When a bands promo lands on your desk and you put in on the player and immediately within 30 seconds it has your attention because those cats are singing off the same hymn sheet you are and its pretty clear they have all the right credentials and then you don’t hear anything about them for a while then all of a sudden a great label picks up a band and releases an album and out of the blue you get asked to review this cool band and all of a sudden they reappear on your radar. Well, IdolLips are like that. Picked up by Wanda Records they released their third and strongest album to date,r so I thought it was about time we got in touch. I fired a bunch of questions at Tony Volume and this cool as band of Italian punk rock n rollers gave me the lowdown on what’s happening in Idol Lips world and the who why and wherefores are now in print so you can have no excuse for not checking out ‘Street Values’. Over to you Tony…
Firstly tell us a little history of the band. Where are you Tony and how long have you guys been playing? why play in a punk rock ‘n’ roll band & where did the name come from?
Idol lips were born around 2005, basically from the only guys who had a common love for old-fashioned heroes from the original punk scene. We lost our heart in 1977, the New York of CBGB’s and max’s where Heartbreakers, Ramones and Dead Boys played at volume 10. only one big problem: we came out too late and from a little town, Cecano, in the center of Italy, in the center of nothing, with no clubs and no scene. we took our name from a lipstick, what else? growing up with New York Dolls in your dreams? after few line up changes the band is now four pieces: Tony Volume on vocals and guitar, Dee Blade on drums, Vale Blade on guitar (we three from the beginning) plus new one Adrian X on bass.
The new album has been picked up by Wanda in Germany how did this come about?