If you’re going to bow out after almost half a century then you might as well go out windmilling slinging out banger after banger and no sign of going out with a whimper at all. It might have gone under the radar a little or rather slipping out of the party without fanfare which is unfair really because Knox and the band have endured and managed to leave behind them a fantastic catalogue of albums and singles and recent output has also been worthy of carrying the name and produced some of the bands best offerings. Every time I think this is it and maybe the latest album will be the death knell and they go and dish up an album full of excellent tunes. over twenty full-length albums, a heap of live recordings, eps, singles, compilations, and a whole lot more besides. You can add ‘Fall into the sky’ to the illustrious list and the band can bow out with their heads held high and bursting with pride.

What you have here is quintessentially a Vibrators album – it’s classic – it’s a fuckin’ Rock and Roll record – no reinventing the wheel, no drop in standards, no bullshit just fourteen tunes with melody, distorted guitars and a band who bloody-well know what to do with it. From the opening hard rocker ‘The Owl And The Kangaroo’ you know all the vital components are present and raring to go. ‘He’s A Psycho’ continues with an agressive punch then ‘Burning Me Up’ wraps up an impressive triple threat to open up the album. They might not have been ‘Whips And Fur’ or ‘Baby Baby’ but they have the upper eshelons of Vibrators tunes happening.

The pace drops but the quality reains for ‘Battlefield’ and ‘Rock My World’. But then we have ‘Dry Down Under’ which is amazing with its Bowie-like melody and vocal delivery and the Rono guitar break is exquisite. To be fair I thought ‘Mars Casino’ was excellent and had they bowed out there and then – then so be it. This however is next level. The title track closes out side one of the album and with Knox’s vocal sounding warm and engaging the ebow howling on the solo is a great arrangement and send the song soaring with a really warm yet raw guitar chord sequence chopping out the rhythm.

Side two begins with the measured ‘Tomorrow’ before getting in a more rapid frame of mind with the groovy ‘Devils Playground’ where they certainly show “the Kids” a thing or two in delivery of a great Rocker. ‘Love Changes’ is one of those Knox melodies that enters your head on a subtle melody then the riff twists and turns towards the chorus before laying back down. Theres a familiarity with some of the riffs but theres no denying they have energy and with the usual great production sound fresh and vibrant especially on ‘Part Of Your World’ before we reach the end of The Vibrators road and ‘So Long’ is a teary acoustic number which might have been predictable and a check of the rear view mirror of a career that had its ups and downs but is going out in style. You can’t stop time we know that but bowing out with your head held high isn’t something a lot of bands do and havign the grace to know when to go shows their class. Thanks for the music guys its been a blast and this set of songs will be as cherrished as ‘Pure Mania’ is. My advice is buy it, its a time capsule of class songs by a class band. Goodnight Vibrators its been a pleasure and never a chore.

Buy Here

Author: Dom Daley