Well, to be fair there must be some great genes in the Leigh household seeing as Mickey and his bro both had a heartbeat that played a straight four four beat and when they were cut they would bleed royal rock n roll blood. It’s been a while since that Noo Yawk Drawl was laid onto some wax and ‘Variant OfVibe’ the family gene is carried forth in style as Mickey sure does know how to carry a Rock and Roll tune and dance to his own beat.
Mickey might well be better known as the guy who wrote the book ‘I Slept With Joey Ramone’ (as it goes Netflix is turning it into a film) anyway I digress. ‘Variant Of Vibe’ stands tall on top of the wave that’s rolling through my speakers. Sure there is a similarity in the vocal style why wouldn’t there be? Hard to believe this is his first solo album considering he’s been in and around this scene since the early 70s. I guess it’s fair to say he was indeed paying attention because he’s delivered a pretty impressive album. ‘Trouble Man’ is a barnstormer, kicking up dust just like you’d imagine but with clarity and style.
Whilst I’m on the subject of rockers ‘No Fun Anymore’ is right out of the same ballpark Stiv Bators solo stuff was around the time of the LA La sessions. uptempo, vibrant, catchy, and really well produced – nailing the sound that he needed to elevate these punchy power-pop nuggets.
He can do dramatic as well, with the Fuzztones like ‘Go Home Anne’ that has that organ swirl that leads a really cool tune that has an early Stranglers style to it mixing it up. Hot on the heels is the alternative 80s sound of ‘Spanish Eyes’. With the album housing fourteen tracks Mickey almost had two albums worth so you really get your moneys worth as ‘Loneliness’ has him draw on some Bob Dylan vocal stylings for inspiration on this slow burner.
I like Mickey’s unassuming, humble style as he describes what he does, “This may sound complicated, but, it’s only rock n roll. and we love it and don’t want to see it become extinct! Mutated Music = Rescuing Rock ‘n Roll, One Song At a Time.” and he’s right. He is helping save rock and roll one song at a time. Whatever style he adopts be sure that the song needs it, be it straight-up rocker (‘Brave Old World’) or a little punk rock with more energy (‘Lost In Space’) or a bit of balladeering (‘When The Truth Is On Trial’). Mickey uses the light as well as the shade to offer up a multitude of flavours but still the same bottom line – It might Only be Rock n Roll kids, but I like it! I like it a lot cheers Mickey you rool!
Author: Dom Daley
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