EP1 of 3 for 2024! Thats the mantra and I don’t know why not in this age of disposable Rock n Roll and streaming etc etc etc more bands don’t go down this route of EPs every few months and not a splurge on an LP. See it as a three-course Rock n Roll meal deal Starter (this) main and dessert towards the end of the year maybe with a festive theme who knows?

With printing presses clogged up with Fleetwood Mac and Taylor Swift represses it is down to the streaming and CD market. So saying you can’t get them on streaming services might be a bit of a fib seeing as Bandcamp has them so you can get em digitally I guess and if you buy you also get a CD version to keep. EP number one sees our intrepid heroes expanded to a four-piece and as the noise seeps out of the speakers ‘You’re a Rat’ spitting its bile and infecting the air around you as it barks out of the speakers. Sure it has hints of Towers Of London but that isn’t a bad thing in the chorus and title but that’s where it ends Deathtraps are more Nashville Pussy than Noughties wannabee punks. As Veej and Fraser share vocals and guitar lick the sound is still brash and rough n dirty.

I like the idea of a year’s worth of new tunes trickling out rather than one hit-and-done ‘Do The Right Thing Wrong’ is a bit of a banger going full throttle and heading off into the distance with its rear end on fire.

‘Ready or Not’ is a solid thumper and even if you’re wishing for Fraser to count to ten or ten to one you can properly dad dance in any self-respecting mosh pit to this from the dirty riff to the finger flying solo going hell for leather on this one. ‘You’re The One I’m Talking About’ is more rapid than the previous offerings and I like the dirty Twisted Sister riff and the subtle melody on the vocals. It’s over in a flash but its a lot of fun.

The EP finishes with ‘Shut Up’ and your guess is as good as mine who it might be about but I like it and that’s all that counts. Weirdly Fraser channels his innermost Noddy Holder had he been a punk rocker and not a 70s glam icon. As your starter for six this will do very nicely and fill your soul nicely whilst waiting for the main course in a few months by the time dessert is served we’ll be gagging for more.

Compliments to the chef this one has been most enjoyable. Buy It!

Buy Here

Author: Dom Daley