Rancid have released their debut self-titled EP on streaming services for the first time ever. Exclusively released on 7-inch vinyl back in 1992 on Lookout! Records, the inaugural Rancid EP is the band’s seminal five-track induction to punk rock that set the tone for a prolific and subversive thirty-plus year run.

Recently, Rancid’s B Sides and C Sides compilation of early works was also made available on streaming services as a collection for the first time. Originally released in 2007, the blistering 24-track set features songs that span 1992 to 2004. From the raging chest-beating punk rock anthems that are the band’s signature sound of ragged riffs and Matt’s thunderous flurry of bass notes, they don’t just thrash they also pull off a rather convincing gutsy Rock n Roll like on ‘Devils Dance’. Early Rancid were a breath of fresh air and continues to this day to deliver punk rock of the every highest standard. To think these songs didn’t even make the cut for LPs bu were rather kept for hardcore followers who collected singles and limited editions. Armstrong is and was a prolific writer and never let his standards drop be in Rancid or side projects or download only solo tracks but it’s rancid when he shone the most.

But hey why not wind back to the beginning and The Rancid EP with it gruff vocals and frantic drums, the avalanche of bass they had it all right from the off. The trademark street punk sound that they’ve honed and experimented with throughout the years always revisited their roots.

Formed in 1991 with founding members Tim Armstrong and Matt Freeman (formerly of Operation Ivy), they brought Armstrong’s roommate, drummer Brett Reed along for the wild ride.

Having these early entries available on streaming platforms new fans can immerse themselves in those early recordings. the production might not be what they became but the songs are there and that intensity and energy is timeless. ensures that their legacy is even more accessible than ever before, allowing access for a new audience to experience the raw energy and rebellious spirit that has made Rancid a household name.

Throughout the last three decades, Rancid has remained fiercely independent, never losing their loyalty to their community or each other. Their music confronts political and social issues, while balancing personal tales of love, loss, and heartbreak with attitude. By carrying on the traditions and spirit of the original punk rock bands that came before, Rancid has become a legend and inspiration to punk bands that have come after.

Never afraid to stray from their punk roots the Ska flavours mashed with the rock n roll is here and songs like ‘Media Controller’ sit nicely alongside ‘I’m Not The Only One’ hit that EP up.

‘Killing Zone’. ‘Thats Entertainment’ and the thrash of ‘Sick Sick World’ are majestic and a band in full flight at the peak of their power a peak that must have lasted more than a decade (that’s no exaggeration) Now with more bang for your buck you also have ‘Blackliste’, ‘X Mas Eve’ and the succinct and beautiful ‘Fuck You’ Get on it now you won’t regret it if this has passed you by or if you was it streamed then go fill yer boots.


Author: Dom Daley