Newport’s finest are back swinging with their second helping of a trio of six-track releases. Rather than pump out an LP in these times of media saturation the band decided to go for the slow burn of three six-track EPs dripped into the ether over a twelve-month period which is a pretty good idea in this play today gone-tomorrow culture of entertainment and the slow carpet bombing approach has a longer lasting effect and I like that idea and having eighteen tracks in three instalments is like a double albums worth of Fraser’s gruff vocals whispering into your ear and who doesn’t want that?

Opening with the spirited ‘Private Vietnam,’ the band sticks to what they are good at and grinds out a mid-paced rifftastic punk’ n roll sing-a-long. Lasting a couple of minutes it’s everything Deathtraps do well in a bite-sized offering. ‘Your Time Is Gonna Come’ is a more measured song with a confident tempo and a punch on the pre-chorus. The band slip through the gears with the tracks being around the two minutes mark meaning there isn’t time to bloat out intros or extended solos, it’s cut the crap and keep it lean. ‘I Want Fun’ is like the Dead Boys if they were from the industrial South Wales wasteland with a very nice chug on the verse and a minimalistic solo that does the job on the EPs highlight and one of the best songs the band have penned to date.

They’ve got their collective ‘Eye On You’ which is born in the riffage of Rocket From The Crypt and whips up a maelstrom in its hypnotic chorus another excellent song. With all paths leading to ‘Repeat’ to close off the second EP and a very nice piece of work indeed. Dethtraps have mastered their art and craft songs that improve on every release. Enjoy this one for the foreseeable and it’ll prepare you for EP3 which should be along in next to no time just remember the name – Deathfuckintraps! Ave it!

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Author: Dom Daley