Getting a rather swanky reissue on CD (sorry folks) ‘A Way Of Life’ is packed to the gills with thirteen Bonus tracks that’s two more tracks than were on the original album. they’ve pulled in songs off the ultra rare cassette single ‘Violence In Our Minds’ and tracks like ‘Johnny Barden’, ‘Working Class Kids’ and King OF The Jungle’ to properly flesh out this must-have slice of OI.

Restored with the iconic cover and all the lyrics in the booklet Roi has had a mighty fine tribute paid to the origins of the band who are still going to this day and in fact have a brand new album set for release soon. I’m presuming the new album will feature Rancids Lars Frederiksen who has played with the band for a while now. but going back to the album in hand these Skinhead Anthems haven’t been touched or messed about with a shiny new production (maybe it should have) but is restored to its glory and with it now being a twenty-four track all killer no filler package it’s a no brainer for the CD collectors out there or people looking to complete a collection.

To be fair when they released Skinhead Anthems Three I was mightily impressed with the songs and the sound mainly terminating from Beefys guitar on that record. Skinhead Anthems four was an altogether heavier beast but the beating heart of Oi and I hope the new album is along those lines but early Oi was a different beast and songs like ‘Skinheads In Stapress’ and ‘King OF The Jungle’ are classics. They were up there on the coattails of Sham and Sparrer and its great that this album gets a definitive release after all the other represses this one surely tops them all. Oi Oi lets be avin you.

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