Hands up how many people remember the track “Another Girl, Another Planet”? Talk about pop perfection, looking back The Only Ones kicked in as far back as 1976 and were active right up until 1982, Peter Perrett being the vocalist/guitar slinger. Now hands up how many people are aware of Englands Glory? Perrett’s band before the only ones and how dark the vocals were, always drawing comparisons with Lou Reed? This stuff finally got released in 1987 and I would suggest you check it out, especially if your into the more experimental side of music.


But lets not dwell on the past Humanworld is brand spanking new, and worth looking at as a representation of now and an artist rebuilding not just themselves, but their sound. The trademark sneer to first single “I want your dreams” sets the tone and really highlights the strength of the songwriting. Next up “Once is enough” brings the urgency, moving the LP up about three gears, biting, arrogant and in your face, this is the darkest pop imaginable. The guitar work weaves around that trademark vocal and at just over two minutes its way to short.


“Heavenly day” slows things back down trawling the memory banks weaving an image that we can all apply ourselves too. “Love comes on Silent feet” brings back the drive and intensity ripping out of the speakers and probably holding its hand up as my fave on the LP.


Right the way through there seems to be two sides to the LP “The power in you” dropping the intensity back down, we seem to have the balls out lets hit the future head on and the more reflective melancholia, you can really get under the skin of what’s being said and done.


The Sneer and scathing lyrics that opens up “Believe in nothing” paints a starkly nihilistic viewpoint, but every story comes from an experience, just as every songwriter utilizes the experiences that shape them. “War Plan Red,” takes off with a classic Punk Rock and Roll riff, then the vocals worm their way into your mind, this is a seriously tasty track.


“48 crash” has an almost Stonesy groove to it, then were straight into “Walking in Berlin” again painted from the memory banks, and I think that the thing I really take from this whole set of songs is how vividly the songwriting paints a picture, the lyrics draw you in, take your mind to where the writer wants you to be. The Stuccato groove to next up “Loves Inferno” draws a few Bowie comparisons, even if it’s just the changed vocal delivery, but what a clever track. Next up “Master of destruction” is absolutely blinding, all edge and intensity before the LP wraps up with “Carousel “ the cracked vocal leaving you wanting more, looking at a life gone past, and maybe just peeking towards a future.


Fair play this is a stunning collection of songs, well worth the purchase price.

Buy Humanworld Here

Author: Nev Brooks