We first got news of Bad Nerves a while back and waited til the wee small hours to see them perform at Rebellion a few years back and caught their support set when The Hives marauded around Shit Island recently with Bad Nerves in tow and they raised their game and kept The Hives on their toes night after night it would seem.

The last live 10″ wet the appetite for what was brewing in the Nerves camp and boom tour finished and record number two was announced. From the much-anticipated blast off Bad Nerves aren’t fucking about here. Time is of the essence and life is for the living so when you get the atomic blast of ‘Don’t Stop quickly followed by ‘Antidote’ you barely have time to catch your breath and I like it – No I love it!

Turn the speakers up because this isn’t for the faint-hearted and it’s rapid. ‘USA’ is a fuckin belter catchy like an STI and just as sleazy and dirty as Rock n Roll should be. The Bass rumble and thrashing guitars of ‘You Got The Nerve’ is exhilarating, sure, they are indeed the torchbearers of honest Punk Rock like The Ramones and they have the pop suss of that first Strokes album but these aren’t merely the bastard children of a Ramones/Strokes broken home, Bad Nerves are snotty like the Dead Boys and cool like Blondie they do play ferociously fast distorted pop songs and I hope they do know it.

We need another band to break through playing guitars, Bass And Drums just like Dee Dee and Stiv did It would appear that maybe the stars and planets have aligned to birth the next big thing

Suburban have a diamond in the palm of their hand and with the right promotion, these Essex boys can blast off to big things. When they take a breather they channel their inner Bolan Boogie on ‘Sorry’ its got a dreamy T Rex quality about it and it wreaks of pop suss.

I get the Ramones and Jay Reatard influences and I can see why The likes of Billy Joe are on board and why The Hives wanted them to tour together and having listened to this album over and over I can also hear why these boys have a big future. It’s music to get your pulse racing and your heart pumping ten to the dozen. ‘Television’ is thunderous whilst ‘Jimmy ThePunk’ is hoping like a cat on a hot tin roof with a wicked lick and Bassline. There are twelve potential singles on here I kid you not. ‘You Should Know By Now’ is simply fantastic and buried deep into the album is like a sleeping giant. Tight and melodic it just soars. Closing the record with the fantastic and punchy ‘The Kids Will Never Have Tier Say’ is excellent rolling on a rapid strong melody its a classic upbeat uptempo album closer – it’s like rockets and fireworks going off left right and centre in celebration of a fantastic album.

I love it when an album you are holding out for arrives and delivers everything you wanted and some. Well, ‘Still Nervous’ is one of those albums. Quite simply don’t fuck about just order it! Superb stuff!

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Author: Dom Daley