Loved their debut album ‘Spare The Rod’ released (via the go-to punk label from London England No Front Teeth) from way back in 2020 it really hit the spot. When we heard on the grapevine that album number two was in the bag we turned up the speakers and waited. ‘Waiting To Die’ duly dropped and it slipped on our virtual turntable and away we flew. Right out of the traps, this bad boy with middle digits in the air and a spring in their step we were off motoring on cheap riffs, dog ends n cheap beers but as long as they’re cold all is good.

There’s no sleight of hand here its crash, bang, wallop – Get the beers in, and let’s throw ourselves around for thirty minutes like we used to. Its a good time baby and that’s the MO from The Dilrods – Don’t think about it for too long just turn it up and join in. ‘Black Sheep’ is the battle cry as the brawling opener is windmilling like fucko and then we’re done but wait ‘Awake Alert And Dying’ is thrashing in on its coattails and that’s sort of what happens. It’s not rocket science just a bunch of top tunes from a trio of gents just kicking out the jams motherfuckers. Sing along throw some shapes but remember to have a good time.

Only ‘Beer And Bandages’ is remotely over three minutes long and that’s because of its intro but the rest flash in at a 90-second mark and that’s how it is (the track sits very nicely in the TSOL pocket and that’s always a plus for me. uncomplicated but good.

‘Stab Vest’ could be from the bowels of Newport and Bad Sam this record crosses oceans and bounderies to get its messages across and if you fall between TSOL and Bad Sam then its a winner. 2024 gets off to a howling punk rock start and the Dilrods have got it going on. Get involved its only 20 minutes but what a top 30 minutes it is. Buy It!

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