Without delay let’s get into this album and review. From the moment the music hits the ether you can feel the intent and energy these ladies are oozing. ‘Apocolypse She’ is raging with attitude and energy. Wearing their influences on their sleeves it’s a beating heart full of napalm and L7 meets Hole meets Distillers meets Joan Jett its blood and thunder from the off.

Since 2012 the Anti Queens have been at it, with a couple of EPs and one full-length album in the arsenal they were sharpening their attack over the last few years to make the best record they could and judging by the sounds of it they’ve achieved that goal. If loud-in-your-face pop melodies wrapped in attitude and loud guitars are your bag then why are you still reading this, no, wait, read this then click the link and go get some. ‘Bulldozer’ by name Bulldozer by nature as these ladies play hard and set off another earworm that burrows hard in your brain.

The production is weighty and fulsome and befitting the songs. yeah, the songs that’s what it’s all about at the end of the day and you can tell these are really well crafted and with one eye on the commercial success it’s a fair trade-off in a genre that’s really crowded it’s not hard to see why these guys have notched up over a million plays on streaming sites and on this LP they will double that and some. ‘Saviour’ has a great sound on the slashing guitar before that pummeling bass joins in stomping all over the track. It’s not all full throttle and the band has carefully mixed up the tempos here swaying from mindful slower more chart-friendly songs especially the poptastic ‘Overthinking’ – America is going to love this if it gets into the right ears. but for me the band works best on the rawer faster songs ‘Crusade’ or ‘Owe U Shit’ but the band has a strong ear for melodies, especially on the vocals and pays attention to their choruses and to be fair are owning this sound right here right now.

It’s only a matter of time before you’re all hearing about this band and their ‘Disenchanted’ album. Get involved pop punk never had it so good or sounded so good. Move over NOFX your spot is about to be taken by this powerhouse from Toronto Canada.

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Author: Dom Daley