Kool name that to be fair. How was I ever not going to open the file with a name as good as that? But hey don’t even bother searching for their Facebook profile or their Instagram pics of them with cats and dogs n booze n birds coz you know it’s not ever there right? Right!
Sixteen snotty fucked off punk rock tracks for your delectation with minimal mix, no autotune, no studio trickery just blistering stabs of short and sweet punk rock that’s what Kool & The Gang Bangers offer at the altar of Punk Rock.
‘Night Of The Living Deadbeats’ is the Ramones playing Dead Boys it’s as simple as that kids and if you’re looking for the ray of sunshine I guess you won’t find it on ‘Hate Your Guts’ or ‘This City Sucks’ nor are you finding a rainbow on the snotty ‘Full Of Shit’. However, you can pogo and you can chew on the inside of your gums whilst shaking your head along to the beat, that’ll comfort you.
These Swedish punks have got a natty line in raw riffola and catchy lyrics but it’ll take a few plays to tune into the lyrics so low down in the mix they are on times but that’s perfect for the attitude and it doesn’t take a lot of concentration to get into each song seeing as almost everyone is under one and a half minutes from start to finish ‘Drag Me Around’ even has a spot on guitar solo. But wait ‘Rats Crawl Back’ tips over the two-minute barrier almost the perfect TOTP length but that’s never going to happen (mores the pity). Hang up the phone reminds me of when The Hives kicked off with a good hook over a repetitive riff ‘cept this is far more punk rock.
’15 Minutes Of Pain’ starts on the bass and to be honest I wasn’t even sure there was one on there previously such was the raw lo-fi racket being kicked up. The album saves the best til last as ‘I Hate The World’ wraps up proceedings. I might leave it an hour before hitting repeat I might go out and pick some flowers or run through a field just to prove that it’s not all bad maybe I’ll cwtch a puppy or feed some birds then when I’ve had a tit full of being nice I’ll play some more ‘Feel Bad Music’. Maybe you should too.
Buy ‘Feel Bad Music’ Here
Author: Dom Daley
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