to it which we love big time. As for the Dead Boys cover… that one’s always been relatable to me and it fits with our style really well I think. It’s, of course, a tribute to them and our influences getting into punk at an early age.
I love the album and think it’s one of the best debut albums I’ve heard in an age and the attitude in the songs is superb – really authentic sounding. Is there a plan to tour then record some more? are you someone who writes all the time? 
Thanks man I really appreciate it. We worked hard on these songs and it’s good to finally let them have their day. Really nice to hear that people like them. We’re leaving for our “Out of My Head” East Coast/Canada Tour 2019 this week and beginning recording for our 2nd LP this week as well. Plenty still on the horizon for the Poison Boys. I write all the time even if it’s just little pieces and put them together as I go. Show ’em to the guys and get opinions and we work em out from there.
How has the reception been at the live shows?  How would you describe the scene over there in Chicago? is there much of an appetite for real rock and roll?
The live shows are killer and what we love the most. People seem to love it too and get down to our set so that’s cool. I think people need this type of rock n roll but just aren’t getting it much from bands these days. Not a lot of people go to rock n roll shows around here anymore unless it’s the Stones or KISS or something. A lot of bands around here either play washed out reverb’d out psychedelic shit or shoegaze or grunge or a mixture of all that. There’s like 3 bands in Chicago that don’t do that. As with many bands, the reception on the road is way greater than at home.
There seem to be pockets of superb music coming out of America right now – any chance you cats hooking u with bands like Wyldlife, Ravagers and The Sweet Things and stealing over here for a package tour?  Are there any bands you hear about currently tickling your fancy so to speak?
We generally like touring alone but are open to whatever if the situation’s right. One of our first shows ever was in Indianapolis in 2014 opening for Wyldlife. Alex from Ravagers does a lot of our artwork and we have a gig with our boys the Sweet Things coming up at Coney Island Baby in Manhattan in a couple weeks, Friday 8/02. Yeah favorite bands going on right now in the states are mostly in California, like Black Mambas, the Crazy Squeeze, the Flytraps, Dr. Boogie (although they just broke up), and also bands like Terry and Louie, our boys Jonesy from Montreal, the Rubs, our buds Big Blood from out here, stuff like that. And of course the Sweet Things out in NY. There’s a good amount of rock n roll going on elsewhere and I think it’s growing thankfully.
Listening to the album I hear some obvious inspirations from the likes of Dead Boys, Thunders, then I hear classic Stones and Faces – you guys have some of the swagger that made early Guns N Roses shine (tear Me Apart)  and I love the confidence of songs like ‘Up To The Sky’ but you can also mix it up like Hanoi Rocks on songs like ‘Desperado’   it opens up options for you to go in any direction what’s on in the van currently? What are you listening to?
We listen to old protopunk shit like Berlin Brats, Hollywood Brats, Razor Boys, Nervous Eaters, Rockpile, Flamin Groovies, Stooges, all that. A lot of Johnny Thunders and Dolls stuff of course, their solo stuff right after the Dolls broke up too. Hanoi Rocks, Dogs D’Amour. But also stuff like the Nuggets comps and other more obscure comps like the Bonehead Crunchers comps and shit like that. A ton of old punk bands like Menace, the Only Ones, Teenage Head, the Saints, Chelsea, Testors, Slaughter and the Dogs, Gen X… Then Mott the Hoople for 24 hours straight, Lou Reed, Kiss, T Rex, Motorhead, the Faces, Stones. All the goods all the time. Oh yeah and the RAMONES.
If there is anything you guys need to get off your chests here’s your chance.  Anything you’d like to add?
Come see us on tour!!! Buy merch, support rock n roll and keep us on the road. If you play rock n roll start a band get a shitty van and a mechanic friend and go tour. Keep this shit alive and growing and spread the love not shit talk and hate. We’re too small of a scene to be separated all the time by trivial cool guy bullshit and life’s too short to waste energy tearing each other down. It ain’t like the old days, we all know that… Rock n roll is so unimportant to modern society and we’re all we have left. We’re all in this together. Be inclusive there’s no room for hate against each other.
Buy The Album Here or coloured vinyl Here
On sale now! Please help support Cayden’s recovery.  You should all have heard about Sonny Vincent and what happened to his family and that’s why RPM is fully supporting this plea to all you Rock n Roll fans reading this to help out a brother and this time you get something in return.  Three CD’s of music from over seventy bands! how can you not jump on board with this one?  Use the links to make the payments and help out for Sonny and his family.  
Just looking through the list briefly should have any self-respecting punk rock n roller salivating at this compilation so jump on board and lets sell this one out

3 CD digipak USA $25 includes shipping,PayPal ( sent as gift family/friend) to sonnyvincentpersonalmail@gmail.com

3 CD digipak all EUROPEAN countries $35 includes shipping, PayPal ( sent as gift family/friend) to sonnyvincentpersonalmail@gmail.com

Be sure to include name and address in the paypal message.
See below for other payment methods.

The link below is for Venmo ( see above for PayPal address)


For personal check please PM sonny your address.

76 Bands come together to support Cayden and Sonny with a 3 CD digipack ‘Tribute To Sonny Vincent’

01 Rough Kids – Lights Out (USA)
02 The Dogs – Call My Name (USA)
03 James Williamson – Never Far From Where The Wild Things Are (USA)
04 Anti Cimex – Only In Dreams (SWE)
05 The Candy Snatchers – Pissed Off, Ripped Off, Screwed (USA)
06 Legion Of Sadists – Pacto De Sangue (POR)
07 Eskorbuto – Cerebros Destruidos (ESP)
08 The Pagans – Hollywood Or Die (USA)
09 Knife For An Eye – Poison Out (SWE)
010 Victims – She’s So Hot (USA)
011 Bobby Liebling’s (Pentagram) Ram Family – Drop The Gun (USA)
012 The Boys – Walk My Dog (UK)
013 Tav Falco – Whistle Blower Blues (USA)
014 Pussy Galore – Seattle (USA)
015 Chaos UK – Hearts Of Noize (UK)
016 Jack Lipton (Penetrators) – She’s Gonna Remind You (USA)
017 The Chrome Cranks – Bloodshot Eye (USA)
018 The ‘B’ Girls – Mystery (USA)
019 The Streetwalkin’ Cheetahs – Escape From New York City (USA)
020 Simon Chainsaw – Eight Times Lucky (AUS)
021 Sorrows – Bad Times Good Times (USA)
022 Pat Todd & The Rankoutsiders – This Counterfeit World (USA)
023 Spent Idols – Creeps (USA)
024 Patrulha do Purgatório – Enterrado Na Loucura (POR)


01 Dark Carnival – Real Cool Time (USA)
02 Flamin’ Groovies – Don’t Talk To Strangers (USA)
03 The Bellrays – Mine All Mine (USA)
04 Viletones – The Screaming Fist (CAN)
05 Corpse Grinders – Anything Goes (USA)
06 The Black Lips And Khan Family – Too Much In Love (USA)
07 Electric Frankenstein – Welcome To My Town (USA)
08 Refused and Rise Against – Proficiency (SWE)/(USA)
09 Deadbeat Poets – It’s Summertime (USA)
010 New York Junk – I Ride A Subway Train (USA)
011 Zodiac Panthers – I Don’t Gotta But I’m Gonna Cause I Wanna (USA)
012 Clorox Girls – Vietnam (USA)
013 Sonic Angels – Love Is The Law (FRA)
014 Pretty Quick – Hit Me With The Reflex (USA)
015 Luigi And The Wiseguys – Johnny Ace (USA)
016 Moto – Lovers Landfill (USA)
017 White Mystery – Boy Next Door (USA)
018 Comando 9mm – Antisocial (ESP)
019 Gentleman Jesse – Romford Girls (USA)
020 The Kopek Millionaires – Punk Girl (USA)
021 Psychotica – We Are The Dead (USA)
022 Marion Cobretti – Viver À Margem (POR)
023 Carbonas – Nostalgia Buff (USA)
024 Dan Sartain – When I Was A Cowboy (USA)
025 Barreracudas – Stoned On Love (USA)
026 The Ricky C. Quartet – Bleeding Heart (UK)
027 Cellophane Suckers – Gimme That Ass (GER)
028 Sonny Vincent with (members of) Rocket From The Crypt – Bad Attitude (USA)


01 Jeff Dahl – Bang On (USA)
02 Flesh Rag – In Another Dimension (CAN)
03 Richard Duguay – Fuck You Fame Whore (USA)
04 The Cynz – Mean Girls (USA)
05 Crusaders Of Love – Shot To The Heart (FRA)
06 Soggy – Lay Down A Lot (FRA)
07 Electra Jets – Bomb Bomb Bomb (USA)
08 The Capaces – Shinning Soul (ESP)
09 Kevin K – Justify (USA)
010 Clockwork Boys – Selvagem (POR)
011 Rattlin’ Bones – Don’t Believe (USA)
012 RIP – Enamorado De La Muerte (ESP)
013 Steve Baise’s Sly – fi – She’s Got It (USA)
014 Dark Carnival – I Love You But You’re Dead (USA)
015 Sonny Vincent & His Rat Race Choir – Cinematic Suicide (USA)
016 The Black Widows – Neo Invictus (USA)
017 Les Lullies – Bored Sick Done (FRA)
018 Fur Dixon – If I Was Free (USA)
019 Cavalaria 77 – José Do Telhado (POR)
020 Spitfire Stevens – Hollow Inside (GER)
021 Rikki Bacchus – Goochi Boxer (USA)
022 The Crazy Squeeze – Hard Livin’ Man (USA)
023 Ravagers – Suzi (Has An Uzi) (USA)
024 Testors – Bad Attitude (USA)
025 Puma Pearl -September Blue (USA)

Seeing as the weather outside is getting colder and getting up for that job seems a little harder let Steve Rockaway those blues with his video for ‘Gimme Gimme Rockaway’

The classic track from the upcoming Testors Tribute Album. Proceeds will go toward medical and housing expenses for Testors guitarist Sonny Vincent’s family. Facebook testors tribute page Alternatively you can donate to his gofundme page here:https://www.gofundme.com/xnvynbcc

To finish off this public service how about something off the new Heavy Drapes record ‘Crashing Like Stars’. ‘Should I suck Or should I Blow’ will see you out the door in double quick time.  enjoy folks.