Well here we are friends, enemies, rock n rollas its Episode 31 of the RPM Online Podcast and what better way to kick off the latest show than with the magnificent Toilet Boys from NYC. They played hard and lived hard and it has to be said in Miss Guy they had the ultimate Rock n Rolla frontperson and boy could they play. With a Track off their debut its a massive high to kick off the show. If you don’t like NYC finest then #getoutahere you’ve happened across something that just isn’t for you.
In timely fashion Amyl & The Sniffers announced a UK Tour today and released two new tracks just for good measure and ‘Facts’ is the first so here goes. Get your tickets and get an earful of the new tunes.
Before you know it were underway and Powderkeg are back with another song picked by Hotshot before we head down under again for a new song from Cutters ‘Desperate Rant Number 69’ lifted from ‘Psychic Injury’.
We keep the new tunes coming with another absolute banger from Redd Kross of their double LP thats about to drop sometime this summer. We then hit the part of the show that the ladies have been waiting for as Hotshots Hot Picks are unveiled. First up ‘Sex Type Thing’ from Stone Temple Pilots followed by Strayers with ‘Table For Two’ then The magnificent Muffs are offered up with ‘Lucky Guys’ then he picks Baby Chaos ‘Swimming Trunks’ and there you have Hotshots Hot Picks.
How about a Dandy Warhols BBC session from 2000 where the band perform ‘Last Junkie’ so a live in the studio cut is bouncing with energy. We stay in that period and Hole are on the turntable with ‘Skinny Little Bitch’.
I think its a first as we go Oriental with our first Japanese band and Teengenerate with the LO-Fi rapid ‘I Don’t Mind’ blasts off. We love Chuck Norris Experiment and we don’t need any excuse to play a track by those Gothenberg Heavy Rockin Punks but the fact they have a brand new album on the way its always a good excuse. so ‘Out Of Our League’ gets a good airing. Whilst we’re championing new records up next we have a brand new song off Rich Ragany and his solo record ‘You Can Get Dark With Me’ and boy what atop tune this one is. Hit him up for a copy of this album available this coming June 14th via Barrel and Squidger Records. or click this link to pre order a copy.
One record and out sadly was the way MAin Street Brats went after their superb self titled album hit our stereos back in 2012 so what better song to play that the albums opening blast ‘375’ how this was a one off God only knows and how it never got a vinyl press is also a mystery. New single from Narco Y Horchata has a quality cover on the B side ‘Don’t Come Crying To ME’ by the Cyanides so why not give it the once over here and an LP is rumoured to be in the can for future release which is great news based off of the two songs on this single.
Anyone remember Bobby Durango and Rock City Angels? you might remember the Geffen album Young Mans Blues well, we play one of the demo tracks that made up the postumous release ‘Southern Vision’ in the shape of ‘Lower East Side’ their story is interesting and is wrapped up in some Guns N Roses history. but its followed by one of the two new bangers from The Hellacopters as ‘Fire In Ciaro’ is our tune of choice from the new single. Long time fans wont be dissapointed inn what the band dish up now with Dregan back in the fold its a Banger.
The penultimate track this week is Banned From The USA’ courtesy of the Netherlands The Covids and we both agree this is a banger just before its release and the band also have a smattering of live dates around mainland Europe so do check em out.
Finally we reach the end of this marathon episode where we cram 21 songs for your listenign pleasure from all corners of the spinning rock. What away to sign off episode 31 we play The Courettes with their take on a Cramps classic and were outta here. Enjoy and please help spread the word by following us on our mission o fspreading the good tunes to the masses. Diolch!
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