Last year I described the debut Cutthroat Brothers self-titled debut album as “ dirtier than a teenager’s mind” and less than twelve months later, Jason and Donny are back with a taste for all things evil.  Are they still that nasty? Hell yeah !!


Twenty six minutes of the Devil’s own music, recorded and mixed over four days in Seattle Washington, with Jack Endino back stroking the knobs….. what’s not to like?


First up, the title track, ‘Taste for Evil’ starts where last year’s debut LP left off. Flat driving drums and stripped down dirty guitar, pure Jesus and Mary Chain . Thankfully ‘Shake, Move, Howl, Kill’  is more of the same, a kind of dirty double scoop of the most evil dessert.


I like ‘Out of Control’ a lot. It’s simple, straightforward and as cool as fuck. Next up ‘Wrong’ is so right with it’s rockabilly  undercurrent. Is it a happy song ? Hell no !!


‘Black Candle’ has a pretty mean groove. A zombie dance tune for the apocalypse. And on we go. With ‘Medicine’ and Jason says relapse! Maximum groove, maximum cool. Say ‘perhaps’ to drugs kids.


‘Killing Time’ time is in danger of being up-tempo, while “Candy Cane” steams along like Satan’s own express train. ‘Get Haunted’ has a sweet riff and a groove that’ll  earn the pole dancers of the undead tons of tips.


Side two closer “The King is Dead” is a moody beast and deserves to be the go-to tune for any self respecting serial killer’s hobby. You can almost hear the screams !!!


So there you go, a stripped-down review for a beautifully stripped-down album. Ten songs about sex, death, drugs and black magic, all drenched in blood and much like with their debut album….. Think Jesus and Mary Chain, think Cramps, think DEVIL’S MUSIC !!!!!


Hound Gawd! Records have the pleasure of releasing this fine slice of plastic this Halloween on vinyl, CD and in digital form.


The internet will tell you all you need to know about The Cutthroat Brothers. Go there and bully them into playing your town…..

Buy Taste For Evil Here





Author: Fraser Munro


08.11. DE / Berlin / Wild at Heart | 09.11. DE / Cologne / Sonic Ballroom | 10.11. BE / Liége / Prince Bishop Fest | 13.11. DE / Dortmund / Subrosa | 15.11. NL / Groningen / Vera | 16.11. NL / Den Haag / Musicon | 18.11. BE / Wunsdorf / Küsters Hof | 20.11. DE / Frankfurt / Dreikönigskeller | 22.11. NL / Diksmuide / 4AD | 23.11. DE / Hamburg / Monkeys Music Club and more to come..