What an epic mixed bag this month’s singles are. We delve into hardcore territory with some killer singles EP’s and downloads that raise an eyebrow or two as well as dip our toes into indie and alternative goodness but the one thing we can assure you is we review quality and if its on RPM 45’s then you really should give a fuck and go check em out you might just find your new favourite band. We’ve covered this months feature with two absolute belting slabs of hardcore from both sides of the pond in Asbestos Beach and Cheasty Malone and we also have the finest power pop with the brand new More Kicks who can’t put a foot wrong with their releases so far. There is also some top-notch Grunge vibes hitting the death decks this month in the shape of Hellebore and Weekend Recovery who expand the envelope for us and most welcome they are too. Cock Rock in the house as well in the shape of Piston and opening up some Killer Punk Rock N Roll in the shape of Killer Hearts… Boy I love my job. 1-2-3-4 take it away guys…
Killer Hearts -Killed By Volume EP (Gods Candy Records/Spaghetty Town Records) Its like a seal of approval currently if your record is released on Gods Candy or Spaghetty Town you the listener don’t need to hear it just hand over your money because you know its going to be quality rock n Roll and Killer Hearts brand new EPs the latest in that conveyer belt of Rock n Roll goodness.’Do Your Thang’ is first up and what a horn honkin slab of killer Rock n Roll it is. It’s snotty – it’s rockin’ – it’s like the bastard sons of The Dead Boys and Bon Scott Iggy Pop and Thin Lizzy that’s the pedigree these guys are mainlining. Four tracks that just sizzles with attitude like the sound you want a band of Rock n Roll outlaws to make. Another fantastic four tracks that we highly recommend you check out with immediate effect. Facebook Gods Candy Records Spaghetty Town Records
Chesty Malone & The Slice EM Ups – Satanic Brooklyn Scum (1332 Records) fuck me it’s been way too long since I had a slice of Chesty Malone across my record player. They don’t so much come creepy crawling back to life but more like a hybrid punk slam dance from speaker to speaker in a rapid quick fire in your face slice of slice em up’s. ‘Cannibal Girl’ is hardcore and right up in your grill – have some of that boys n girls I’ve missed em. ‘Everybody Hates Me’ is pure Noo Yawk hardcore – barking like a rabid dog they should hook up with Pizzatramp for an Atlantic crossover of hardcore throw down it would be carnage. They have saved the best til last though in fairness with a more menacing and measured number ‘Satanic Brooklyn Scum’ might just be the bands finest three and a half minutes to date. Welcome back you lot we’ve missed you. Its like Venom jamming on Bloodclot or early slayer playing Madball tunes. Nah it’s like Chesty Malone doing what the do best and slicing up the opposition. Killer EP. Buy it here off the label or head over to Chesty Malone Website
Vegasettes – Lose Sight (Self Release) It’s loud its brash its Vegasette. sighting the likes of the Foo Fighters is a bit wide of the mark for me as this is louder than that and more of a hard-rockin’ riffarama affair. The opening track is built over a big riff as it forges on with a big melody on the vocals with plenty of punch. ‘Breathe’ is altogether a different beast with a big riff its a slow burner but gets there, in the end, we always love a gang vocal and Vegasettes have got one. A promising introduction from these UK based rockers.
Mozes & The Firstborn – Sad Supermarket Song (Burger Records) This video is taken off his new long player ‘Dadcore’ that was released a few weeks ago. the band play See them live at The Shacklewell Arms, London, March 12th as part of their European tour. with a blend of power pop and a more alternative sound it has a commercial edge for sure but is a very listenable tune from a very impressive album. Check em out Here
More Kicks – I’m On The Brink (Wanda Records) Ok Rock n Rollers here’s the brand new single from Londons very own power pop rock n rollers kicking out the jams on this fine pair of tunes. Do you want energy? Do you want melody? Do you want some exciting Rock n Roll? Well, jump on board because More Kicks are the real deal. Available on several coloured records from Wanda Records this is a must own record. The A-side is a fantastically crafted slab of rock n roll as it makes your heart glow and your toes tap just what a 45 should sound like. Whilst the B-Side is a little faster it’s just more of the same. These gents really do know how to craft great rock n roll and then the hard part of capturing the magic but once again they’ve done it. Get down and get with it kids More Kicks should be huge. Now with two singles down how about that long player? Wanda Records Bandcamp
Pizzatramp / Domestics (self Release) As usual these boys don’t do things by halves and decide to release a spilt that clocks in at less that one minute! yup, one minute if there is such a thing as a ten-second love song then ‘I Went On A Double Funded Kickstarter Holiday To The United States Of America And All I Brought Back Was This Shitty Fucking Album’ isn’t it. Yup, it takes longer to type the song title than the song lasts and we know what its about but c’mon guys that’s just plain nasty. We love Pizzatramp and we love that they do things their own way and we should be the ones to suggest that we all get together and have a group hug because things won’t seem so bad after we’re all loved up or something like that. Sure it’s shouty and its fast as fuck but its Pizzatramp so what did you expect a Bon Jovi cover? Bandcamp
The Gala – Boy (Dead Beat Records) Some down n dirty sleazy rock n roll ala NY Loose with some smart keys in their mix thats what you get from the Gala. With a rumbling bass line and swirling organ, this back street rock n roll tune is a great introduction to their soon to be released long player ‘Bad News’. If this single is an indication of what’s on offer then ‘Bad News’ is a must hear deal from Bostons the Gala because they’ve got the chops boy.
Hellebore – The Bomb EP (Self Release) Three tracks from Nottingham noisemakers sitting somewhere between The Pixies, PJ Harvey and Esterons With three tracks that have a foot in the alt scene of the early ’90s call it post-grunge or just plain indie but what they have done is craft three different tracks from the dreamy edges to the noisy feedback-laden moments not a million miles from PJ Harvey on ‘Swimming In’.
The title track ‘The Bomb’ is the pick of the three with an aggressive edge but always just under control. Well worth checking out if you’ve ever had a passing hankering for well crafted indie rock. Passionate and clearly in it for the love of the music that much shines through check them out on Facebook and Bandcamp and pick up a copy of ‘The Bomb’. Facebook
Sick Bags – Cigarette Spit (Self Release) Richmond punks Sick Bag knock out three super sleazy slabs of Punk Rock N Roll. ‘Cigarette Spit’ is like The Runaways playing Ramones its got a big dollop of Toilet Boys thrown in for good measure so what’s not to like? ‘Die In California’ is more of the same. If you don’t like this then you have to question yourself and what you’re doing with your life. Sick Bag are wonderful. Trashy glitter punk is a thing of beauty when its done properly and Sick Bag certainly do that. I think I’d have my money on these cats in a street fight with Amyl & The Sniffer. Oh and the third track on offer ‘Bandit Baby’ is um kinda more of the same just with a different solo but it puts its lipstick on with a switchblade knife. Check em out you’ll love em. Bandcamp
Liily – I Can Fool Anybody In This Town (Flush Records) Alt-rockers Lilly hail from San Fernando Valley and are a causing a bit of a stir with their tunes and for a bunch of teens they are way ahead of the curve with a sound that bands twice their age can’t capture. The lead track reminds me a bit of Japan and their alt-rock roots but there is a lot more to this band than one style. They embrace several genres and can rock out with the big boys when they need to. Interesting times and interesting band, one to keep an eye on. Buy Liily Here
The Magic Lotus – Change The World (Animal Farm) London based two piece make alternative rock their weapon of choice are back with a measured slice of pop-rock with an emphasis on the harmony and melody.
Asbestos Beach – Tape (Self Release) But it has eight tracks that’s not a single I hear you say. Yeah but eight-track in around ten minutes like having a dentist drill rammed through the side of your head I think its fair to say that these Glaswegian hardcore loons have a single length release if that’s alright with you?
The artwork to this release pretty much sums up what you’re hearing. It’s like Bloodclot meets Mayhem but in a Glasgow park after dark whilst pouring Buckfast into your eyes. Harcore as fuck uncompromising – tight as fuck and like a rabid dog you just can’t or want to shake off. fuckin’ ace! I couldn’t pick a favourite that would be futile just enjoy it for what it is. A fuckin’ beautiful racket, well done Asbestos Beach ‘Tape’ wins. Name your price on Bandcamp
Piston – One More Day (Self Release) Five Piece Rockers Piston have this brand new video available its taken from their forthcoming debut album that is being released in yonder well September to be exact so its a hell of a lead-in from here. The song is commercial enough to have widespread appeal for the band with a bit of Billy Duffy in the riff and guitar sound as well as enough Backyard Babies Piston have an interesting few months ahead methinks. Good luck gents.
Weekend Recovery – Bite Your Tongue (Self Release) Four tracks on the brand new Weekend Recovery EP with a sound that’s sharp – well produced it crosses a few genres from the harsh guitar overdrive to the strong melodies on the vocals the band have crafted the songs possibly most noted on ‘On My Knees’ and ‘I’m Not That Girl’ which starts off quiet and moves purposefully as the band builds around the chorus for the pick of the tracks on offer.
In a post Grunge sound, I can see the band reaching a wide audience on the strength of these tunes and a really strong performance on vocals as Lorin excels and turns in a great performance. There is certainly a bit of My Chemical Romance in this the way the song flows and its easily the pick of the four on offer. Good effort indeed.
Tiger Touch – Hawthorne Boogie (Tyrannical Volts) Sneaking in at the eleventh hour is Tiger Touch from Portland & here at RPM we’re so glad they did because this two track 7″ is dominating our airwaves. Its a slice of Action Rock ‘n’ fuckin Roll that smoulders along and has a real touch of class from the opening chord right through to that sweet Angus like solo. Hawthorne Boogie never goes over the top crazy but there is a menace there that’s just bubbling under which makes for a classy tune. The B side is an altogether different beast with its rapid stomping rhythm. A classic slice of attitude fueled rock n roll. A single that will interest a lot of RPM readers. Love the snippet of ‘Search And Destroy’ if you’re going to reference anyone might as well make it the best. Excellent record!
Bromide – Magic Coins (Scratchy Records) HAving some pretty lofty praise heaped on this English Three piece ‘Magic Coins’ ebbs and flows between indie heavyweights Dinosaur Jr and Teenage Fanclub for the melodies and power chords. It’s not without merit I know that much and whilst they might not be up there with Beach Slang they’re certainly sneaking up on the outside especially with songs like the hypnotic ‘Always Now’. I like it and want to hear more. Facebook
To finish off this roundup of great singles I’m going to just leave this beauty here, enjoy!
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