Right seeing as were struggling midway through 2021 what with no live shows still and with opening up being on hold how about we introduce you to some fantastic bands we love and think you would love? OK, First up in this series we’ve got Donnie from The Satanic Overlords Of Rock ‘n’ Roll to fill in a few blanks about who they are and why you should investigate them further. make yourself comfortable and lend us your ear…
Firstly introduce yourself who are you and what is your role in the band?
I’m Donnie Stokes and I’m the vocalist for the band.
One of our guitarists and main songwriter Bill Fool was getting divorced at the time we started playing together. While in court his ex-wife stood and pointed at him and said he was some sort of devil worshiper thinking it would somehow help her case. Needless to say, it came across as ridiculous as it sounds. So that night the band was out drinking and having a good laugh about it and came up with the name as a jab at her and her ridiculous accusation. The name stuck and here we are. I can’t speak for all of us but most don’t even believe in the devil haha. I know we threw around some other names at the time but I don’t remember much with all the debauchery going on at the time. I did throw in a name that I will still use eventually. I’ve always wanted to use Righteous Motherfuckers.
How long has the band been together?
We’ve been a band now for about six years.
Did it take long to get the sound you wanted?
Everything kinda fell right into place right from the get-go. Every song is all over the place with us. We have so many influences in common and not in this band.
Bill will usually come in with a song that’s pretty well complete musically, he plays it for the band and we start jamming, some things change and we have a tune. I usually come up with a melody first and write lyrics later. We have songs that Bill has written music, lyrics, and all for as well. I typically will not finish all lyrics until we’re about to record. There are videos from our first gigs and the lyrics aren’t even close to what ended up on the record.
I loved the debut album but it’s so expensive to import from the States will the next one have European distribution? Will the debut ever get a repress? maybe for a European tour?
We definitely want to make our records more available to the masses especially with the next record. At the moment we’re writing and concentrating on the new record and a Euro tour is always in the works. Covid took its toll on everyone and set everything back a bit but we have a good following in Europe and many friends spread throughout. You will definitely see us in the future.
I’m not quite sure how it all started or who contacted who. Bill typically handles all that business but we’re huge fans of the band and the label rules. We hadn’t all been in the same room together in quite a while when we recorded that tune and I had some troubles having not sung in so long but we pushed through and got to be a part of a great record with many other awesome bands. As far as other covers, we recorded an Adam Ant tune for a split that didn’t happen but we’re now working on using it for a split with The Chuck Norris Experiment.
I love a good 7″ split and you guys recorded one always seems like a great idea to me for like-minded bands to do an EP together. Johny Manic is a great band but who else would you love to record a split with and what song of theirs would you do?
Personally, I would love to do a split with The Hookers out of my home state of Kentucky or The Dwarves. I’d love to do “Back Alley trash” I’m sure there are many artists between all of us that we’d love to do a split with.
How have you occupied your time as a band during lockdown?
We really didn’t as a band but Bill and Cheech kept busy with Night Cobra and Gil kept busy with Killer Hearts.
Any plans nailed down for post lockdown?
Looking forward to getting the next record written and getting our asses back out there.
Looking at your own role in the band what made you want to be in a band?
I’ve wanted to do this for as long as I can remember. When I first started, I was deathly shy and scared shitless but once the music started it was the best feeling I’ve ever had. I still have tons of anxiety before I play all the way up to the moment before that first guitar hits. The moment the music starts, it all goes away and I’m where I belong.
What instruments do you play and is there any musical role you’d like to master?
I honestly have owned guitars for thirty-plus years and have never mastered the instrument. I’ll stick to vocals haha.
What about in the studio, is it something you enjoy recording?
I’m the only one in the band that hates the studio. I’ve never been able to find that sweet spot, that natural feeling that you get while on stage. If I can find a way to channel all that attitude that I have on stage on this next record, look the fuck out. I plan on making it happen somehow some way this time. We have some great tunes for this next record that we’ve been playing live and they’ll stand up next to anything out there.
As for live – you’ve shared the stage with some great bands. What has impressed you individually about a particular band and what have you learned from others? Are there any bands you’d like to hit the road with?
We’ve played with so many of our favorites and have had nothing but great experiences with all of them. I learned to keep my shirt on from Eddie Spaghetti haha. I remember the first time we played with them he told someone in the band that “It was great until your singer took his shirt off” Hahaha.
I’d like to tour with The Dwarves or Electric Frankenstein. There are too many to name.
Finally, anything I’ve forgotten or should have asked you?
We don’t write love songs, we write songs about fucking, getting fucked, getting fucked up, and fucked up people. Very deep stuff. Haha.
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