Lace-up your big boy shit kickers you’re gonna need them. ‘Chaos Theory’ is up and running and in your face from the kickoff and amidst all this chaos you find a brightly produced punchy punk rock that’s aggressive yet tuneful and wraps its melodies in chain mail hidden under a velvet glove. Ross Sutcliffe’s vocals are right in your grill. No mucking about here it’s down-the-line street punk but like Argy Bargy and such bands the choruses are uplifting and the gang vocals are easy-sing-a-longs and no doubt a joy live. the riff after the chorus is a whopping Chug that sounds like they’re dragging an 18-wheel jugganaught with nothing more than a strand of dental floss.

The hard and heavy aggressive style continues into ‘Savage’ howling guitar solos and thunderous drum rolls. There’s a chink of light on ‘Drink Up Boys!’ like the jig is up with a sing-a-long chorus’. I do like the sharpness of the guitar tone on ‘Drop Too Much’ it’s sharp and big. It’s like granite cracking hard but the solos are fluid before you’re softened up for ‘Heathens’ crashes in. It’s unmistakably a UK punk sound I couldn’t imagine this coming out of the USA or Europe for example don’t ask me to explain why its just a feeling it gives me. Side one is wrapped up with the bass-thumping intro of ‘Hack The World’ that’s joined with more of that razor-sharp riffage. I really like the vocals doing a sort of shout-out and response style – possibly the stand-out track on the first side. It best you take a break, have a drink, go for a walk, then take in side two.

The title track opens side two and a stylish big chorus high tempo track it is too. Love the simple big riff and rock-solid rhythm section there isn’t much light and shade between the songs but that’s okay it helps raise the tension you need when getting to grips with street punk.

‘Standard Definition’ is a hard and heavy skank on the verse before raising the chorus and dropping the band into some skanking. ‘Kev’ is some Sham meets Oi! and done very well indeed. The LP closes with ‘Running Out Of Riot’ and some social commentary and if you’re thinking they’re gonna slow it down to close this banger off then you’re mistaken. It’s a rousing romp through familiar territory but it’s done well and therefore engaging just don’t take it out for your jogging soundtrack unless you’re called Bolt or forest gump. The Mistakes have delivered a really good album of loud, pleasing, punk rock – produced well and delivered with aggression and heart. It is indeed a good hill to die on if this is their swansong. Oh and that artwork is exceptional it is everything this album is in one painting.

Buy Here


Author: Dom Daley

Another year begins and so we embark on other singles roundup.  With January barely alive and the songs begin to trickle into RPM HQ not so much an avalanche but a gentle stroll through the door. But that’s not to say the quality drops because we can assure you that’s not the case at all and we start as we mean to go on with the first banger out of the traps in 2019 we give you…

Watts – Breaking Glass (RumBar Records) Never let us down before so no reason to doubt their impeccable taste in Rock n Roll and from previous reviews, Watts is a band not to be ignored or passed over and ‘Breaking Glass’ is a wonderful way to begin the year.  IT got big loud guitars and is the sound of a band with its head held high and chest puffed out because it knows how fuckin’ good it is.  From the intro of breaking glass and the throbbing bass guitar you know this is happening as we riff towards the chorus this is a breath of fresh air not because it’s original or groundbreaking but because its bloody good.  They know it – Rum Bar knows it – Boston knows it and RPM knows it and now you know it. Amps turned up Riff – n – Roll and Rock solid. Watts are winning every day of the week with songs as cool as this watts not to like and for $1 how can you refuse? Bandcamp

Tad Overbaugh & The Late Arrivals – Demons In The Dust (Rum Bar Records) Well Rum Bar are setting the bar high in 2019 as the label gets off to a blazing start with some quality releases and the second this month is Tad Overbaugh’s whose songs fall somewhere between the twang of Steve Earle and Ryan Hamilton with a little dash of the countrified Supersuckers and the songwriting of Tom Petty. No question this collectives five songs veer from the big open roads of the southern states and barroom saloons and smokey bars and late nights. the excellent ‘Lethal Charm’ is a soft song for tough guys taken from ‘Beauty And Barbed Wire’ but its opener ‘Hey Lonely’ that sets off this EP.  Sounding like Mellencamp when he rocked it up its a beautiful thing and superbly played and arranged.  For a change of pace check this out via Bandcamp

The Lurkers – Electrical Guitar (Damaged Goods Records) with Pete Stride and guest vocalist Danie Centric sharing lead vocal duties, the first fruits of which being this brand new 7”, limited to 750 copies on split black/clear vinyl Damaged Goods Records release this two-track slab of noise.  In typical Stride fashion its a blunt to the point slab of punk rock.  Like the lyrics say its simply a direct statement of belief in the essence of rock ‘n’ roll – 4 beats to a bar, electrical guitar, sometimes that’s all you need! its as simple as that folks and the B side is a darker riff but a bludgeoning riff all the same with lead vocals going to Danie. This will wake you up of a morning no doubt about that – banging! return to form. Buy Here

The Mistakes – Walk Tall (NBQ Records) Taken from the new LP “Upstarts and Heretics”, Walk Tall is no-nonsense street punk rock – Ave it!

Bad Sons – Kick Rocks (Self Release) Chicago punks Bad Sons are back with their second release and it’s more of the same sleazy punk rock n roll played with a tonne of swashbuckling gusto and just the thing that RPM HQ loves. The second track ‘Hammers’ pounds away and lives up to the band’s mantra of only having two rules – Loud and Fast and we say a big fat Amen to that brothers and sisters and you know what? They don’t let you down either as they kick the shit out of my speakers.  The only downside I can see is there are only two tracks on this single whereas ‘Cry Tough’ had four tracks. My only hope is there’s an album on the way because I’ll have some of that if there is What an excellent debut on RPM this is go check em out – you won’t be disappointed we guarantee it! Facebook 


Glitter Piss – Demo (Self Release) Garage punk rock n rollers Glitter Piss hail from Brighton and peddle a noisy trashy garage punk that Iggy and the Stooges used to do many many moons ago ‘Life Is Deadly’ is fast and fucked up just like Those Hip Priests but more fucked up and..well…Glittery and trashy but the DNA is in there. Not afraid t work with the feedback or the odd out of tune string it matters not a fuckin’ jot. what does matter is the fact they can kick up a shit storm with their instruments and we like that and will always have time for a band who have passion and as they succinctly put it a stench of piss. There is no big budget studio finery on display here just guts and great ideas and tunes aplenty and we’ll take that any day of the week. Oh, and Iggy would love ‘Party Town’ I’m sure of it. Bandcamp

Weird Omen – A Place I Want To Know ( Dirty Water Records) Primitive garage trash brass, reverb, and fuzzzzz”, Mixing ‘60s pop and psychedelic garage This French three-piece are carving a genre of their own and whilst there are aspects of bands like The Cramps and early Stones  along with some of the more trippy psychedelic bands there is a shade of riotous punk beating away in there along with a big bold saxophone. VU has an influence on the lead track for sure and the second song is a trip as well ‘Girls Are Dancing On The Highway’ wins this month’s oddest title and I’m sure these cats will take that. It’ll draw you in and put your brain in a blender but one thing you’ll know is you like it and you will be back for more. Warning highly addictive!

Happy to squeeze in a quick video.  This offering is from Ditchbanger and it sounds like they’re in league with the big red feller down there as they release a video from ‘Pure Hell’. click the link in satan red and let em know RPM sent you they might have mercy on our souls then.


So there you have it.  Welcome to 2019 and a bunch of singles that require your attention in our humble opinion. Half a dozen good reasons to be in love with music and discovering something old and new.  Until next month enjoy and if you hear anythign you think we would like or should like then give us a shout at you know it makes sense.