The Brokendolls have a brand new video for their banger ‘We’re All Crazee Now’. Enjoy!

 Swedish rock duo Johnossi have released a new single ‘A Passenger’ from their forthcoming new album ‘Mad Gone Wild’.  Dramatic, melodic rock stomper, drenched in reverb and noisy guitar!

Scumbag Millionaire / Upploppet – Split (Lux Noise) This is how a split should be done.  One band you know, in this case Scumbag Millionaire, and the other- a new one on me, Upploppet. and boy what an introduction.  Full tilt, no bullshit, heads-down rock and fucking roll.  What a pair of bangers we have here.

Scumbags do write shit tunes it would seem and their contribution is (Don’t Say) I Didn’t Say So’ thunderous drums howling guitars and distorted vocals springing to the finish line before they inhale is how a punk rock and fuckin roll single should be and these mofos absolutely nail it. Not wanting to be outdone Upploppet kick the shit out of their instruments for a thunderous romp through the imaginatively titled ‘Born To Lose’ but forgetting the title, of course, they’re from Sweden and of course we highly recommend you pick up a copy of this before they’re all gone with the wind.     Pick up here



Jerry Lehane – ‘Drinking Life’ (Rum Bar Records)  A heartfelt wholesome Rock and Roll tune wrapped in memory soaked lyrics with some six-string strumming pierced with some sweet barbed solo licks sees Jerry knock out a hard-edged road worn slice of Rock and Roll with some help from Bosstone Dicky Barrett.  Sure there are touches of Neil Young and Crazy Horse happening especially when the solo meanders through the chords.  But its Epic in every sense of the word from the arrangement to the storytelling lyrics all adds up to a really impressive tune.  Bosstones and Dogmatics couldn’t make a bad record if they tried and this is 100% proof.  Check it out here 




Electric Frankenstein / The Stripp – Split (Spaghetty Town Records) Whoever said rock is dead is definitely not listening to Spaghetty Town Records. They are back with a ripper of a split EP.  First up is New Jersey kings of hard rockin punk Electric Frankenstein.  If you aren’t familiar, where have you been?!  Founded by brothers Sal and Dan Canzonieri, they’ve been knocking out their punk attitude rock and roll since the 90s, they’ve lost none of their venom and passion as ‘American Lies’ is like a cannonball being fired.  Then they hit you in the guts with the beast of a tune ‘Everybody’s Dead Again’ which is an absolute banger of a tune.  Worth getting hold of this 7″ for this song alone.

Second up, Melbourne Australia’s The Stripp.   Who’ve created a buzz in the underground music scene down under. Fronted by Bek Taylor the band’s raw mix of high-speed sleazy hard rock with catchy riffs has had heads turning in the action rock community for their high-energy rock n roll. ‘Dice Man’ has the hallmarks of Girlschool meets something altogether more down n dirty. With their second offering being available in the video below.

Spaghetty Town has made a limited run of this 7″ on green, pink or black vinyl.  Of course it’s available on all streaming and download outlets and also available from the bands direct.

 Buy Here



Chubby & The Gang – ‘I Hate The Radio’ (Partisan Records) “I Hate the Radio” taken from the forthcoming album ‘The Mutt’s Nuts.’ sees a side step from the rip-snorting hard rockin new wave of hard core that you might have been expecting instead a soft song for hard men in the shape of I Hate The Radio.  Absolute corker it is too.  Check it out here in video form and then when you’re done go order the bloody album –  Listen/pre-order: Here


Smashed Gladys – ‘Never Take No’ (Golden Robot Records) A little rough round the edges this is a demo that was going to make up the bands third album that never saw the light of day back in the day.  With a familiar raunchy barroom rocker ‘Never Take No’ is classic Smashed Gladys.  this is the third track from the album thats yet to be released.  Sadly Cato sadly passed away in 2020 and Golden Robot Records are proud to bring you new material  in her honour. These songs as demos for their 3rd album, which has now been remixed.

Listen/Buy ‘Never Take No’ HERE




E.T. Explore Me – ‘President/Drug Me’ (Voodoo Rhythm Records)  How about a bit of scuzzy disco then kids?  Yeah we go tit right here from these Dutch loons.  They’ve got a bit of dodgy lo-fi disco happening in their lives and these powerful grooves will have you out on the dancefloor in those silk shirts bustin moves.  When they say columbia meets Trash Disco they aint messin wiv ya.  This is exactly whats on offer. ‘Drug Me’ is more of the same with a funky late 70s early 80s keith Richards guitar work happenin’  – what a pair of ace tunes but don’t get me started on the video it will blow your tiny mind.  Get on it here




The Chevelles – ‘Steve McQueen (I Wish I Was)’ (Wicked Cool Records)  What a banger this is.  From Western Australia, this is all flash guitar breaks Keith Moon drum beats and a top melody over some rip-snorting guitar riffing.  the Chevelles are power poppin garage rockers with a heap of stone-cold attitude.  A real sparkling single this is to be fair.

“Fuck just getting older, let’s get louder” said frontman Duane Smith and a big fat Amen to that we say.  Clearly not giving a fourX we like that from our rock n rollas.




Jizzy Pearl’s LOVE/HATE – ‘Wanna Be Somebody’ (Golden Robot Records) I remember watching Jizzy in a small club near my home town and so loud were his vocals I thought they’d blown my eardrums he’d lost none of the venom in his tone and it would seem he still has one hell of a set of pipes on him as the heavy groove-laden sounds of ‘Wanna Be Somebody’ hits you like a baseball bat.  Check it out by visiting Jizzy Here / Listen/buy ‘Wanna Be Somebody’ HERE
Listen to ‘Soul Mama’ HERE





Steve Conte – ‘Dog Days Of Summer’ (Wicked Cool Records) Lifted from his forthcoming new long-player Conte delves deep into the sounds of classic Rod Stewart when Rod the Mod was making better records than anyone ( well almost anyone) A real ‘Every picture’ vibe going on here.  The sound of summer tweeting in the intro and outro makes way for the carefree sounds of two brothers and an awesome drummer (Charley Drayton) who played with Keith Richards in his expensive winos.  A top summery tune – that’s for sure and if it’s the vibe that the album is hitting then this is the sweet spot of summer right here. It’s a Must have! Stream this bad boy here  and pre order the album (‘Bronx Cheer’)  from Wicked Cool Records. Website:


Fake Names – EP (Epitaph Records)  Fake Names, the band featuring DC punk legends Brian Baker, Michael Hampton, and Johnny Temple, fronted by Dennis Lyxzen from Refused, have surprise-released a brand new 3-track EP. The EP features guest drummer Brendan Canty (Rites of Spring, Fugazi)! and a punchy catchy ep it is too. Its bright opener has a good hook on the chorus ‘It Will Take A Lifetime’ is a brightly produced slice of post-punk with emphasis on the melody.  ‘Running’ has a lot more punch as it steps into the Bob Mould, Bad Religion territory but has some great bv’s and a catchy breakdown. My pick of the three tracks is the laid back ‘Cuts You Down’ with a chilled verse leading to another catchy chorus.  A very decent ep and hopefully the start and not a one off.

‘Fake Names’ EP is available now // Stream & download:

For more information on Fake Names, visit: WEBSITE | FACEBOOK | INSTAGRAM | YOUTUBE

Discovering new music-WolfWolf


How many of us settle with the stuff we listen to, happy in our own little bubble don’t really think about what’s new, different, in your face, or just challenge our own perception of what music should sound like.


Who knew that through exploring the wonders of the internet, you’d find an exciting, vibrant underground music scene growing, allowing individuals/groups to challenge genres, re-imagine styles and most importantly find an audience.


When this band appeared in my inbox with a brief note from RPM Online’s head honcho, saying this one’s for you Brooks, my first thought was, it must be right out there, or maybe a standing Prog joke?


But ultimately absolutely nothing of the like that usually crosses the RPM doorstep, and boy was I right!!! But conversely I love it!!!!!


So welcome to the strange world of WolfWolf



And first up? Wolf Wolf- ‘Cryptid Zoo’ released in 2017, and boy was the world not prepared for it!!


This is absolutely nuts from the off even the press pack is off the scale for weird I mean check it out,


“They’ve left the protective gloom of the deep forest and are slinking around the towns, devouring hippies, hipsters and bass amplifers – and anyone unable to endure their howls is one-two-three-four pounded to pieces by Mr. Wolf, the stand-up drummer. Those able to withstand them are bombarded with trash by gitarrero Mr. Wolf. Anyone left standing after the onslaught is one of those real rock’n’roll creatures that WolfWolf yowl about in their latest album: socio-, psycho- and other -paths, yetis, aliens and swamp monsters. Only those able to survive the WolfWolf assault belong in the Cryptid Zoo”

I have to be honest listening I’m getting drawn more and more towards the Legendary Shack Shakers, and vocally there’s very much the Colonel’s style of delivery over what I would say is a mutated bluegrass skeleton, mutated as in intertwined with scuzzed up delta-blues . Now if you like the Shack Shakers, the Cramps and maybe from Europe, The Country Dark, then you will absolutely love this baby, as I’m smiling my way through the opening tracks number five up catches my attention with just the right amount of Urban Voodoo machine carny “Linzer Waltzer” is the title to look out for. I have to be honest from this point I’m hooked. Next up “Roswell” definitely heads towards Devo territory but going along a very strange path to get there, via the Cramps.

For “Tuzenak” I guarantee you will be taken by surprise, this raises the weirdness bar to an impossible level , what the fuck it is? I have no clue!! There have been way too many psychedelics consumed.

But before we head back towards the alternate reality of normality that this LP pushes, I just need to screw my reviewing head back on straight and stop dribbling. “The hunter from Hell” moves it right back into the Shack Shakers vibe, but pushing even their dark boundaries. The Cajun stomp that introduces “Leave This town”, actually turns into the easiest to pin down and potentially the most recognizable genre contained within this LP.

The cunning plan would have been to push this as a single, and then laugh when you imagine people realizing that it’s nothing like the rest of the album.

Finishing both me off and the LP, “Creepy things” comes on like the bastard son of The Cramps and the Fuzztones, that’s been listening to many alternative tentacles releases while consuming huge amounts of DMT!!

Go on you know you want to, peer into the strange distorted reality of WolfWolf, it’ll defiantly alter your perception of what music should sound like, be afraid, but be adventurous and willing to experiment.

But never one to bottle it I dived in further finding a brand new release from

WolfWolf- Metamorphosis

Not quite sure where this one would take me, I think whisky is called for “just to settle the nerves. Turns out that’s a very good choice as the drawn out blues of “Lucifer” introduces the lp in a very different way, who’d have thought it, this is a very different animal, maybe a band settling on a style or maybe just exploring a very different musical heritage. There’s almost a punk rock vibe to “Klaus” before some very strange things start to happen and we dip into Shamen territory all-be -it briefly.

There’s a picked acoustic blues entry to “The Gin Diary” and I’m sure that guitar run came straight out of the Doors –people are strange!!! As I’m taking stock and just drifting through the next couple of tracks I’m drawn back to the Legendary Shack Shakers before again I’m thrown into an industrial Ministry style Land of Rape and Honey track “Birdman”.  Next up “Dark night” again is that track that will lull people into a false sense of security.  “Crushed the Devil” scratches the Urban Voodoo Machine itch, before Fat Fly takes it off into another plain, the techno drum beat, holding the track together before we start to enter Young Gods territory with a blues twist. Boy was I not prepared for the jazz saxophone that opens “She’s a threat” there’s a hint of Tom Wait’s to this baby, but its buried deep!!!

Finishing up with the Alt-country vibe of “time to say goodbye” and your left with the thought on first listen of I’ve never heard anything like it before and probably will hear nothing like it again, it’s nuts, all over the place, but stands on it’s own because of it.

WolfWolf  are not for the faint hearted, definitely not for your average Massive Wagons fan, but if your willing to challenge your boundaries and hear something totally different this band are 100% for you.

Buy ‘Metamorphosis’ Here

Author: Nev Brooks

Our favourite Basel Action rockers Bitch Queens are heading out the door to rock around the mainland on their City Of Class Tour.  They then plan to head back to shit island and Spain which will be announced soon.
20.12. Slow Club Freiburg (DE) w/ THE MONOFONES 
21.12. Fasskeller, Schaffhausen (CH) w/ BRONCO 
03.01. Horst , Saarbrücken (DE) 
4.1. Zebra Club, Hausen (DE) 
20.2. Klub Famu Prag (CZ)
21.2. Arena, Wien (A) w/ Boogie Hammer
22.2. Klub Falcon, Klatovy (CZ)
13.3. l’Atelier des Môles, Montbéliard (F)
14.3. Freak SHOW, Essen (DE)

UK & ESP to be announced soon.
City Of Class album Review Here

Two of our favourite bands have joined together in unholy matrimony once again for our listening pleasure and have released a brand new single entitled ‘Trillion Dollar Man’.


The two The Hip Priests and two Bitch Queens members recorded four high energy action rock tracks in one day. 7″ will come in red and blue vinyl. All you streaming folk out there in cyberspace can also shove it on your playlist like we will be doing from here – Spotify


Ladies & Gentlemen!

Bitch Queens can take a break when they’re old! For now, here’s the second Single with video off they’re still steaming hot and brand new Album – It’s “Süperböy”!
A beautifully ironic Clip with pictures larger than life, a stadium-sized hookline and a completely new facet for the the death-punk bitches from Basel. The lyrics are as usual on point, reckoning with all the bullshit artists surrounding us day in and day out.
Enjoy the video



Following up their excellent ‘L.O.V.E.’ album, the Bitch Queens continue their upward ascent with new album ‘City of Class.’ They continue their natural development as one of the best hard rock bands around today by incorporating various influences and packing each song with hooks and excellent music. This album needs to go on your list to purchase ASAP.

Kicking off with the title track, the band take about 40 seconds with everything bubbling under the surface on the first verse before fully unleashing itself on the listener. If you are familiar with the Bitch Queens, there are not a ton of surprises here which is okay in my book. The band continue to evolve within their sound which at times is like ‘Total 13’ era Backyard Babies. ‘Vote for Pedro’ continues the full on assault with a direct hook hitting the brain hard, and the song flying by in less than 2 minutes. Samples lead us into ‘Superboy’ with the vocal and electric guitar carried first verse leading into a commercial chorus that leads into some awesome guitar work before the next verse. The band have laced this one with several subtle changes and passages that really reward repeat listening. It’s the kind of song that makes an excellent single down the road.

‘Especially Danny’ clocks in at just over 2 minutes, with the band trimming all the fat off these songs. The chorus is contagious with an added bonus of some cool guitar cutting right into the chorus. Again, the band are not offering up huge surprises. These are rock n roll songs revved up for speed and packed with hooks. ‘Sucker for the Blues’ carries forward at twice the speed most of the bands likely would have made it with some musical similarities to acts like Rocket from the Crypt, but the vocals are pure Bitch Queens. Backing vocals throughout ‘Negative Heaven’ give the album more variety, and the bridge is one of my favorite moments on the album. I would love to see them on tour with the likes of the Wildhearts as I think their audience would also welcome these songs. ‘When Did I Die’ starts with a dirty riff before exploding to life. The chorus is straight forward and simple with the song feeling like a surge of adrenaline.

‘On and On’ follows feeling slightly subdued at the beginning leading into another catchy chorus. I mentioned ‘Total 13’ by the Backyard Babies earlier, but this song feels a bit more like a ‘Stockholm Syndrome’ song. It is not as abrasive musically and sets up a nice vocal break near the end of the song. The band lay down a great beat for ‘All My Money’ with its fast tempo ensuring it will be a fist in the air bang your head favorite live. As we get near the end, feedback gives way to ‘Never Say Never’ where the band lay on another great addictive chorus. One of my favorite elements of the Bitch Queens is they give you hard rocking songs that are designed for audience participation. It is easy to imagine the crowd’s energy as they move and sing to these songs. ‘Paso’ ends the album with a minute blast that is over way too soon. That really applies for this album as a whole. You can listen to the album on your half hour lunch break or on your way somewhere and start it all over again on your next break.

If you have never dipped your toes into the musical brilliance of the Bitch Queens, this serves as a good starting point as you will find yourself quickly singing along and fighting the urge to hit the repeat button 11 times. Let it play all the way through and then treat yourself all over again. If you are a long time fan, the band continue to slowly refine their sound with a crystal clear production that sounds awesome. I would enjoy hearing a dirtier live album in the future, but the studio versions are produced and mixed extremely well. They may sing about a ‘City of Class,’ but this is clearly a first class album.


Buy City Of Class Here

Author: Gerald Stansbury


Want a second round of Singles in August?  Damn right. So many 45s and video singles coming out how could we not update you on whats hot.

Scumbag Millionaire / The Drippers – Split (Lux Noise) Two of the hottest bands on the Scandi Action Rock scene have teamed up for a split which is never going to be a bad thing. arch your back plug in your air SG and drink some beer because ‘Let Go’ rips like fuck from the howl of feedback its off like a dragster.  Top tune to be fair and the band justify exactly why they are one of the best exponents of the scene currently. As for The Drippers, their track is ‘Långgattan’ Don’t worry little Englanders the lyrics are in English and the track is absolutely blistering. This is a shining example of how to do a split.  Two bands kicking the shit out of two songs. Simple.  Lux Noise know their shit – Buy it!

Buy Here


The Gotham Rockets – Blast Off (Rum Bar Records)  Oh Yeah man how cool is it to hear a bunch of tunes dripping with sleazy Lowe East Side grease and dirt all over their horn honkin’ low slung rock and roll. If we were to mention such cool bands as The Devil Dogs, The Waldos, Jack Black, The Pristeens, Simon and the Bar Sinisters, and The Fleshtones then you get the picture.  This is cool all-girl bv’s tambourine shaking twelve-bar shmoozing Rock and Roll and we dig it.  ‘What’s Done Is Done’ has lashings of super sexy saxophone and we love that. ‘Rip this Night’ is a familar rolling of that stone known as the hand jive rhythm and to close off this bad boy ‘Nothing But A Man’ is hip shakin’ detroit rock and roll its got the beating heart of the MC5.  Well done to Rum Bar for again pulling up some brothers and letting them ride the crazy train to a wider audience of Brothers and sisters who just get it.  Join in and blast this bad boy off! Facebook


Reverend & The Makers – ‘Elastic Fantastic’ (Cooking Vinyl) New song ‘Elastic Fantastic’ is taken from the ‘Best of Reverend & The Makers’ double vinyl, double CD and digital download album. ‘Elastic Fantastic’ is one of two new track featured on this best-of album.  the video is shot by multi BAFTA-nominated director Chris Shepherd. It features Rich Westley from The Moonlandingz and can be pre-ordered Here

Dogmatics – ‘Summertime’ (RumBar Records) It’s been 30 years since Boston’s legendary Rock n’ Rollers the Dogmatics has recorded new music together and this is the taster for what’s to come. later this fall there is gonna be a long-player that’s hitting the shelves.

Its cool Rock and Roll boys and girls and although its a cover its got style and a whole bunch of swagger and a fair indicator that these cats have still got it. Click the link and sample it for yourselves. If this is the appetiser then bring on the main course it’s gonna be great!





Sweet Knives – I Don’t Wanna Die 2×7″ (Big Neck Records) Rather than wait for the inspiration to do a full album Fat Neck convinced Alicja and gang to do a special Double 7″ with a Gatefold Cover! Alicja has already created 2 videos for this release and they just completed a tour with the songs laced in throughout the set.
Synth Rock, with soulful vocals that have guitar hooks and ripping lyrics striking like a cobra attack! isn’t a million miles away from what I’m hearing. ‘U Don’t Mind’ is like a rough house Buzzcocks tribute. Besides I can’t remember the last time I picked up a double 7″ single how cool is that?

Synth New Wave call it what you like but the four songs on offer are really impressive with ‘Some People’ stealing the show with its dark riff and futuristic synth parps.  Check it out for yourselves at the link



Chuck Norris Experiment – Back It Up (self Release) Taken from their new record ‘Shortcuts’ our friends CNE do what they do best and that’s rock hard and do it on their own terms this one is brief and to the point. They’ve even shot a promo video for it where they flex their muscle. Its always good to hear some new music from Swedens premier hard rockers.  Go check it out



MARK SULTAN “Filthy Rat” EP – (Slovenly Recordings) Garage rocker Mark Sultan has one cool 7″ single out on Slovenly.  I love how they framed this single “Monsieur Sultan makes autobiographical on the suave and sparse “Filthy Rat,” switching gears from slow to GO! on the swinging flip “Heart Attack,” harmonizing with his own bad self over a classic teenpunk shuffle beat with the unmistakable goldenthroat that all the crazed kids the world over swoon for”.  How can one better that?  One can’t so just pop along to his Bandcamp  page and check this shit out for yourselves ya crazy punks.



Puppy – Poor Me (Spinefarm) 


Tyla’s Dogs D’Amour – Devils Flynn – (King Outlaw Records) CD and vinyl edition signed and numbered by Tyla
In  Celebration of  30 years of the ‘Graveyard of Empty Bottles’.  2019 Dynamite versions of both ‘Errol Flynn’ and ‘Comfort of the Devil’ by Tyla’s  Dogs D’amour. Features Si, Gaz, Matty and Scotty, and T. When I heard about the reworking I was a bit skeptical as to why seeing as the original was and still is one of the finest recordings I’ve ever heard and then I actually gave it a listen and low and behold, whilst it’s not to be compared with the original (Its not a competition) its something of an accompaniment and is different enough to warrant a rework and to be fair sound bloody good, No scrap that it sounds fantastic.  Like Gerald penned in his review recently, I would certainly concur with his fine words.  It’s great to see Tyla back on 7″ plastic that’s for sure and this is a worthy addition to the collection. Buy Here

Indonesian Junk – City Lights (Rum Bar Records) The first track to be released from the band’s forthcoming new album ‘Spiderbites’ is another tip-top slab of sleazy low slung Rock and Roll.  Straight out of Milwaukee this Rockin’ trio have been cutting tunes on Rum Bar Records for a number of years and the one constant (or rather One Of the constants) is the quality of the tunage they keep maintaining.  Its loud guitars, cool hooks, melodies, and just all-round great songs.  What more can you want from your Rock and Rollers these days?

You can be sensible and pre-order the album Here because as night follows day if this is an indication of what’s to come then this is gonna be a good un and you can take that to the bank – Stone Cold Fact!


Sinner – Last Exit Hell (AFM Records) The first song from the new album is released on video ahead of the album coming out in September “Santa Muerte” is out 13th September Order here:

Hawk Eyes – Smokes (Drakkar Entertainment) With a track taken from the album “Advice” which hits the streets next week out September 6, 2019 Order: Here Comes out via a video single this slice of hard rock will have many a bedroom rocka reaching for the tennis racket an mirror

Bankrupt – Come Back Joe Strummer This snappy track from Hungarian Bankrupt is a tribute to Punk Legend Joe Strummer (obviously) with some Eastern European ska-punk in full effect. check it out then pick it up Here

Tarja ‘Tears In Rain’ (Ear Music) Tarja release the single ‘Tears In Rain’ from their album that’s released this week.  Some heavy harmonies and classic rock riffage leads the way for this Heavy Rockin outfit.  Pre-order “In The Raw”: Here Get the single “Tears In Rain” here: Here

Riskee & The Ridicule – Cut Your Teeth (Bomber Music) Fresh from Rebellion Festival Riskee & The Ridicule are back with some in your face grime n punk taken from the album ‘Body Bag Your Scene’.

Black Income – Loaded Gun (Tubeit)

Taken from their brand new album ‘Unsound’ Black Income is available Here  Their dark brooding Hard Rock is something of a throwback to some classic 80’s hard rock but twisted with new techniques and a modern feel check out ‘Loaded Gun’ – Website Here

Automatic _ Too Much Money (Stone Throws Records) Straight outta LA’s DIY scene this three-piece low – Fi post punkers are doing their bit for sleazy pop punk with this catchy ’45. More instant than ‘Calling It’ ‘Too Much Money’ is like a late ’70s early ’80s throwback when anything goes and as long as it sounds cool its punk rock.  from the tin-pot snare hits to the constant bass throb and those Sonic youth spoken vocals this is addictive like sugar pop but dark inside.  The band are heading to the UK and Europe as part of their Winter tour.  If I had to offer a comparison it would have to be Suicide now go check em out Here at these social media outlets.  Bandcamp | Instagram | Facebook

Johnny Moped – Hey Belinda (Damaged Goods) Out on Red vinyl to coincide with the band’s Rebellion appearance is ‘Hey Belinda’ taken from their ‘Lurrigate Your Mind’ ita slab of stone-cold solid punky pub Rock and the production is rather splendid and offers a fine-tune an air of sheen and polish.  It’s backed by an old but gold tune that’s been given an update and again the production is rather splendid and lends itself to ‘Hiawatha’ Making this limited edition 7″ blood red single isn’t a bad purchase punk rockers in fact it would be a bloody good one Get it Here




Diamond Dogs – Recall Rock and Roll (Sound Pollution) Classic good time barroom honkin’ Rock and Roll.  Sulo and the boys are back in the ring taking some hefty swings with this barnstormer PArt classic Bowie and part classic Mott The Hoople but all Diamond Dogs.  Taken from their forthcoming long-player  ‘Recall Rock ‘n’ Roll and the Magic Soul’: Here

The Electric Shakes – Phoney Highs (Self Release)  This South Coast three-piece have brought the volume.  Always finish on a high they say so what better way to round up this 45 rpm jaunt.  Are you sure there’s only three of em?  Sounds like a batallion of riff-a-rama throwing shapes and rockin’ the fuck out.  ‘Phoney Highs’ is no-nonsense rock and roll played through some sturdy amps and harnessing (just) extreme volume for the sake of playing dirty Rock and Roll.  Call it Garage Rock or Action Rock with a touch of ’70s hard rock thrown in with the odd bullet belt (please tell me these boys wear bullet belts?) If they don’t they should.  the second track is the cowbell thumping riff n roll ‘Hound Dog’ and its barking at the moon stuff.  What a fine pair of tunes and if you love Rock and Roll like we do here at RPM HQ then this is totally up your alley.  Strutting like a rock and roll peacock this is excellent and the way to close the door on this months round-up and get this party started.  Lets Rock! Bandcamp

LuxNoise is proud to announce the next “Bitch Queens” album “City Of Class”. Will be out 27th of September on vinyl, CD & on all digital platforms. It contains 11 straight death-punk songs and shows the band from their most energetic side so far!  Coming out on LuxNoise in Europe and spaghettytown in the USA.


Mel, Harry, Marcel & Danny have written Ten new tracks and have also included a cover of ‘Paso (The Nini Anthem)’ by Spanish DJ Sak Noel that needs to be heard. A review on RPM will be out nearer the release but needless to say, this is one hell of a loud record.  Fans will be pleased.


Basel reprobates Bitch Queens release a new video for ‘R Rated’ taken from the album ‘L.O.V.E.’ Filmed whilst on their USA tour last year its taken from their awesome long player. the boys from Basel don’t just play dumb punk or glam rock n roll they put those elements into a pot along with a whole heap of other influences and tip them upside down and turn them into something quite beautiful as their albums testify. The video gives a snapshot of what the band are about on stage as they tear the shit out of wherever it is they play.  Watch it love it and check em out!


Buy ‘L.O.V.E.’