Ginger Wildheart is a man every music fan should know as he writes songs of quality and quantity in equal measure and by right should be headlining stadiums around the world but alas this sadly isn’t so.

Anyway, back to the task in hand, my ears pricked up as soon as I read that on Friday the 16th of august at exactly 5:55 pm there would be a new Ginger Wildheart album to pre-order with an immediate download on Ginger’s very own Round Records label.

As soon as 5:55 pm kicked in I duly pre-ordered the album and got my download of Ginger’s new album titled “Headzapoppin” to wrap my excited ears around.

“Headzapoppin” kicks off with the glorious track titled “Meet my killer” and is an earworm straight out of the gate with a great riff and an infectious chorus with great lyrics.

Up next is the track “Catch that stranger” which starts off with a dreamy intro sequence before the listener is slapped in the face with some killer guitar work and that then leads us into a nice bit of pounding drums with loud guitars before leading us back into the gorgeous chorus segment.

“Saturday Matinee” then starts off with a lovely keyboard intro with some stunning jangly guitar work through the song and we also get some acoustically strum guitar thrown in to add even more texture to this wonderful track.

Then we get the track “Yorvik (my hood)” with an outstanding bass intro and some great crashing drums with yet again a terrific trademark Ginger chorus.

“Love is” is a beautifully crafted ballad with some beautiful heartfelt lyrics with genuine honesty. Another great piece of music.

“As theodos spoke” is what I love about Ginger’s music you never know what you are going to get and this track has an experimental feel to these ears with Ginger singing in a more gruff vocal with some great bass and drums and a great riff thrown in for some good measure.

This leads us into the track “Boxes” and the quality does not let up and is an instant foot-tapper with a great guitar break and is a short straight to the point song clocking in at under 3 minutes.

“The answer is yes” is the next song up and is a fantastic power-pop nugget of a tune with great harmony and is an all-round winner of a track.

“Pound coins + kitchen roll” is a tune with some great lyrics on Ginger making his way through life and is another instant melody that gets straight into the listener’s skull and buries itself there with a great harmony.

Finishing of this album is the track “Zap” with lyrics which deal with Ginger’s mental health problems but as someone who struggles with depression on a daily basis this reviewer can instantly relate to but as Ginger often does we have a serious subject matter wrapped up in an uplifting euphoric melody that makes the listener feel there is hope with this ongoing condition.


Overall what we have with “Headzapoppin” is a stunningly crafted album with great lyrics and music going hand in hand to make this a much purchase release that with multiple plays will reward the listener time after time, now I’m off to play the album again while I suggest you go out and buy it.

Buy Headzapoppin’ Here

Author: Gareth ‘Hotshot’ Hooper