WolfWolf, the dynamic Swiss duo renowned for their unbridled energy and unique blend of garage punk and blues trash, has just released their highly anticipated fourth album, ‘Totentanz’ (Dance of Death), showcasing their evolution as musicians and storytellers. They’ve been at this for over a decade, WolfWolf

Comprising Mr. Wolf and Mr. Wolf, the duo’s latest offering delves deep into themes of mortality, weaving tales of life and death with their signature comic flair. From the melancholic to the macabre, each track on the album offers a glimpse into the vibrant yet eerie world of WolfWolf that is if you dare to delve deep into their unsettling world. The opening track ‘Heidi Is Alive’ is an unsettling stomper – with garage rock at the forefront and a pounding riff and echo-laden vocals. With a fusion of new wave drum sounds, industrial elements, and the haunting melodies of the Mellotron, these guys are here to entertain and fuck with you both at the same time.

WolfWolf’s then twists things with a spooky lick and solid drum beat as they walk you down a haunting synth run offering a unique glimpse into the duo’s twisted universe before breaking out on the chorus. Not a million miles from the twisted works of Eels WolfWolf mix old school with the new and aren’t afraid to put the two together to see what happens. There’s the twisted blues with ‘Holy Water’ then in contrast you have the fuzz of ‘Lost’ that sounds…lost. ‘My Imaginary Friend’ sounds like a fucked up old school Alice Cooper melody with a raw sandpaper garage groove with synths swirling these so much going on sonically yet the sound sounds sparse. Wonderful headfuckery.

The simplicity of ‘The Devil Knows’ in the intro is excellent and the ebow solo is finely placed as is that pounding broken drum beat. ‘Twenty One’ then heads down a synth wormhole with its hacked drone towards the chorus. It’s like Numan on steroids. ‘Heavy Sick’, yup I dunno what it means either but it’s like a runaway train with its uptempo rhythm and frantic guitar duelling pushing your listening skills to the limits.

‘Vampire Love’ is like a garage waltz with its rhythm it’s a twisted distant relative to the epic Urban Voodoo Machine the album’s title track being a fuzzed-up beauty. We do then ease back with something of a softer side as ‘It’s Hot In Hell’ has an offbeat to guide you through the firey depths with a soothing melody it has a lot of charm. This album given the right amount of commitment and indulgence will reward the listener over and over. For fans of The Cramps, Eels, PJ Harvey and the Urban Voodoo Machine and people who like uncomfortable melodies wrapped in twisted tones with even more twisted themes and lyrics. Step up and let WolfWolf entertain which they will do from the artwork to the videos to the music it’s all in here if you give it the time.

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Author:Dom Daley