The time has come to say goodbye as shit islands loudest, filthiest, hardest rockin motherfuckers bow out having kicked against the pricks for over a decade. They’ve always shown Zero Fucks and always done it on their own terms, be it the prolific single releases with Spasm Gang rewards, the Long Players full of promise being thrashed to death around the toilet circuit of the UK indie scene they have decided to call time and move on to pastures new but not before delivering what might just turn out to be the bands finest piece of work ever, and that’s not something I say lightly.

Having seen them live countless times and being SG member number two its fair to say I’ve been all over every single record these gents have put out on whatever format they chose and this one rages against the machine big time and if they didn’t give a single fuck on the way in they most certainly aren’t holding back on the way out. ‘We Become Nothing’ is a ten-inch EP full of rage and then some, showing the ones that followed that they can deliver every mother fucking time. From the off ‘If You Can’t Beat Us…Join Us’ is a full-bloodied, open-throttle banger from the riffage that you’ve come to expect from Ricket and Ben but the Rhythm in the engine room, holding the beast on the leash is thunderous. To his credit Von Cruz has hit his stride here delivering his finest performance one last TIME Saving the best til last it would seem – fist punching, hard rockin, beer spilling bile at its loudest best.

Turn up those speakers and let the guitars slash and hack with a wonderful riff, ‘All You Never Wanted’ is the opener turned up to eleven. Pure unadulterated fuck you punk rock with top lyrics to boot, ave it! Love the breakdown which sounds like it’s having its own breakdown as it fucks your head, fans will love this one and wonder why these boys aren’t massive. Love the wah overload of ‘Home Is Where The Hate Is’ as side one is brought to a shuddering halt but not before I almost spilt my Molotov Cocktail when Meryl Streek kicked in with the spoken words, fuckin glorious stuff and I wholeheartedly endorse every mother fuckin word of it!. Going out in a blaze of glory be fucked they’re burning down the whole house and neighbourhood with this one. Now go take five, chill, get some air and get back to that stereo for the second half.

‘Lose Those Chains’ is a slower more melodic beast with a big chorus (in Hip Priest terms) but built on a big groove. ‘Thicken My Skin’ is, of course, a banger, I love that thumping groove and the melody is carrying this fucker home. The message is right on the money with Von Cruz again delivering the goods. This only leaves ‘I Wanna Live (Like I’m Gonna Die)’ which is it folks, hold back the tears and draw breath it’s not quite a ballad but it’s probably the closest you’re going to get in Hip Priests world. With a truckload of emotion poured into the playing here it’s the one to finish the sets in November before the final fireworks are set off and the instruments are thrashed into a heaving pile of burning wood in the middle of the stage. That’s it kids the Hip Priests are done and dusted and they bow out in a spirit of defiance and middle digits aloft. God bless every stinking one of you and thanks for the memories it’s been a hell of a ride and almost every turn it’s been a pleasure and most certainly never a chore. Adios Amigos it’s been a pleasure and quite literally that all folks…See you in November. Buy It!

Buy it off the band or Ghost Highway but be quick there aren’t many left I believe.

Author: Dom Daley