You get an instant high from the runaway riffarama of ‘Mouthful Of Snakes’ and in an instant the vibrant uptempo post-punk hits you square between the eyes coming on like Hot Snakes.  The guitars sound fantastic from the off and there is no relenting as ‘Dark Thoughts’ slam dances into your speakers.

This German band is definitely influenced by those Californian Rocket from the crypt boys but they have their unique DNA in this as well.

Ten tracks that never outstay their welcome and by the sounds of it weren’t labored over in the studio either which has helped maintain the live feel and the vibrancy of the recordings. There is an air of familiarity here and songs like ‘Face Up To The Mist’ sound familiar. However, its got a tonne of energy and the way the year is heading its the closest your gonna get to pogoing on the spot in front of your stereo and with the energy level you’ll require to keep up it’ll be some workout. 

‘7070s’ is a royal banger with its hypnotic screaming guitar break its a real contender and, trust me at volume sounds fantastic.  You’ll be punching the air before you’ve finished the first chorus of “7070s”.  Bands like Zero Zeroes must be chomping at the bit to get out there and blast these out in some sweaty club and I’m sure that when the time is right the gang vocal sing-along of ‘Le Fay’ will be like the best night out in an age.

There is also a healthy dose of Ramones in songs like ‘Three Foxes’ which is never a bad thing either. The floor tom gets a good seeing to on ‘Tamam Shud’.  To be fair this is an excellent album full to bursting with decent songs and another quality Drunken Sailor Record to help you through the pandemic.  What else are you going to spend your money on?  Dive in!

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Author: Dom Daley