I had a quick glance at the cover then checked what the band looked like then dropped the needle (so to speak) I can’t help myself sometimes and before a note has been played I’ve already started judging a band. Hard rock isn’t really my bag and macho lyrics don’t move me so when HQ offered me The Lazys I already had my review covered and then I changed tack and thought I’d leave all my misconceptions at the door and go in with something of an open mind so here goes.
The production is bright and really compliments the hard Rock and Roll on offer the attitude seems genuine and they might just live it as they talk it. Sure the lyrics don’t always fly with me but hell the groove they hit is good – just take ‘Half Past Blues’ damn, it rocks.
The band has an ear for a commercial edge which works really well on ‘Nothing But Trouble’ and the guitar work is certainly an asset and it’s crisp and enjoyable and the chorus has enough to make it to the radio. Certainly, that edge is carried through to the harder hitting ‘One’s Too Many’ which has a strong tempo and is an old-school hard-rocker and again the playing is passionate and that comes through even if the lyrics are a little generic. There had to be a slower smokey number in here somewhere and tucked away towards the latter stages ‘Somebody’s Daughter’ hits that mark. It has a gentle introduction then builds towards the chorus then returns back. Singer Leon Harrison can really belt them out and has a strong vocal and is a real asset whether he’s singing softly (as he does here) or he’s really cutting loose like ‘Nothing But Trouble’. There is even time for the band to break out the big 80’s acoustic guitars on closer ‘Young Modern Lightning’ and commercial radio will be all over this as its sunsets on the record and the imagery within the song – it might not be my usual style but I can’t say I dislike this at all. I might not be investing in a beard and long hair any day soon but if you do like loud guitars and like a whiskey with your ballsy Rock then I’d suggest The Lazys might well be a band you should reach out and grab. Following on from fellow Australians who Rock hard like AC/DC and Rose Tattoo you can in the future add The Lazys to the roster as they have the sound and the songs.
Author: Seb Boyd
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