Clean Lines – when Steve E Nix says he wants to join your band you know you must be onto something right? Right Clean Lines are something of a supergroup in underground power pop punk rock circles and in a perfect world, they would be fuckin huge. From the opening slam dance of ‘Nuisance’ through its chaotic party on the patio vibes through the sloppy Thunders soloing it’s a joy to your eardrums. Described as Brat Rock is just about the perfect description for this ensemble of seasoned Rock n Rollas it’s a snotty, confident, joyful romp through four awesome tunes. Sure I’d have loved to hear a whole LP full of this shit but like the old adage says keep it lean and keep em keen and less is more and all of that.

The opener sets the tone and rattling out of the gate hot on the heels is ‘So Sharp’ which is exactly what it is. Sharp in name sharp in nature. You wanna pogo on the spot and you’ll be singing the chorus before the “ooh ahs” are done and the floor tom rattles that backbeat. Majestic stuff. The retro clock is turned back to the mid-70s for some Glitter band handclapping foot stomping thumb in yer jean loop dancing whilst the likes of Sweet n Rockpile fill yer stereo speakers.

We manoeuvre from the sub-two-minute burst of energy in the title track opener to this uber-cool groover that clocks in at over four minutes. Before we sign off with another burst of frantic bratty rock  ‘In The Way’ which is a song that gives you a swift clump around the ear as it flys out the door from the frantic twelve bar to the Chuck Berry licks and one-finger piano plonking its breathtaking stuff and exactly what you need to shake off the cobwebs from Christmas and new years and welcome to 2025 and hopefully, the first of many tunes from Clean Lines.  Just buy it!

Spaghetty Town Records Ghost Highway Records Wanda Records

Author: Dom Daley

I loved their debut album ‘Let’s Go’ when I heard it through No Front Teeth being of the glamorous rabid punk rockers variety These Baltimore Glam Punks were exactly what I like to hear and coming on like a Joan Jett with a velvet glove hiding a knuckle duster riding a Ramones Rocket To Russia. BBQT  takes the simple yet effective approach to punk rock – write a pop song play it hard and fast and always do it with a melody and a hefty dose of attitude. Mix in some classic Glam from the likes of Debbie Harry the Dolls because That’s BBQT that is. It’s snotty pop songs played hard and fast with distorted guitars and a heap of swing.

You’ll be all in before you get to the end of the second track ‘Crashin’ with its bluster and bombastic thuggish vocals it’ll draw you in then hack n Slash you like a cat fighting with all claws on view with some sharp solos and rampant riffage just to ware you down. If that didn’t convince you then title track will, its rapid but a lot of fun and bristling with energy (much like the rest of this record) to be fair.

How good is ‘king of scum’ or ‘stranded’? Man, these cats have the attitude to back up the energy they put into the songs. One thing you won’t do is ‘Nod Out’, what a thumping slab of punk rock that is. Like the Dead Boys with dabbling with Texas Terri leading the charge through a whole-hearted set of tunes. Taking no prisoners and doing what the fuck they like, on their terms, just how punk rock n roll should sound – Dangerous Dames indeed.

Ten songs in twenty minutes – Bosh, Adios Amigos and thanks for the good time see you later, were done live fast and all that. I fuckin love it. Saving the fastest most snarling til the last Bbqt has produced an absolute cracker. Fill yer stilleto boots ye dirty punks. I can’t believe its taken me all Summer and Fall to get round to fully appreciating this album but its fashionably late and better late than never and it fully deserves to be exposed for the quality punk n roll it is. Quite simply buy it! Stream it or however you play your rock n roll music, just dont ignore it.

Buy Here

Author: Dom Daley

Alex Hagen is the singer/songwriter and one of the guitar players in Baltimore Punk ‘n’ Roll band Ravagers who just managed an impressive romp across some of Europe showcasing their latest record ‘Badlands‘. We tracked down the frontman and threw a bunch of questions in his direction because we love Ravagers and everything they stand for. It’s Rock N Roll baby and these guys live it and breathe it and we want to help spread the word because the world needs Punk ‘n’ Rollers like Alex and his bandmates. So settle down and check out what went down when RPM Online caught up with Alex Hagen…

Give us a bit of a background to Ravagers. When did you put the band together? I notice only you and Ray survived the band from the first record to the current ‘album and tour.

Ravagers began in 2013 when me and Ray dropped out of high school to dabble in illegal activities and start our own street gang in Baltimore. All the corners were taken in our neighborhood so we started playing rock music to get rich. We’ve been through a couple members since then. Some ended up biting the bullet and others realized the harsh reality that is the long way to the top if you wanna rock and roll.

When did you first pick up a guitar? Did you always want to be a frontman handling vocals and playing an instrument? I played my first power chord in middle school on a neighbor’s busted practice amp and thought it sounded SICK but I ended up joining my first band on bass till I was confident enough with a guitar to write my own songs. That band ended up falling apart and I had started writing some songs on an old brown melody maker style guitar Matt Gabs set up for me. I got a corporate job for a short while to save up for a Marshall JMP and some celestion greenback speakers that I put into an old ampeg 4/12 cab and I still use it to this day.

When Gabbs joined he’d done the production on previous recordings was it the case of right time right place? I moved into Matt Gabs house around 2011 and when I was working on music I’d show him my ideas. We’ve always collaborated and bounced ideas off each other. When we would record I’d make him come in the studio to listen in and make sure everything was sounding good. He joined the band in 2018 when our guitar player at the time left.

The recent run through Europe you had Sam fill in on Bass is that a permanent thing now? Personally I think the pair of Gabs and Sam are perfect for the band both sound and look. Sam is working out great. He has a cool look on stage and loves the same music that inspires the band. On top of that he’s always down to play and go on tour. As long as he keeps it up he’s in!

You recently did an impressive shift around mainland Europe but missed out the UK are there any plans to visit shit island for maybe a couple of shows next time? I travelled to Barca for the show and thought the performance was excellent but the venue not so. How was the tour? This was our first time in Europe and it was hard enough to get the shows booked that we had working with two different booking agents. We had a great tour manager Gwinny, who on top of driving and selling merch actually booked some of the shows for us before the tour started. The tour seemed to be a gamble and we wanted to at least make the money to pay for our plane tickets back. We heard the UK taxed merch, required visas, and the shows wouldn’t give us places to stay so we opted out of it this time. The tour was a success so we are hoping to go back soon and do some UK dates next time.

Touring Europe was it what you expected? What were some of the highlights? We didn’t know what to expect. Gabs had been over a few times with Biters and Sonny Vincent so he knew but as for us I was shocked at how well the shows were attended and how well the venues and promoters treated us. Some of the gigs we were the only band and people expected us to play an hour every night so we gave it our all. I think it pushed us to grow as a band. Some of the highlights was a sold out show in Dresden, I had cut my finger that morning on a razor blade and when we played that night blood was gushing everywhere! With 28 shows our 2 days off were certainly highlights. Visiting the H.R. Giger museum in Gruyere Switzerland and having a relaxing day in Barcelona was awesome.

Going back to the recent album ‘Badlands’ how did you come to hook up with Wanda in Germany and Spaghetty Town Records two great fits for the band. We have been with Spaghetty Town since the 2018 Drowning in Blood single. They are based in Atlanta where we’ve played a lot and our great friends of ours. They partnered with Wanda on the new release so we would have European and US distribution. Q8. When coming to record a record with you being the main songwriter is it easier now there are other players in the band who also write will it evolve the sound of the band at all? We’ve always collaborated as a band. For the most part I’m the one who brings a song to the table. For example. Here’s the name of this song, Here’s the melody and hook I have in mind. Then we all play it and it grows from there. Things almost always change last minute in the studio when you hear everything over the monitors. We had a great producer (Tuk Smith) who also pushed us to take the songs to the next level. He helped a lot stepping in as a 5th band member and not letting anyone slack on their performance. I think we will do the next record with him as well.

You played some pretty cool covers on the tour from the UK Subs to the Lords of the new church what was it about those songs that made them fit into your set and what others would you love to play? Those songs are bangers and I feel like I have a deep connection with them ya know? They are dark and have powerful hooks with great lyrics. I’m not sure what we will cover next. Maybe something nobody knows so we can say it’s ours.

What are your plans for moving forward and the next album? Will this line up get recording soon and have you many songs already written? So far the plan is to keep coming up with new songs. We have lots but we only record the ones we think are worth it. We will see what makes it on the next record. I would like to get in the studio asap.

You hail from Baltimore is it a good place to hang out in a rock n roll band and is there much of a scene for you to feed off? Lots of great inspiration in Baltimore. I saw a guy last week try to rob my local grocery store with a machete and got chased out buy security with their guns out. I wouldn’t say there is much Rock N Roll these days, mostly hardcore and stoner metal, but there are some great bands. Total Maniac is my favorite Baltimore band and we like playing shows with them. Matt and our new bass player Sam live in NYC so we are going up there to play a lot now. We like playing with Mala Vista, The Trash Bags, Wyldlife, and Tuxedo Cats.

The two EPs you released is there any plan to press them onto one compilation album maybe? Do you have a favourite track you like to play live? I like those two EP’s as separate records. I don’t feel the need to consolidate them onto one vinyl. I like that they are pressed at 45 RPM because they sound better. I also like the art on each of the covers. The first record “Livin in Oblivion” is getting repressed and will be out this summer on Spaghetti town. It’s been remixed and mastered and sounds great.

Good luck to Ravagers for the future and hopefully I can catch you again on the road in Europe or the UK who knows and I look forward to your next record release. Keep on Keeping on. .

Facebook / Bandcamp / Spaghetty Town Records / Wanda Records

I arrive at the sunny surroundings of Camp Nou on a match day where 100,000 supporters file past the salubrious surroundings of Butyclan Music Bar unaware that inside are four fearless Rock n’ Roll pirates navigating their way across Europe converting followers of sleazy punk n roll to their wild and wicked ways, but I know, for I’ve also travelled far and wide to be here for this show. So, imagine my horror when I enter the venue whilst local punks Black Babies are tearing into their LAMF retro punk sound but in Catalonian so I’m fucked if I know what they’re talking about anyway. It was downstairs to an underground lair housing a bar in a cage and not a lot else – a low ceiling and a shitty PA and that’s pretty much what you have. Hey, it’s only Rock n Roll right?

Ravagers take to the stage and immediately have sound problems and it looks like there isn’t a decent mic in the building let alone a PA that can handle some sleazy Rock n Roll hell it would struggle to handle a school sports day announcement but being the road dogs they are the band smash on regardless. They kick into the opening track with no vocals and the muddiest sound ever which is a shame because apart from all the problems not of the band doing they sound tight as fuck and the benefit of being on the road through mainland Europe is paying dividends. ‘Down The Road’ is their latest video so should be familiar to many in attendance but again no vocals it’s not until ‘Just Another Rat’ that we get some vocals in the mix which helps and finally we can relax and get on with some top-notch punk n roll. The band quickly get up to speed and is smashing songs old and new, ‘Blackout’ turns the temperature up a notch or two before ‘Drowning In Blood’ cuts the mustard and was dedicated to Baltimore knife crime and by now the band are flying.

Alex Hagen is doing a sterling job leading his gang somewhere between the swagger of Stiv Bator and a whippersnapper Johnny Thunders but he’s ably supported by Matt Gabs and Sam Hariss on Bass who along with the prince of pound Ray were stoking the heat in the engine room and pouring petrol on the fire out front as the tunes were coming thick and fast. ‘White Widow’, ‘Sick House’ and ‘Nasty Nights’ all sounded tight before they hit the jackpot with their cover of the Lord’s classic ‘Downtown’ showcasing the rhythm section and how tight they’ve become over this tour.

Before you know it we’ve hit ‘Cold Heat’ and the band is being told to get the hell out of dodge which only leaves time for them to rip through ‘High On Stress’ and we’re outta here.

With all the challenges of the room being inappropriate for a rock n roll show playing half the set in total darkness and the lights being a disco light and someone switching the house light on and off I kept waiting for Vim Fuego to fall down the stairs but hey ho oh and a 1980s PA, the band soldiered on and made light of their challenges and turned in an excellent set of Punk n Roll of the finest quality despite their testing surroundings.

Now, next time come to the UK at least for a couple of shows, I’ll be there singing along and championing some low down dirty, sleazy, punk n roll. God bless Ravagers for tearing it up across Europe on a proper tour playing Rock n Roll loud, fast n with the fury it deserves. Top turn, Top tunes top night out in sunny Barca. Gracias.

Author: Dom Daley


A slick half dozen and some tunes this month but they are some of the finest of their genres and singles that need hearing. From Gospel to Hardcore we love em all. Can I get an Amen! now don’t waste time get on em.

Steve Conte – ‘Wildwood Moon’ (Wicked Cool Records) Another track off the stunning ‘Bronx Cheer’ album Available Here If you are not familiar maybe now is the time. Check out this video and then get on the album in all its glory.

The Chisel – ‘Deconstructive Surgery EP’ (LA VIDA ES UN MUS DISCOS) – Now already on its umteenth press this five-track EP is kicking up a shitstorm and if you’ve never heard of this yob crew of hardcore noise then please explain where you’ve been the past 12 months? ‘Class Oppression’ is like a swift kick in the bollocks before being headbutted through the saloon doors just seconds before the pile on that is ‘Blackpool20’ – unbridled energy like a swift intake of breath before having your head thrust back underwater – its a frantic rush but boy does it sound good?

Of course there isn’t a bad song on here, there isn’t time. They even have an anthem to assault you with ‘Chisel Boys’ will get the job done – of that there is no doubt. What a banger of an EP Buy it Here

Tramp – ‘Jailbait’ (Wanda Records) With lyrics that’ll make your nan blush Tramp aren’t shy coming forward.  Viki Venom, Suzi Sleeze and Joey Deuce from New Hampshire in the US of A play Snotty garage punk’n’roll with a raunchy back beat and sleazy lyrics they made up at the bus stop whilst blowing bubbles with their Hubba bubba gum. They don’t want to hang with the cool kids because they are the cool kids.

They might not be the Lunachicks but I’m sure they are looney chicks – in a PC world Tramp are so un PC and proud of it ‘All I Want’ is punk as fuck with a pogo-tastic chorus that sounds like it was recorded in one take because A they nailed it and B they couldn’t be arsed to do another anyways because they had better things to do innit. Pick it up Here

The Amplifier Heads – ‘Space Cadet’ (Rum Bar Records) Always delivering quality bands from their HQ in Boston Rum Bar have another 45 that just rocks out like the best secret party anywhere on this spinning globe. Handclaps, distorted rock n roll riffs, happy smiling people everywhere. The Amplifier Heads kick ass! then ‘Two Headed Girl’ is like a twist on Tom Petty and his heartbreakers just kicking out the jams. Sal Baglio has got the chops kids and this EP is three tracks to tempt you in and shake your shit to. Love the guitar lick on on ‘Earth Girls On The Loose’ it short sharp and right on the money. Go check it out and tell em RPM sent you I’m sure Lou will welcome you in like an old friend and pour you a big one! – Rockin and a rollin here

Soul Glo – ‘Gold Chain Punk’ (Epitaph Records) From the album ‘Diaspora Problems’ The music video satirizes the frustrations of being lumped together with other bands and artists due to the colour of their skin when individually, they hold it down on their own. Vocalist Pierce Jordan, one of AV Club’s ‘20 Best Frontpeople In Modern Rock,’ explains, “If you’re a Black person who is into any kind of hard rock, you’ve probably had a white person try to talk to you about Bad Brains. We are constantly compared to them. Apparently, I even look like HR. Can I fuckin live?” The band hit the uk for a string of dates starting in London on September the 7th and ending on the 16th again in London. hit em up and check out the album now.

The Future Shape Of Sound – ‘Paradise City’ (Gypsy Hotel) Now that’s how to do a cover version. Yes, it is indeed the Guns n Roses big hitter that is ‘PAradise City’ but hell yeah! this version is what Guns and Roses could never have birthed. from the jungle beats to the funked-up guitar lick right up to the amazing Gospel chorus vocals this is a revelation brothers and sisters.

Captain Future’s Rock’n’Roll Gospel phenomenon that is The Future Shape Of Sound will be out on Gypsy Hotel on Friday 15th July as download and CD including 4 live bonus tracks. The other cover is a take of the Urban Voodoo Machine classic that is ‘Help Me Jesus’ that the y take ownership of releasing their own twist on this barnstorming tune has this down as the record of the week hands down. performed at last year’s magical Red Rooster Festival, all songs featuring the captivating voice of one of the most exciting soul singers in the U.K. today Miss Divalee Wells! superb release and songs. Facebook

Sator – ‘Shimmy Shake’ (Wild Kingdom) Lifted from their brand new album of covers Sator gives classic Devo a rockin make-over and does it so well. Yeah, the Devo synth drills are there and the melody holds up. It’s in the 30s outside as I type and nothing sounds as good as this bubblegum power-pop stab at some Devo it’s cool and refreshing and totally fresh just what the doctor ordered.

Here Hare Here – ‘Chez Liam’ (Lux Noise) The home of Basle noise makers Bitch Queens and The Brokendolls you can now add Here Hare HEre to that list of top-notch noise makers. check out their brand new video ‘Chez Liam’ and get down to some hot trashy garage rock n roll


Buy the single Here
“Trajinero” music video was animated by Miguel Jara and Celestial Brizuela at Estudio Pneuma, Mexico City, 2021.
JENNY “Trajinero b/w Kids of Today” is the sophomore EP by Justin Maurer (CLOROX GIRLS, MANIAC, SUSPECT PARTS, L.A. DRUGZ) featuring a little help from his friends Jacobo Fernandez (LAS BRUSCAS, LES TRAGIQUES, DESOBEDIENTES) and Gabriel Lopez (ESPECTROPLASMA, SONIDO GALLO NEGRO) as well as his former bandmates in LA DRUGZ who play on the B-Side “Kids of Today”. “Trajinero” is JENNY’s debut Spanish language single with the B-side “Kids of Today” sung in English. “Trajinero” was conceived during Maurer’s visit to Mexico City in November 2020. Maurer, Fernandez, and his girlfriend Corey were enjoying a Sunday afternoon boat ride in the swamps of Xochimilco, Mexico City, and Maurer was fascinated by the rough and tumble trajineros who expertly manned their hand-painted gondolas in the canals.
Over a bottle of ice-cold Don Julio Blanco, Maurer and Fernandez envisioned a plot where a lovelorn working-class trajinero must commit crimes to keep his upper-middle class fresa girlfriend happy. Loosely based on the plot of Emilio “El Indio” Fernández 1943 film Maria Candelaria, our protagonist commits a crime of passion and ends up in jail. He makes a plea to himself for his own happiness and survival, a passionate cry of “Ni Carcel/Ni Ella/Ni Nerds” which translates to “Not jail, not her, not nerds.” (The Mexican Spanish equivalent of nerds, ñoños, is sung on the final word of the song.) Maurer has been a student of the Spanish language for a couple of decades with stints living and working in both Spain and Mexico. Native Spanish speaker and homegrown chilango, Fernandez, helped him with the lyrics – scrawled quickly during an acoustic rehearsal on the rooftop of his Mexico City apartment a few days before entering T-Vox Studios to record. Covid-19 was in full swing in Mexico City in November 2020 when “Trajinero” was laid down and Maurer, Fernandez, and engineer Gabriel Lopez all double masked in the studio which is attached to the Lopez family home in Aragon; near the airport where Maurer had his flight home a few hours later. He nearly missed his flight, but a stone-cold hit was recorded. Lopez’s uncle Miguel Angel was dancing around the studio throughout the session which the boys took to be a good sign. Along with engineering and mixing the single, Lopez also played lead guitar and Vox Organ. “Kids Of Today” is a catchy banger recorded by Grammy award-winning engineer Mark Rains at Stationhouse Studios Los Angeles. The up-tempo B-side features former LA DRUGZ bandmates Cezar Mora (THE BAD MACHINE, THE WAYWARD CHAPEL), James Carman (REFLECTORS, MANIAC, IMAGES), and Johnny “JD” Reyes (REFLECTORS) handily backing Maurer up. Both sides were mastered by Daniel “Hadji” Husayn (RED DONS) at North London Bomb Factory. The limited first pressing of 300 is the complete package with beautiful cover layout and design by Snake Davis.
JENNY “Trajinero b/w Kids Of Today” 300 first-pressing copies available now for pre-order. 100 on clear vinyl, 200 on black.  
Pre-Order “Trajinero b/w Kids Of Today” in North America from Dirt Cult Records: Here
Pre-Order “Trajinero b/w Kids Of Today” in Europe from Wanda Records: Here
Follow JENNY: Bandcamp:Here

This one has been hotly anticipated for quite some time.  Up there with fellow Baltimore rockers Ravagers, (former bandmate) Tuk Smith and several other exponents of dirty punk rock. With attitude soaked dangerous Rock and Fuckin Roll! RMBLR is the real deal.  With this EP they’ve stepped up to the plate and delivered the goods.  Sorry for the spoiler but this is one hell of an EP and the only complaint I’ve got is the fact it’s just an EP and not a double album because I just can’t get enough of it.

From the mean streets of Baltimore, RMBLR have been around the blocks and eagle-eyed music fans will need no introduction to bands that paved the way for RMBLR like The Heart Attacks well RMBLR has rock and roll in their DNA and coursing through their veins is the responsibility to turn it up and rock the fuck out and boy do these cats bring the tunes to the party.  Kicking off with the epic ‘Machine Gun’. Rat tat-tat goes the lyrics being spat out on top of some loose rock and roll as the band kicks out the jams.  It’s a fantastic introduction as to what’s coming over the next twenty or so minutes. Snotty, Hell yeah! of course it is.

Rushing in on the back of that is ‘Hurricane Kiss’ again its uptempo, gang vocals snarled out with a whirling rhythm and sweet guitar lick.  Certainly one to chant along to but please be careful not to spill your beer as you windmill franticly.


The record is sent into overdrive with the piano tonking ‘Main Muscle’.  Don’t believe me check out the track in the video below and then tell me that the band don’t hit the bullseye. From the rapid 12 bar riff to that one-fingered piano thump to the earworm vocal melody right through to the classic Faces like solo.  It’s absolutely all killer no filler.  With only six tracks there’s no time to slow things down or take a breather or chuck in an album track its literally one after the other rap round the head send you dizzy Rockers of the very highest standard.  There’s some cool as slide guitar work happening on the excellent  ‘Tal’m Bout’.

With time to throw in a bit of boogie in the shape of ‘Move Over’ there’s just time for vinyl only track ‘Get Ghost’ and these half dozen shots of Rock and Roll will leave you begging for more. RMBLR have finally entered the game and can’t keep their poker face on any longer its shit or bust time and for an opening offering, they’ve only gone and hit the jackpot and set the bar exceptionally high.  Now, all we need is for venues to open up and get these gents over to Europe to share the noise and kick some ass.

If you’re looking to spend some dosh on a new band you might not have heard of then I’m suggesting you hit the links and take the plunge, you will not regret one second of owning this EP.  It’s got attitude, it’s got confidence, it’s got tunes (boy has it got tunes), power pop, old school hard rock, punk rock spit n pogo, handclaps, iggy and the stooges one finger barroom piano, some Faces swagger what more do you want?  – it’s a must-have record if you have any sort of taste but be quick this will sell out fast! snooze you lose!


Buy it Here (Wanda Europe) or Here (Spaghetty Town Records USA)


Author: Dom Daley

We’ve got a few suggestions this Bandcamp Friday and we’ve kept it lean for you so get yer credit card out and come with us on the Bandcamp Friday journey kicking off with a couple of recommendations from some artists we love and then a few labels who do such a great job of releasing some of our favourite records.  There are others that haven’t quite gone live at the time of writing such as a long out of sale Loyalties release you should go find and Steve Conte has an offer today



‘Be There’ (369 Music) is the next single from The Dowling Poole. Listen to the track on Soundcloud here.

It will be released on Friday the 7th of March for Bandcamp Friday when the music platform waives their fees and all revenue goes straight to the artists.

‘Be There’ features guest appearances from long time collaboratorAndy Lewis (Jackdaw4, Sugar Plum Fairies, Jocasta), on bass. Darby Todd guests on drums. Darby’s recently played with Martin Barr (Jethro Tull), The Darkness and Kee Marcello (Europe) and featured on the recent The Dowling Poole songs ‘We Are The Noise’ and ‘Slow Genocide’.

Recorded in different locations in France and the UK, Jon and Willie are busy writing their fourth album to be released later this year.

Author: Martin Chamarette


Another favourite round here is Rich Ragany & The Digressions so check out the latest tune Here

“There’s a place in the universe callled Boötes Void… where it’s near empty. It’s also been called “The Great Nothing”.  A supervoid. One of the largest-known voids in the universe. Surrounded by galaxies and light.

It is believed the scale of the void is such that if the Milky Way had been in the center of the Boötes Void, we wouldn’t have known there were other galaxies until the 1960s.
That’s how long it would have taken light to travel… to journey through the darkness.

The song is from the perspective of someone who is within darkness in their lives and can’t unsee it.
Then, sees it in everything. Maybe even becomes it. But finds that through the very act of experience, and through the struggle of moving forward, can begin to see the warmth and light that also exists.

I find it very moving and inspiring that, even in the expanses of space, where there is cold chaotic changes that routinely destroy, that life and creation can, and do, emerge.

The idea of all these galaxies and filaments surrounding Boötes Void is light giving it a frame that can eventually travel through to the other side, is a comforting thought.

Not always easy… but our eyes, our hearts and spirits can stretch to see something beautiful.

I try to remember this (with varying degrees of success) when things get really rough… old ghosts and doubts whisper in my ear and tell me I am alone, not worthy or with no direction.

Stretch to see something beautiful.  That was the feeling I had when writing it.  Please forgive me if it’s a clumsy metaphor.  It’s not so linear that it can’t be interpreted for your own experience (or hopefully, it will just sound pleasing to you).”  What more can we add to that?


Some others who should benefit from Bandcamp Friday would be those independent labels who are the beating heart of the underground scenes we all love so much.  A few of our favourites would be Beluga Records from out of Sweden who have their Bandcamp page and offer some amazing records we’ve had many an hour rocking out to some of their releases and records they put out.


Some of the recent records they’ve put out have been fantastic such as More Kicks, Jordan Jones, Mud City Manglers and most recently a nice compilation from Asteroid B-612 and most recently a cracking single from The Erratix.



Heading south you have Ghost Highway Records outta Madrid Spain.  They’ve long championed underground garage rock and all other sub-genres including power pop, punk rock and more.  Some of their recent releases that deserve people’s attention would be The Boatsmen and their superb ‘Verses The Boatsmen’ album they co-released as well as the tribute to the New Bomb Turks compilation.  They’ve long been champions of UK kings of garage noise The Hip Priests and given access to some of America’s finest in the shape of Jeff Dahl, Electric Frankenstein and Pat Todd.  A worthy benefactor of anyone’s Rock and Roll coin on Bandcamp Friday.


How about heading across the pond to Spaghetty Town Records and a label who’s partnered up with their European brothers in vinyl.  they’ve also brought to the party some epic Rock and Roll records most recently in the shape of RMBLR who’ve just dropped their new EP and Spaghetty Town is the perfect label for these scuzzy rockers. The label has a wealth of great titles so you could do a lot worse things this Friday than delve through the Spaghetty Town wormhole and head off on a rockin’ discovery trip.


Heavy Medication Records have for a while had records reviewed on RPM and more recently put out a couple of really impressive releases primarily a New Bomb Turks tribute that’s available through their Bandcamp page.  Based in Warsaw Poland the label have been responsible for Doojiman & The Exploders record that’s a must-own as well as records from Poison Hearts.  Hit em up




What about some Taken By Suprise records?  Out of München, Germany the label does a fine service if punk rock n Power Pop is your thing then they have a big catalogue up on Bandcamp that deserves your attention.  Releases from The Briefs, Suspect Parts and more recently Neighbourhood Brats.  you certainly won’t be disappointed with your catch if decide to dip in.



TNS Records out of Manchester have some cracking offers up for Bandcamp Friday as well and in turn, help support some great punk rock bands such as Wales finest Pizza Tramp.  The new Jodie Faster is also a fine addition to their catalogue.  They also do a Spotify list of New Punk Friday where they champion the best in punk, Hardcore and Ska tracks released recently.  A label that does tireless work for a scene that deserves our attention.


Another German label that has always had the back of punk rock and roll is Wanda Records.  With some excellent releases from Peter & The Berlin Blackouts and Mom the label has always delivered brilliant product and ship anywhere (or the UK at least).  They’ll also be handling the Euro distro of the new RMBLR EP which is good for those having palpitations when faced with some of the overseas shipping fees.


Finally, another label releasing really good records is Drunken Sailor Records Banging out new bands and records like its nobodys business.  Drunken Sailor also struck a distro deal to handle Australias finest Stiff Richards that should be Sold Out but they don’t hang about and are also pressing up a couple of new records that are also available for you digital fiends in the shape of Australias Jackson Reid Briggs & The Heaters out on digital through the label but coming soon on vinyl.  They trawl through the worlds best underground bands to fit into their vision of what makes a great records and release it for our listening pleasure.  Head down to their Bandcamp page and get lost investigating what they have to offer and grab yourself a new favourite band.


RMBLR show their lighter side with the release of “Main Muscle” from the MF/EP,

coming soon

(Atlanta, GA)  The release of RMBLR’s 6 song MF/EP is so close to seeing daylight, out officially in June.  But we wanted to give you another sneak peek at the MF/EP.

“Main Muscle” shows the lighter side of RMBLR, but please, proceed with caution. There’s nothing soft about this track, and the vocals are more savage than the “Macho Man” himself. Wild west piano tapping helps to elevate the track into a saloon style brawl.

“Main Muscle” will be available on all streaming/download outlets on May 14, 2021.

The RMBLR MF/EP will be out in June 2021. In North America on Spaghetty Town Records and in Europe on Wanda Records (Germany).  The MF/EP will be available on vinyl and digital formats.

From the opening guitar roll and just from the tone I knew Mom was a band I wanted to hear and as the song opened up with some nice riff-o-la and a happy-go-lucky hook on the melody things were looking up.  It’s summer with the soft top down kinda Rock and Roll.  The solo soars and another power pop drop of goodness is released into the ether.  Mom nailed it. ‘Pleasure Island is the sound of a band who love their Rock and Roll and appreciates what it takes to pen a rounded slice of ear candy, take ‘Ordinary Girl’ for example.  its got duelling guitar solos – handclaps – a chorus that sounds like it fell outta a US sitcom from the early 70s’ it would no doubt get the Fonz turning his collar up and putting another dime in the jukebox baby.


They could be close relatives of bands like The Speedways and what’s not to like about ‘Suzie (Use Me)’ as they tick off another power pop room 101 essential as that cowbell gets tapped in time with the beat as the couplets fall out of the speakers.  ‘Don’t Leave With My Heart’ has the wonderfully named Annie Stesia playing the synthesizer and lending her vocals to proceedings adding another texture to the already dreamy power-pop on offer.


‘Waste My Time’ is Exploding Hearts territory whilst ‘Soda Pop’ is something you’d imagine Tuk Smith penning. ‘Pleasure Island’ is in that ballpark and the reference points I’ve made are the kind of bands Mom would go on a never-ending tour with and fans would lap it up.  It’s eleven songs of high quality fairly similarly paced except for ‘Talk To Me’ which closes off the album with its acoustic-electric mood.  Possibly more laid back but no step back in the quality of the songs on offer.  Hell if I found more information about the band I’d help you out but Mom seem to be quite private and let the album do their talking and it doesn’t shut up.  Power pop fans need to check these out asap.

Buy Mom Here