Way too much of a good time is being consumed in Kentucky and I’d imagine the bands name comes from the hangover they have the following morning or what it would feel like you’ve just been hit with. Loud, Fast, Wild and reckless cowpunk Hard Rock is the name of the game and hammered home it is too. From the sprightly opener, it just gets more wild from the awesome screaming ‘Hookers And Hot Sauce’ through the Confident cock of the walk ‘Black Sheep’ which sounds like Rockpile if they were from the US of A and drove pick up trucks and loved BIG Amps and overdrive.
Sure there are lumps of Supersuckers meets, Johnny Cash and some lush Les paul guitar breaks some prime time early DC and plenty of boogie-woogie going on. ITs no holds barred from the anthemic ‘Everybodys Drunk’ through the Un PC ‘Fighting Words’ like fast n furious Jason and The Scorchers but they head back into old school cowpunk with a cheeky grin on ‘Mamas Doing Meth Again’ with a splendid lap steel break to make it all ok, I Think?
With Blane taking a break from Nashville Pussy this seems like the right time to kick back and just rock the fuck out ‘Rode Hard’ is a blast and Scott Luallen vocals are superb pure oil and gasoline rip-snorting vocals and if its respite you’re looking for then this isn’t the album – it’s relentless rockabilly with hard rock guitars and cotton-picking rhythms that sound like they’ve just napalmed the valley and gone home to down some more moonshine. I would, however, like to see a line dance to ‘Hell In My Hand’ so long as they promise to turn it up for a romp through ‘Ain’t Worth Killing’. ‘Cookin The Corn’ is a real stomper before they kiss this record goodbye I kept waiting for it to go full throttle but it doesn’t but hey ho that’s cool, there’s one last hurrah in the shape of ‘The Way It Is’. Crack open a six-pack and sit on the porch and shout at passing cars – it’ll be a hoot! Nine Pound Hammer is back in the saddle and these ones bucking and kicking like a slapped mule. like what Mike Ness wanted to do with his solo albums but forgot to stop in Kentucky and drink some moonshine.
Looks like the good people at Acetate are loading all the NPH albums up on their Bandcamp page for digital rock and rollers everywhere.
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Author: Dom Daley
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