We’ve got a few suggestions this Bandcamp Friday and we’ve kept it lean for you so get yer credit card out and come with us on the Bandcamp Friday journey kicking off with a couple of recommendations from some artists we love and then a few labels who do such a great job of releasing some of our favourite records. There are others that haven’t quite gone live at the time of writing such as a long out of sale Loyalties release you should go find and Steve Conte has an offer today
‘Be There’ (369 Music) is the next single from The Dowling Poole. Listen to the track on Soundcloud here.
It will be released on Friday the 7th of March for Bandcamp Friday when the music platform waives their fees and all revenue goes straight to the artists.
‘Be There’ features guest appearances from long time collaboratorAndy Lewis (Jackdaw4, Sugar Plum Fairies, Jocasta), on bass. Darby Todd guests on drums. Darby’s recently played with Martin Barr (Jethro Tull), The Darkness and Kee Marcello (Europe) and featured on the recent The Dowling Poole songs ‘We Are The Noise’ and ‘Slow Genocide’.
Recorded in different locations in France and the UK, Jon and Willie are busy writing their fourth album to be released later this year.
Author: Martin Chamarette
Another favourite round here is Rich Ragany & The Digressions so check out the latest tune Here
“There’s a place in the universe callled Boötes Void… where it’s near empty. It’s also been called “The Great Nothing”. A supervoid. One of the largest-known voids in the universe. Surrounded by galaxies and light.
It is believed the scale of the void is such that if the Milky Way had been in the center of the Boötes Void, we wouldn’t have known there were other galaxies until the 1960s.
That’s how long it would have taken light to travel… to journey through the darkness.
The song is from the perspective of someone who is within darkness in their lives and can’t unsee it.
Then, sees it in everything. Maybe even becomes it. But finds that through the very act of experience, and through the struggle of moving forward, can begin to see the warmth and light that also exists.
I find it very moving and inspiring that, even in the expanses of space, where there is cold chaotic changes that routinely destroy, that life and creation can, and do, emerge.
The idea of all these galaxies and filaments surrounding Boötes Void is light giving it a frame that can eventually travel through to the other side, is a comforting thought.
Not always easy… but our eyes, our hearts and spirits can stretch to see something beautiful.
I try to remember this (with varying degrees of success) when things get really rough… old ghosts and doubts whisper in my ear and tell me I am alone, not worthy or with no direction.
Stretch to see something beautiful. That was the feeling I had when writing it. Please forgive me if it’s a clumsy metaphor. It’s not so linear that it can’t be interpreted for your own experience (or hopefully, it will just sound pleasing to you).” What more can we add to that?
Some others who should benefit from Bandcamp Friday would be those independent labels who are the beating heart of the underground scenes we all love so much. A few of our favourites would be Beluga Records from out of Sweden who have their Bandcamp page and offer some amazing records we’ve had many an hour rocking out to some of their releases and records they put out.
Some of the recent records they’ve put out have been fantastic such as More Kicks, Jordan Jones, Mud City Manglers and most recently a nice compilation from Asteroid B-612 and most recently a cracking single from The Erratix.
Heading south you have Ghost Highway Records outta Madrid Spain. They’ve long championed underground garage rock and all other sub-genres including power pop, punk rock and more. Some of their recent releases that deserve people’s attention would be The Boatsmen and their superb ‘Verses The Boatsmen’ album they co-released as well as the tribute to the New Bomb Turks compilation. They’ve long been champions of UK kings of garage noise The Hip Priests and given access to some of America’s finest in the shape of Jeff Dahl, Electric Frankenstein and Pat Todd. A worthy benefactor of anyone’s Rock and Roll coin on Bandcamp Friday.
How about heading across the pond to Spaghetty Town Records and a label who’s partnered up with their European brothers in vinyl. they’ve also brought to the party some epic Rock and Roll records most recently in the shape of RMBLR who’ve just dropped their new EP and Spaghetty Town is the perfect label for these scuzzy rockers. The label has a wealth of great titles so you could do a lot worse things this Friday than delve through the Spaghetty Town wormhole and head off on a rockin’ discovery trip.
Heavy Medication Records have for a while had records reviewed on RPM and more recently put out a couple of really impressive releases primarily a New Bomb Turks tribute that’s available through their Bandcamp page. Based in Warsaw Poland the label have been responsible for Doojiman & The Exploders record that’s a must-own as well as records from Poison Hearts. Hit em up
What about some Taken By Suprise records? Out of München, Germany the label does a fine service if punk rock n Power Pop is your thing then they have a big catalogue up on Bandcamp that deserves your attention. Releases from The Briefs, Suspect Parts and more recently Neighbourhood Brats. you certainly won’t be disappointed with your catch if decide to dip in.
TNS Records out of Manchester have some cracking offers up for Bandcamp Friday as well and in turn, help support some great punk rock bands such as Wales finest Pizza Tramp. The new Jodie Faster is also a fine addition to their catalogue. They also do a Spotify list of New Punk Friday where they champion the best in punk, Hardcore and Ska tracks released recently. A label that does tireless work for a scene that deserves our attention.
Another German label that has always had the back of punk rock and roll is Wanda Records. With some excellent releases from Peter & The Berlin Blackouts and Mom the label has always delivered brilliant product and ship anywhere (or the UK at least). They’ll also be handling the Euro distro of the new RMBLR EP which is good for those having palpitations when faced with some of the overseas shipping fees.
Finally, another label releasing really good records is Drunken Sailor Records Banging out new bands and records like its nobodys business. Drunken Sailor also struck a distro deal to handle Australias finest Stiff Richards that should be Sold Out but they don’t hang about and are also pressing up a couple of new records that are also available for you digital fiends in the shape of Australias Jackson Reid Briggs & The Heaters out on digital through the label but coming soon on vinyl. They trawl through the worlds best underground bands to fit into their vision of what makes a great records and release it for our listening pleasure. Head down to their Bandcamp page and get lost investigating what they have to offer and grab yourself a new favourite band.
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