Let’s cut to the chase here.  Has anyone or does anyone know of any sane human being who doesn’t like The Bronx and who can name a bad record they’ve released?  No, I didn’t think so either.


No point in asking if anyone has seen a below-par live show because that did not happen ever, or you’re just lying to impress people but that would be stoopid.

It’s been a long time coming and trying to forget it was still months away they kept dropping videos and hints here and there.  I asked one of my learned friends when was the release day and low and behold it was imminent and the wait was over ‘VI’ dropped and consuming it in manageable chunks began.  I could do a concise review by just saying it’s out and you should already own it and it’s everything and more but that wouldn’t be fair.  Some people forget things, and we’re all getting a bit older so it might have slid under the radar, Besides I’ve had a few sleeps to digest the record so here are my thoughts.

First up it’s been eighteen years since they first burst eardrums all over this planet and it’s been something of an upward trajectory since then with a little ebb and flow to be fair but nothing below par and a live phenomena.  We all have our favourite songs and albums (mine was 4 in case you’re wondering)  It’ll take a while for a ‘Heart Attack America’ to emerge from the wall of noise that’s bombarding my senses currently from Matt and the boys but never lose hope that the dizzy heights can be achieved on every record.


They might not look cool (like they give a fuck) they might not be the hippest dudes on the scene (like they give a fuck) they might not be on point with the latest trends (like they give a fuck) but what they clearly do give a fuck about is writing and recording the best eleven songs they can possibly muster. Making sure that the listener is tuned in properly then 100% of their time, energy and love is poured into every last damn groove and you will be left exhausted emotionally or physically and if you are not then you probably don’t deserve The Bronx in your life.  I pity you.


‘White Shadow’ opens the ‘VI’ in true Bronx style and is a bit of a free hit something of a loosener,  like slugging a few quick shots before heading out.  The sonic blanket of sound is both comforting and warm but don’t become a complacent listener because, the band are about to take a swerve here and there and sure, you’ll end up in the final destination – a satisfied customer – and all in this messed up world will feel fine, sweet and dandy.


Strap yourself in because ‘Superbloom’ is thunderous. Matt has some serious pipes, we all know that right?  just listen to those guitars and the thunder of that rhythm section – it is a thing of beauty and they’ve captured it on wax perfectly. Don’t go running with this in your wireless earbuds it’ll be dangerous kids and that solo is seriously out there.  Heavier than an anvil being pounded by a ten pound hammer.  Hit with subtlety (at times) and energy aplenty but it’s more than that.


‘Watering The Well’ is driving and those guitars are sharp as hell and the rhythm is a beast making the song sound epic and sprawling even managing some classic rock dueling guitars for good measure.  Nailing the feeling of a reset in society The Bronx are on fire and the record feels like it’s only just begun.  ‘Curb Feelers’ thunders along with a twisting and turning vibe from the melody to the heavy riff to the gang vocals – it’s epic!


‘Peace Pipes’ should be a chart topper with epic and lush gang vocals throughout the verses before the bass comes through like a smooth throwback to the 60s – it’s a belter and great choice for a single. It’s uplifting and a feeling of joy and happiness is pumping from the speakers.


The Mexicana shimmering of ‘Mexican Summer’ is groovy baby. It’s an expansive sound that has a real feeling of depth as it ebbs and flows. It’s unfair to say the Bronx doesn’t add any new frills because they do – it might be subtle shifts but the Bronx sands move but stay the same and that’s a beautiful thing to be able to do six albums deep into a several decade long career.  Not easy and not something many bands can achieve.  It’s not easy to mix Hard Rock with Punk Rock and make it seem effortless but The Bronx can and do.


Damn, ‘New Lows’ is a new high as it powers on and on like a boot to the temple but wait, because ‘Breaking News’ is hardcore as fuck and a real rush of blood.  Anyone who says the band aren’t as good as the early records isn’t listening because this is everything the early albums were and more. The Bronx have lost none of their punch and energy and have even added to it.

Finally ending with ‘Participation Trophy’ on one massive groove the Bronx nail it.  Long live the Bronx because they clearly still Rock like Fuck!

Buy Here 

Author: Dom Daley



Well, these are strange times and Rock and Roll won’t be clamped down even if we are.  Thanks to the magic of this here interweb we can still get our mitts on new music (gloved up of course) first up on this playlist is a right banger from Noo Yawk Citys Wyldlife . It’s recently been reviewed on RPM and I happen to agree with Ben when he claimed it could be a contender for record of the year. We have added ‘Sacre Bleu’ to our banging playlist.


Next up is a band from Sweden called Dictator Ship and Fraser covered this one and ‘Your Favourite’ is a great slice of scandiRock with ‘Eat The Poor’ making the cut in our Playlist.


Australia is quickly becoming the epicentre of Global Garage Rock and you sure can add The Chats to that list of fine Australian bands and with their recent record ‘High Risk Behaviour’ hitting the shelves we’ve included ‘ The Kids Need Guns’ to our playlist with its classic DC early days rawness and their snotty lyrics The Chats rightly are causing a stir around this globe all of their own.

It’s not all snotty records this month we did have some offerings from the Classic Rock and Grunge crossover of Buffalo Summer so included the excellent ‘Hit The Ground Running’ taken off their recently released album ‘Desolation Blue’ with some fine cool slide on the otherwise beefy riffs it’s a real tour de force from Soth Wales on this new album.


It might have been a lifetime ago that The Psychedelic Furs last released a new album but the wait is over and Made Of Rain is almost upon us.  We’ve included the first single taken from the record ‘You’ll Be Mine’.

Naked Six have a new album out and the lead track off that album is ’21st Century Brawl’ and that makes our playlist with its jarring poke before the album kicks off with some great tunes. Well worth investigating so let this opener suck you in but don’t forget to buckle up.

Ben found his stereo working overtime as The City Kids released ‘Things That Never Were’ so we’ve added ‘You Get Nothing’ To our playlist.

I know a girl, a girl called Party, Party Girl.  Bono sang that but the Dahlmanns sing ‘Party Girl’ which was released as part of a split with Tommy & The Rockets on Beluga Records a classic castanets clacking slice of power pop with saxophone and New Wave approved piano.

Then Comes Silence who we include ‘Devils’ from their most excellent ‘Machines’ album that was recently reviewed with some dark Goth undertones this has been on heavy rotation around some RPM circles as the corpse paint went on and certain writers were only venturing out after dark with this on their playlists.  Get on it kids.

If a bit of Goth isn’t your thang then why not grow out those sidies and  some facial hair and get on down with Rookie. We’ve got ourselves a ‘One Way Ticket’ to listen to this great playlist and ride out this Global pandemic.

As well as some awesome reviews April sees us bring some news that bands push out so why not include some of the movers and shakers who are busy this month either re arranging tours or putting the final touches on new releases. How about some Rock with American Jetset? ‘Gold & Nines’ is classic cock rock n roll so it makes the cut.  Our old friend Jizzy Pearl also announced that he has signed a new deal with Golden Robot Records so expect some new music and live shows soon. We head back to when he did the album ‘Just A Boy’ and include the cracker ‘Do You Wanna Get High’.

With everybody with a guitar and camera phone shooting home shows we have a few suggestions of who you could check out starting with Rich Ragany & The Digressions who bring ‘Later Than It Is’ to our playlist off the excellent debut album and rumour has it that recording has begun for the follow up which commenced before this lockdown but be sure we’ll bring you the news as and when. 

Another artist smashing the numbers watching his home broadcast is Mike Peters with his ‘Big Night In’ I’ve not tuned in yet but rest assured I will.  Heres one from his recent output ’13 Dead Raindeers’.  Another live streamer is Jesse Malin  who we also interviewed recently and who has a brand new single out sadly it’s not on this service yet so make do with a cut off his last album ‘Chemical Heart’.

There’s fifteen reasons to stay in and have RPM Playlist be your companion and while away the hours playing some quality rock and roll . Go on a journey of discovery and see where it takes you as you avoid the rocks on the choppy water of Rock and Roll 2020.



Their first album in almost 30 years, since releasing 1991’s World Outside and splitting up soon after. Reuniting early on in the Millenium, existing as a touring entity only, I was genuinely surprised to hear that the band had signed an album deal as I always assumed there was no appetite to record new material. With the bands last commercial peak being 1987s Midnight to Midnight they were seemingly destined to remain a nostalgia act spending a majority of their time on the road in the U.S.
A strong opener in “The Boy Who Invented Rock & Roll”, a great layer of brooding synth showing growth in their song output and even having a bit of a Dark Wave element. “Don’t Believe” is the established first single released back in January. It really sits in the foundations of classic non-pop Furs, which makes recent single “You’ll Be Mine” even more of a disappointment. It’s a limp number at best.
“Wrong Train” kicks off like a New Order football jingle though quickly detours into a bitter-sweet, epic confessional. Speaking of pills, car crashes and turmoil amid filthy guitar and sax duels. An absolute stand out track. The only low here being when it finally ends, though “This’ll Never Be Like Love” drags you into a somewhat beautiful pit of despair. The track really does hark back to the sound of their last two (criminally overlooked) albums.
“Ash Wednesday” has the same level of brood, but at over 5 minutes it never really goes anywhere and it’s a bit much to take. It’s the same case for “Come All Ye Faithful”, trying to be direct and edgy but coming across very much like filler material. “No-One” thankfully grabs us by the scruff of the neck and puts us back on course, giving us Richards Butler’s dark cacophony of lamenting croons.
“Tiny Hands” is very American rock radio commerciality straight out of the gates. It’s not terribly unpleasant, just very questionable production. The production here is provided by former member Richard Fortus (G’N’R fame). Not slighting Fortus’s role here, though I am disappointed the band didn’t go with someone who potentially could of put them to work. Someone with a similar background such as Flood or Alan Moulder?
“Hide The Medicine”, a very dreamy number that builds and builds but ends very abruptly almost as if it had never even begun? “Turn Your Back On Me” has really grown on me after several listens, revealing itself as a subtle but epic number. Album finisher “Stars” rolls in. Another dreamy composition, building in parts, taking us to a collage of sounds, distorted guitars and synths melding together only to disappear bluntly. A surprising track to place at the end, not really giving much as a send off.
Overall the album is a bit of a mixed bag. Not a classic but certainly not disappointing. My lingering thoughts only that I hope they try their hand at another release sooner rather than later. Definitely seek out this new album but be prepared to take the rough with the smooth.
Buy ‘Made Of Rain’ Here
Author: Dan Kasm