Ryan Hamilton and the Harlequin Ghosts have announced a UK tour for June 2019 in support of the new album This Is The Sound.

This Is The Sound’  is released on 31st May 2019 on Wicked Cool, Pre Order the album Here the label run by Little Steven Steven van Zandt, a long-time supporter and co-writer of current single ‘Mamacita’ – 

13 June / NOTTINGHAM, Bodega

14 June / CAMBRIDGE, Special Event Venue tbc

15 June / LONDON, Borderline

20 June / EDINBURGH, Bannermans

21 June / BUCKLEY, Tivoli

22 June / BLACKPOOL, Waterloo

23 June / HALIFAX, Lantern

Oh yeah, Canada is killing it again on the power pop stakes.  Trust me there is no other country on the planet churning out top-notch power pop quite like Canada.

I’ve reviewed Corner Boys singles before and when I heard they had an album in the can it was a no brainer.  Imagine Buzzcocks and Undertones mashed up with some New Wave and rolled it into the modern age and whilst these cats doff their caps to their forefathers in punk rock they have just about handcrafted a whole bunch of awesome power pop.  Superbly crafted punk rock songs played at pace with melody and equal amounts of angst and loud sharp guitars.  Songs like ‘Lies And Excuses’ throw some punchy bass lines into the mix along with some Gatlin gun drum rolls.  Damn Corner Boys have got it all.


Spit and snot aplenty there is a triumphant fist-pumping we know we’re great thing happening here. Seriously playing this record through had me comparing it to Cyanide Pills for quality on quality on quality and so it goes.  You keep waiting for the next tune to drop off and you tut that they weren’t really the best thing since sliced bread but it doesn’t happen the title track is a much more juvenile snotty pogo through the best of SLF whereas ‘Norman’ is just a massive sugar rush on a rolling guitar lick in a similar vein as the Briefs and The Stitches or at least if you love them you have a fair idea where these cats are coming from.  It’s not complicated its just great fucking songs one after the other from start to finish. If there is a complaint its there are only ten songs on here and that’s it.  They’ve really mainlined the lyrical quality and melody of the late great Pete Shelley on ‘Guilty Galaxy’ No I don’t know what it’s about but it doesn’t matter I was too busy jumping up and down trying to get in time with the music.

‘(I’m such A) Mess’ is like the best Briefs song they never wrote and ‘Don’t Come Back’ is more Buzzcocks that Buzzcocks which is a great place to be.  I love that bands from thousands of miles away really just get it whatever it is they get “it” enough to go into a studio and just have a bunch of fun hacking out tunes faster than the last one and doing it well.  sure Corner Boys won’t ever get inducted into any stupid hall of egos but they’ll make their way into a bunch of really fucking cool record collections of like-minded people who just get it as well.  Why not be one of those people and let a little sunshine into your life and get yourself some Corner Boys punk rock n roll because its simply excellent stuff now ‘Tell Me’ What You Waiting For?

Buy ‘Waiting For 2020’ Here


Author: Dom Daley