Being a lover of 50’s rock’n’roll and rockabilly I was over the moon when I first heard the screamin’ rebel angels.

With their new release ‘Heel Grinder’ they have done an outstanding job of taking me back to those great artists of the 50’s such as elvis and jerry lee lewis but also adding their own sound and bringing the music up to date.


The album kicks off with the blistering, leg shaking blast of fast rock’n’roll that is ‘Oh my soul’. This track was first released as a single last year which was accompanied by video and this gets the album off to a great start.

Close on it’s heels (no pun intended) is the next two tracks which are ‘Baby Gets Down’ and the album title ‘Heel Grinder’ which like ‘Oh My Soul’ are fast rock’n’rollers that keep the quality high.

Next up is a cover of a great track called ‘Hands Off’ which the band do a great job of making the track their own.

This is followed by ‘I Believe’ which has a great rockabilly feel to it and is a song that Brian Setzer would be proud to call his own.

What I love about vintage Rock’n’ Roll is that it takes Blues, Gospel and Country and mixes it all together to create that great sound and the Angels certainly do it as good as a lot of the greats before them which is shown on the track ‘Something On Your’ mind which goes down the bluesy route.

‘Sweet Petunia’ is a stand out with it’s laid back start that builds on the tempo throughout the song to a blistering finale. The album finishes with a great rocker ‘Racing Death’, as good a way to close any album with such a high.

Screamin’ Rebel Angels built around the songwriting talents of vocalist Laura and guitarist Brian and they have created a modern day take on that vinatge Rock’n’Roll template.

Overall this is a great album that whether your a fan of rockabilly or just great music in general and can appreciate top musicians and songwriters then this has something for anyone to enjoy, it will put a great big smile on your face and keep your ears wanting more.


Author: Gareth Hooper