Downstairs in Clwb Ifor on a school night – What could go wrong? Well as it goes pretty much nothing which is a miracle considering Pizzatramp are opening up the show after the third band on the bill has pulled out, anyway. With a new Bass player in situ, the dynamic hardcore trio set about the simple task of warming up tonight’s audience for Melbourne’s finest Clowns.

Jimmy sets about playing live with the same humourous, not taking the job a whole lot seriously but then proceeding to kick seven shades of shit out of his guitar with the vigor of an angry Mike Tyson who’s just been told he’s soft as shite and a big fat crybaby. Anyway, ‘CCTV’ followed by one of the set’s big guns which begs the question have they gone in too hard too early and shot their wad by playing ‘Millions Of Dead Goths’. I’m assuming most of the people in tonight have seen the band before and whilst they have only traveled from up the road they get away with insulting the city, the audience, and the general people of Cardiff the audience is lapping it up and laughing along with the between song banter unlike, it would seem, some recent audiences around England.

‘White Dog Shit’, ‘Rag And Bone’, and ‘I Hope You Fucking Die’ all go down a storm and it’s fair to say Jimmy is in good company politically speaking in Clwb Ifor so Tory bashing is a home run. there is even time for a new song as yet untitled but suitably brutal in attack, content, and delivery. Pizzatramp doesn’t really do disappointing performances from the big stages of Rebellion To Slugfest to warm-ups for Clowns Pizzatramp nail it once again. from the blink and you miss em the intro is longer than the songs of ‘Metallica Are Shit’, ‘The M4 Is Shit’, ‘Long Songs Are Shit’ into ‘My Back Is Fucking Fucked’ it’s already panning out to be a top nights punk rock courtesy of a sober Pizzatramp who put a huge full stop on their set by thrashing out ‘There’s Been a Murder’. Again, as I’ve said another excellent set from a top band. Now bring on the Clowns from down under.

Do something that means something is the mantra and this Australian fashion guru most certainly live by their words. With a new album about to drop in a month or two it was time to reacquaint myself with Melbourne’s finest noise bringers and tonight they set up in front of a sold-out room and open with a track or intro off the new record ‘Endless’ before spending the next hour trading shapes and kicking the living shit out of their instruments and covering every inch of the compact Clwb.

Stevie is on the prowl and from the off is hitting the screams of epic throat bleeding proportions as the likes of ‘Freezing In The Sun’, ‘Scared To Die’, and ‘Formalydahyde’ are despatched with aplomb. With only a few new tunes on offer, it’s left to ‘Nature/ Nurture’, and ‘Lucid Again’ to provide the bulk of the set which is fine seeing as they are a pair of pretty awesome albums anyway. ‘Soul For Sale’ was fantastic and raised the temperature in the room north by a few degrees. It is difficult trying to take it all in as Stevie moves into the audience and Hanny J gives it plenty of attitude inches behind throwing her Bass around whilst the twin guitar attack gives it some welly bookending the performance with some superb riffs and licks.

About the new record, they did manage to play ‘Bisexual Awakening’ which is slotted right in the set and hopefully, once the album is released they will be back again and bringing more of the songs to entertain us. Quite simply Clowns don’t do bad shows and perform with all their heart and soul leaving nothing on stage other than a pool of steaming sweat. ‘Not Coping’ is epic and is one reason why these Clowns are a force to be reckoned with playing crossover punk as well and in many respects better than anybody else. The energy they put out is staggering and most importantly they have the catalogue to back it up from ‘I’m Not Alright’ through ‘Bad Blood to ‘Endless’ Clowns delivered another stunning set to make another superb night out in the company of two most excellent bands. Part On!

Author: Dom Daley