New Single,
“Caught Up In A Moment”

the latest from Ryan Hamilton and the third track in his ‘one new song a month’ 1221 project


Texan singer/songwriter Ryan Hamilton release the third single of his 1221 project, in which he brings us twelve new songs, one every month across the year of 2021.
This month’s song is a brand new original, ‘Caught Up In A Moment’ – its haunting melody mirrored by some evocatively ghostly cover art.
“I think the fear of being alone drives SO MANY people to stay in relationships”, explains Hamilton.  “Not just romantic relationships. Friendships, professional relationships etc… We get stuck. If you had the ability to go back, and make a different decision, would you? What if it meant being even more alone? Do you still take that chance? This song is about wondering what you might do if you got the chance to go back and do it again. Would you get caught up in the moment?”
A song that oozes hope, a key refrain in the lyric promises “you’ll never stop your dreaming”. Underpinned by a joyous chorus of ‘na na na’s’, the track features a virtual choir of familiar names. Along with Harlequin Ghosts band-mates Carol Hodge and Ben Marsden, just some of those also featuring include Chris Catalyst, Nick Parker, Givvi Flynn, Danny Gruff – and Dave (Davros) Archbold from Eureka Machines.  Hamilton reasons, “a major theme to this 1221 project is ‘collaboration’. Whilst the global situation is finally starting to feel more hopeful, to be able to connect to and create with fellow artists during a time when we haven’t been able to travel has been an essential part of my mental well-being”.
Known for his highly creative and unique videos, the images accompanying Hamilton’s ‘Caught Up In A Moment’ are certainly no exception.
“I’ve always tried to stay creative, and put out really decent DIY videos, with next-to-zero budget. Inspired by the song, an artist/friend D Prabhat did an amazing job painting a watercolor of the cover photo. Revealed in time-lapse, I think it fits the song perfectly.”
On the commitment of completing a new song every month, Hamilton confesses, “recording a song a month, on my own, with the help of my producer, Dave Draper continues to be a challenge. We’re doing all the instrumentation on our own. Me from my home studio here in Texas, and Dave from his studio in Pershore, UK. While it may be a challenge, it’s a fun one that is also keeping me sane. I’d be so lost right now if I didn’t have this ‘1221’ project. Thankful.”
January saw Texan singer/songwriter Ryan Hamilton announce his 1221 project, the concept of releasing twelve new songs, one every month across the year of 2021. His initial release was a gorgeous cover of the Spin Doctors ‘How Could You Want Him (When You Know You Could Have Me)’, which proved a hugely popular choice with fans and the Spin Doctors alike, with high praise coming from members of the band.
This month’s release – just ahead of Valentine’s Day – is a rockier number, suitably packed full as a box of chocolates with “I love you’s”.
On the story behind ‘Déjà Vu, Hamilton explains: “being in love, and in a relationship is a lot like a dance… and you need a good dance partner to be successful. When you’re with the right person, whether things are good or bad, having a sense of ‘I’ve been here before, and I know what this person wants/needs’ is an important thing to have. That’s what this song is about. It’s about that ‘dance’, and being able to weather the proverbial storm in a relationship.”
Boasting more hooks than a pirate convention, evoking the feel of classic Weezer thrown into a blender with the Killers, Déjà Vu instantly has the feeling of a song that will prove a live favourite, once in-person shows become a thing again.
Accompanying the new song, Hamilton sports a dizzying array of looks in his new video, some oddly unsettling, some downright hilarious. Firstly, I’ve never had more fun making a video,” he says. “I wanted to portray different people from different walks of life, and love… But I don’t think I was quite ready for the level of ridiculousness. Haha. But, sometimes you just gotta embrace the fun. I think this is my favorite video I’ve ever made.”
Using present-day recording techniques over the internet, 1221 sees Hamilton continue to collaborate with UK-based producer Dave Draper. The pair recorded Hamilton’s solo EP of Country covers, ‘Communique’, during the very first lockdown of 2020, in isolation on two separate continents. Communique proved to be a winning formula, scoring Hamilton his first iTunes No. 1, a feat repeated with his subsequent release with the Harlequin Ghosts, ‘Nowhere To Go But Everywhere’, an album that also scored high on multiple Official UK Charts.
Hinting at what future 1221 releases have in store, Hamilton teases, “I am LOVING the diversity, and freedom of this ‘1221’ project. I’ve been in touch with some of my favorite music friends, and I’m excited to let folks know about upcoming collaborations. But, I better not say anything just yet.”
Until then, let’s experience a little Déjà Vu.
Hamilton was recently heralded by Spin magazine as one of the ‘Best Lesser-Known Artists of the Last 35 Years’.
Each monthly ‘1221’ track will be released digitally across all regular platforms for download and streaming via Stevie Van Zandt’s ‘Wicked Cool Label.


The very first, of hopefully many, UK Christmas shows is happening December 14th, in Nottingham, at MFN!  This is gonna be one hell of a party. Lots of fun surprises, and we seriously can’t wait! Tickets are available, but going fast! Don’t miss your chance to attend the first UK Holiday Hoedown!


PS. The band has partnered with Emmanuel House Support Centre. Please see below for info, bring what you can to the show, & let’s all do our part to help the homeless during the Holidays.

In other Ryan Hamilton news, we have a brand new video for you on Monday as part of our Rainy Days & Mondays feature.

Ryan Hamilton Patreons 

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