Eleven years after it was originally released I think I might have picked it up from Wanda Records when I saw Buzzcocks, The Nerves, The Beat, and The Plimsouls influenced them it was a no-brainer. It featured Justin Maurer as the main protagonist. How could it fail? Well, you’ll be glad to know it didn’t, and it continues to sound fresh and exciting every time I decide to drop the needle in the grooves. Man, that title track is like Audio Heroine it’s so addictive and playing it once just isn’t enough.

Hell, Look at the record jacket these cats look like they know how to have a good time and get up to mischief and do it whilst writing the best in New Wave, Punk rock known to mankind.

The group, featuring Justin Maurer from CLOROX GIRLS and SUSPECT PARTS, James Carman of MANIAC, TELEPHONE LOVERS, THE REFLECTORS, and IMAGES, Cezar Mora from BAD MACHINE, and Johnny “JD” Reyes, formerly of IMAGES and BAD MACHINE, forms a punk/power pop outfit that has pedigree and oozes quality from every pore. ‘Vampire’ just rolls on by with the sweet Bv’s stopping it nodding out its so snotty it should have catapulted the band to big things.

Inspired by the dissolution of CLOROX GIRLS in 2010, Maurer, along with Cezar Mora, and James Carman, embarked on crafting original songs under the moniker LA DRUGZ. A 10-year anniversary edition reissue is always welcome. It’s classic power pop new wave and punk, from the likes of The Briefs and of course Cute Lepers and the likes of Duncan Reid from the Boys. Infectious tracks like “Ooh Ooh Ooh” and “Marina,” are two examples of effortless pop melodies with a rough and ready exterior. Produced by the band in Calimucho, Kevin Carle’s home studio, and mastered by Daniel Husayn at North London Bomb Factory it knows what it’s after and knows the people to deliver.

The only problem with this is still only has six tracks. I would have loved to see it expanded with more music but hey you don’t always get what you want and if you didn’t get on board the first time around then don’t miss it this time – you can’t say you haven’t been warned. It’s a stellar EP chanting the gang vocals on ‘Out On The Street’ is a classic that sounds like it should have been included in The Warriors soundtrack and then it’s done. Buy It! Essential EP Purchase trashy, snotty and a genuine punk rock earworm.

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Author:Dom Daley