Jakob Mind, mostly known as the singer and frontman of Swedish punk outfit Rotten Mind, has released his solo debut album ”The One Who Got Away”. Honest indie-punk with strong melodies and no-nonsense lyrics and themes of everyday life.
Jakob pretty much stays true to what he does with Rotten Mind but adds his own individual touches that I guess he can dictate goes in the mix on a solo record whereas in a band it has to be a little more democratic. The result is a blend of influences, from straight-up punk rock to more pop or that should be power-pop leanings.
The album begins with a sprightly jangly number and the title track. It’s got an 80s retro sound on the attack of the vocals but it’s engaging and an opener that kinda lays out what’s coming over the next half hour. There aren’t really any surprises on offer here just uplifting power pop punk rock and if it leaves a smile across your chops then its job done isn’t it? ‘7 Days’ is a dreamy melody but an uptempo number. ‘Let Them Know’ is even more upbeat as it scuttles along towards the chorus with a retro ’60s harmony that gets in my head and it’s The Buzzcocks where I’m finding my comparison with a great Chuck Berry guitar rip on the solo.
‘The Little Evil One’ sees Jakob throw in some guitar effects to shake up the mood of the record and it’s like an 80s alternative walkthrough maybe in line with some Early Cure or a bit of Banshees for good measure. I keep waiting for the vocals to arrive but they don’t which is a curveball for me.
‘Rock And Rolls Got Me All Messed Up’ is the one that could reach a wider audience with a neat chorus that’s simple to remember and join in with as we just roll with the good times that this song alludes to all its missing is the handclaps to go with the shuffle backbeat. The tempo is taken down a gear with ‘On The Floor’ whereas ‘You Wanted Me To Hang Around With You’ is one of the best songs if not my favourite on offer. With a great heartbreak melody and some good lyrics and a chorus that I really enjoyed as the solo breaks through like the first sign of light in the morning, its got a great ragged feel to it.
With ten songs offering slightly different textures around a theme its a decent offering from Jakob and one I like and I’m sure power-pop-punk rockers will feel the same as the album ends strongly with ‘I Don’t Want To Be (Around) You’ so all in all a really decent offering and one that didn’t disappoint at all.
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Author: Dom Daley
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