Without wanting to read spoilers about potential set lists it was always a no brainier for fans of the early 80s albums to work out it would be Black album and Strawberries heavy set from this lineup of the band that people have been clamouring for donkey’s years. We’ve been lucky enough to have had the original line up actually complex a run of very successful shows that in my humble opinion were bloody fantastic and where the band seemed to enjoy it as much as us fans.

The band have pretty much gone from strength to strength over the last decade or so and has turned in some very special evenings from the roundhouse to captain’s birthday party to the Royal Albert Hall and the magnificent palladium spectacle but when Pinch decided to walk away I did start to wonder what would become of this band I’ve followed since being a young man and low and behold it didn’t actually crumble to Shit.

From the minute the band strode onto the vast stage and looked at each other as to who was going to count them in for the one-two of ‘Love Song’ quickly chased out by ‘Machine Gun Etiquette’ the bar was set pretty bloody high. To follow it up with the magnificent ‘Wait For The Blackout’ was simply majestic. How bloody good and proper did it sound hearing those Rat rolls on the toms? I almost raised a smile.

For the next half a dozen songs it was flip-flopping between ‘The Black Album’ and ‘Strawberries’ and hearing roaring versions of ‘Lively Arts’, ‘Gun Fury’ and a welcome return of ‘Stranger On The Town’ This was turning into one of those special nights where the band sounded fantastic and looked like they were really enjoying what they were delivering. Those chaotic shows of the late 80s and 90s seem like a lifetime away (they were) Vanian not turning up and a revolving door of band members, Hell, I even chuckled about when there were about 54 Damned bass players on stage at once in Cardiff but this is an altogether different beast, one that’s focussed and delivering the goods big time.

‘Beware Of The Clown’ was greeted like an old friend and sat very nicely in the set, Hell I even enjoyed tonight’s rendition of ‘Eloise’ something I never thought I’d say. I loved hearing ‘Life Goes On’ and ‘Ignite’ and was fascinated with the interplay between Rat and Captain – now I couldn’t work out if the looks Rat gave Captain were ones of fondness, acceptance, and concentration or he wanted the ground to open up and swallow him. It was also funny when Captain told his story of Nirvana stealing the intro for ‘Life Goes On’ a song they wrote back in the day… cough cough interrupted by Rat correcting the Captain about who wrote it to which the Captain did correct himself and say Rat wrote the intro but it all seemed in good banter and when Rat went stage centre he seemed genuinely moved at the rapturous applause he received. it was ‘Neat Neat Neat’ before the band took a well-deserved break before returning for an epic run through ‘Curtain Call’ which included a masterclass from Rat to bring it to a conclusion.

‘New Rose’ signalled another exit stage left before a seasonal ‘Sanity Clause’ made way for the finale of ‘Smash It Up’ and we were done. I will never tire of seeing the Damned, regardless of how under-prepared or who is in the band its nights like this that make them so special. they always had the X Factor above any band I’ve ever seen I absolutely love them and what they do. It is however something special that this line up have decided to give these songs the respect they deserve and it warms the cockles of my heart to see them absolutely smash a UK tour of decent-sized venues. From The Roundhouse to the Palladium and the original lineup in Hammersmith to the Royal Albert Hall and Finsbury Park this was as good as I’ve ever seen them and the vast array of songs they have in a peerless repertoire is simply stunning. I’m sure Captain would agree they never got the commercial success they absolutely deserved for what they do, but I know, and everyone else who’s seen them on this run will testify that there is no better band on their day than The Damned – long live The Damned. Ninety minutes of absolute joy from a band who are turning back the clock and getting better with age so on that note same again next year please chaps, thank you kindly. Bloody Brilliant!

Author: Dom Daley