Post pandemic punk rock is alive and kicking. When a new name crops up and when you hear them described as a cross between Bronx and Rocket From The Crypt then I suggest you sit up and damn well pay attention. When you then clap eyes on the band and see some familiar fashionistas formerly plying their trade with Rotten Foxes then a frantic following of links to hand over your hard earner for a copy of their debut slab of wax is a no-brainer.

Basically, they’ve slapped their two EPs on either side of a 12″ record for our listening pleasure, you know what? When they describe their sound as a cross between Bronx and RFTC it’s not far from the bullseye. From the gargling thump of the bass guitar on ‘Spit’ you’re balls deep already. It slam dances off the passionate vocal delivery where the lyrics are indeed Spat out. It’s like Bad Sam on speed and rolled around in a paddling pool of glitter and sewage. Side A clocks in at a superb sub ten minutes. It takes longer to come up with superlatives to throw at this record than it does to listen to it. there are no long solos – breakdowns that overstay their welcome. It kicks down the door, gets in, launches a few slaps and runs like fuck!

‘Don’t Wanna Go’ raise the tempo to a prog like 2.02 seconds. The one and a half minutes of ‘Control’ is barely in control as it thrashes about trying desperately to find a way to bring this all to an end. It’s like an atomic bomb going off in your head. Wonderful noise! ‘War’ has a cool Pete Shelly-like guitar lick if he ever joined Gluecifer and they came from Brighton.

Tip this bad boy over and it’s another four – same criteria – same delivery – same pattern. 1-2-3-4 Go! ‘See The Light’ is almost single in length and raises the temperature a notch or two. Why aren’t there more bands knocking out this punked up gutter Rock n Roll? ‘Cosmic Giggle’ is a banger and that riff at the start dictates that my legs won’t stop twitching.

Two songs in and the pace is deffo cranked up for ‘Crack The Cranium’. The place for this is a small room with like-minded humans and a load of beer no windows or air-con and a lot of sweat. to wrap this bad boy up they lull you in with a soundscape before all hell breaks loose down at rough Gutts gaff as ‘Don’t Listen’ says it like it is. the World is indeed shit sometimes and you don’t listen but sometimes it’s the opposite and a band can excite and absolutely nail it in the studio and deliver an album that is exactly what you’re crying out for and today that album is ‘Parts I & II’. Buy It! Imagine watching Glastonbury with Rough Gutts kicking out the jams!

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Author: Dom Daley